Görme engelli tüketicilerin alışveriş deneyimlerinde karşılaştıkları sorunlar üzerine bir inceleme
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: İlk temel insan hakları sözleşmesi olan Birleşmiş Milletler Evrensel İnsan Hakları Beyannamesi’nde, engelli bireylerin toplumsal hayatta yer edinmeleri ve topluma sunulan hizmetlerin engelli bireyler için erişilebilir olması için kişisel, sosyal, fiziksel, yasal, eğitimsel, sağlıksal birçok hak yer almaktadır. Bu sözleşmenin dokuzuncu maddesinde yer alan “Erişilebilirlik” hükmünün taraf devletler tarafından topluma entegre edilmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır. İşletmeler ve tüketiciler için küresel problemlerden biri olan market erişilebilirliği, Birleşmiş Milletler Engelli Hakları Sözleşmesi’ne taraf devletlerin uygulanması için teşvik ettiği Evrensel Tasarım’ın temel prensiplerinden biridir (Smith & Preiser, 2011). Evrensel Tasarım görme engellilerin kendi başlarına alışveriş deneyimi gerçekleştirmeleri için büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu bireylerin alışveriş yapmak istedikleri yerlere rahatça ulaşabilmesi, market/mağaza içindeki alışveriş deneyimini kolaylıkla gerçekleştirebilmesi için hem yaşadıkları çevrenin hem de market/mağaza tasarımının Evrensel Tasarım ilkelerine uyumlu olması gerekmektedir. Türkiye’de bulunan alışveriş yerlerinin Evrensel Tasarım ilkelerine göre tasarlanmamış olması ve bundan ötürü de erişilebilir olmaması neticesinde, görme engelli tüketiciler alışveriş süreçlerinde birçok problemle karşı karşıya kalmaktadırlar. Araştırma kapsamında görme engelli bireylerin alışveriş yolculuklarında yaşadıkları zorlukları ve karşılaştıkları sorunları anlamak, dahası bu sorunlara yönelik çözüm önerileri bulmak amacıyla görme engelli katılımcılarla alışveriş deneyimleri hakkında birebir görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın nihai hedefi literatürde bu konuda yapılan çalışmalara katkı sağlayarak, elde edilen bulgular ile görme engelli kişilerin alışverişlerini minimum destekle gerçekleştirebilmeleri için alışveriş yerlerinin Evrensel Tasarım ilkelerine göre iyileştirilmelerine destek olmaktır.
ABSTRACT: In the United Nations - Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the first major human rights convention, there are various individual, social, physical, legal, educational and health-related rights so that the disabled people can take part in social life and the services provided to the society become accessible to people with disabilities as well. It is of great importance that the "Accessibility" provision regulated in the ninth article of this convention is integrated into the society by the contracting states. Market accessibility, which is one of the global problems for businesses and consumers, is one of the basic principles of Universal Design, the implementation of which is encouraged by the parties to the United Nations - Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Smith & Preiser, 2011). Universal Design is of great importance for visually impaired people to have a shopping experience on their own. In order for these individuals to easily reach the places they want to shop at and to have an easy shopping experience in a market/store, both the environment they live in, and the design of the relevant market/store must be compatible with the principles of Universal Design. Since the shopping venues in Turkey are not designed in accordance with the Universal Design principles and as such are not accessible, visually impaired consumers face many problems in their shopping journeys. Within the scope of the research, one-on-one interviews were held with visually impaired participants about their shopping experiences in order to understand the challenges and problems faced by the visually impaired people during their shopping journeys, and moreover, to find solutions for these problems. The ultimate goal of the research is to contribute to the studies on this subject in the literature, and to support the improvement of shopping venues in accordance with the principles of Universal Design, so that visually impaired people can do their shopping with minimum external support.
ABSTRACT: In the United Nations - Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the first major human rights convention, there are various individual, social, physical, legal, educational and health-related rights so that the disabled people can take part in social life and the services provided to the society become accessible to people with disabilities as well. It is of great importance that the "Accessibility" provision regulated in the ninth article of this convention is integrated into the society by the contracting states. Market accessibility, which is one of the global problems for businesses and consumers, is one of the basic principles of Universal Design, the implementation of which is encouraged by the parties to the United Nations - Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Smith & Preiser, 2011). Universal Design is of great importance for visually impaired people to have a shopping experience on their own. In order for these individuals to easily reach the places they want to shop at and to have an easy shopping experience in a market/store, both the environment they live in, and the design of the relevant market/store must be compatible with the principles of Universal Design. Since the shopping venues in Turkey are not designed in accordance with the Universal Design principles and as such are not accessible, visually impaired consumers face many problems in their shopping journeys. Within the scope of the research, one-on-one interviews were held with visually impaired participants about their shopping experiences in order to understand the challenges and problems faced by the visually impaired people during their shopping journeys, and moreover, to find solutions for these problems. The ultimate goal of the research is to contribute to the studies on this subject in the literature, and to support the improvement of shopping venues in accordance with the principles of Universal Design, so that visually impaired people can do their shopping with minimum external support.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Görme Engelli, Alışveriş Deneyimi, Erişilebilirlik, Körlük, Evrensel Tasarım, Visually Impaired People, Shopping Experience, Accesibility, Blindness, Universal Design