Demokratik ve totaliter rejimlerde yürütülen politik pazarlama yöntem benzerlikleri: Çin ve İsveç siyasi rejim incelemeleri
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Politik pazarlama seçim kampanyaları odaklı politik pazarlama, hükümet araçları odaklı politik pazarlama ve uluslararası politik pazarlama olarak üç kategoriye ayrılmaktadır. Her kategori birbirlerine bağlı olmakla birlikte sorumlu oldukları alanlarda farklı çalışmalar yürüterek ortak bir hedefte ülke içerisindeki yönetimi ellerinde tutmak veya yönetimden pay almak için kullanmaktadır. Politik pazarlama aktivitelerini kullanırken oy ve ikna süreçleri hem iç hem de dış siyasetin çerçevesini belirlemektedir. İç siyaset için kullanılan seçim kampanyaları ve paydaşlarla yürütülen aktiviteler, dış siyaset için ülkenin uluslararası imajını ve hem diplomatik hem de ekonomik gücünü yumuşak güç kavramı ile pekiştirmektedir. Dünya sistemindeki ülkelerin kendi içlerinde uyguladıkları politik pazarlama aktiviteleri farklılık gösterse de uluslararası arenada ülkelerin kültürler arası politik pazarlama stratejileri diplomatik sonuçları bakımından benzerlik gösterebilmektedir. Bu bağlamda bu araştırmada, politik sistemler zincirinde farklı iki kutup olarak örneklendirilebilen Çin ve İsveç’in iç siyasetlerine kullanılan politik faaliyetler ve uluslararası arenada yer alan örgütlere katılım süreçleri kendi iç dinamikleri dışında kültürler arası politik pazarlama stratejilerinde ve bu örgütlere kabulleriyle birlikte politik pazarlama tanımının demokratik çerçevede sınırlı kalmayıp küresel doktiriner sistemlerde de kullanılabileceği yönünde bir araştırma gerçekleştirilecektir.
ABSTRACT: Political marketing is divided into three categories as political campaigns focused political marketing; government instruments focused political marketing and international political marketing. While each of these categories are connected to each other, they conduct various studies in their specific responsibility areas to be used for holding governing power in the country or for taking a share from the country’s governing power within a shared goal. When using political marketing activities, voting and persuasion processes are designating both domestic and foreign policy’s framework. Election campaigns that are used for domestic policies also activities that are conducted with partners for foreign policies are consolidating country’s international image both with diplomatic power and soft power concepts. Even though the political marketing activities applied internally by countries in world system shows divergence, still countries’ intercultural political marketing strategies might show similarities in terms of diplomatic results within international arena. In this context, the participation processes to organizations of China and Sweden that partakes in both domestic regulations and international arena which could be exemplified as two different poles in political systems chain, are trying to prove that these could be used at in their intercultural political marketing strategies other that their internal dynamics and with their acceptance to these organizations could be used at global doctrinarian systems by not limiting itself within democratic framework or political marketing.
ABSTRACT: Political marketing is divided into three categories as political campaigns focused political marketing; government instruments focused political marketing and international political marketing. While each of these categories are connected to each other, they conduct various studies in their specific responsibility areas to be used for holding governing power in the country or for taking a share from the country’s governing power within a shared goal. When using political marketing activities, voting and persuasion processes are designating both domestic and foreign policy’s framework. Election campaigns that are used for domestic policies also activities that are conducted with partners for foreign policies are consolidating country’s international image both with diplomatic power and soft power concepts. Even though the political marketing activities applied internally by countries in world system shows divergence, still countries’ intercultural political marketing strategies might show similarities in terms of diplomatic results within international arena. In this context, the participation processes to organizations of China and Sweden that partakes in both domestic regulations and international arena which could be exemplified as two different poles in political systems chain, are trying to prove that these could be used at in their intercultural political marketing strategies other that their internal dynamics and with their acceptance to these organizations could be used at global doctrinarian systems by not limiting itself within democratic framework or political marketing.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Politik Pazarlama, Uluslararası Politik Pazarlama, Demokrasi, Totalitarizm, Political Marketing, International Political Marketing, Democracy, Totalitarianism