Ceza hukuku bağlamında mobbing
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Günümüz rekabetçi iş dünyası ve karmaşık dinamiklerinde, işyerinde insan onurunun korunması temel bir hak olarak ortaya çıkmış hem çalışanları hem de işverenleri psikolojik tacizden uzak bir ortam inşa etmeye zorlamıştır. Böylece, insan değerine saygı duyan ve iş barışını sağlamayı hedefleyen bir ortamın yaratılması zaruri hale gelmiştir. Bu anlamda mobbing olarak da ifade edebileceğimiz söz konusu psikolojik taciz olgusu genel olarak, iş yerinde hedef alınan kişiye karşı tekrarlanan düşmanca eylemler, kötü muamele, tehdit, şiddet ve aşağılamayı içermekte, anlık çatışmalardan veya anlaşmazlıklardan daha geniş bir kapsamı ifade etmekte ve bir kişinin mobbing davranışlarının hedefi haline gelmesiyle başlayan sistematik bir süreci temsil etmektedir. Bu araştırmanın merkezinde, mevcut yasal tedbirleri değerlendirerek ve insan onuruna yakışır çalışma koşulları ilkesinin önemini göz önünde bulundurarak, mobbingin Türk Ceza Hukuku sistemi içerisinde bağımsız bir suç türü olarak düzenlenip düzenlenmemesi gerektiği değerlendirilmektedir. Sonuç olarak, yasal olarak kavranabilir bir olgu olarak kapsamlı bir şekilde anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunmayı ve Türkiye’deki bu yaygın sorunla etkili şekilde mücadele etmesinin değerlendirilmesini amaçlayan çalışma, özellikle ceza hukuku bağlamında mobbinge odaklanmakta ve kavramın hukuki boyutlarını, suç oluşumunu ve cezalarını Türk Ceza Hukuku çerçevesinde analiz etmektedir. Tez, giriş ve sonuç bölümleri haricinde üç ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, Türk hukukunda mobbingin teorik incelemesi yapılmakta, tarihsel arka planı, kavramsal temelleri ve ayrıntılı unsurları ele alınmaktadır. İkinci bölüm, mobbingin ulusal ve uluslararası düzeydeki yasal çerçevesini incelemekte, böylece küresel perspektife ve Türk mevzuatı için potansiyel sonuçlara ışık tutulmaktadır. Son olarak, üçüncü bölümde, mobbing farklı suç türleri merceğinden incelenmekte, faillerin cezai sorumluluğu ve karşılaşabilecekleri potansiyel hukuki sonuçlar araştırılmaktadır.
ABSTRACT: In today's competitive business world and complex dynamics, protecting human dignity in the workplace has emerged as a fundamental right, forcing employees and employers to build an environment free from psychological harassment. Thus, creating an environment that respects human dignity and aims to ensure work peace has become essential. In this sense, the phenomenon of psychological harassment, which we can also refer to as mobbing, generally includes repeated hostile actions, mistreatment, threats, violence and humiliation against the targeted person in the workplace, expresses a broader scope than momentary conflicts or disagreements, and represents a systematic process that begins when a person becomes the target of mobbing behaviors. At the centre of this research is evaluating whether mobbing should be regulated as an independent type of crime within the Turkish Criminal Law system by assessing the existing legal measures and considering the importance of the principle of decent working conditions. In conclusion, the study, which aims to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of mobbing as a legally comprehensible phenomenon and to evaluate how existing legal measures effectively combat this widespread problem in the context of Turkey, focuses on mobbing, particularly in the context of criminal law, and analyses the legal dimensions of mobbing within the framework of Turkish Criminal Law. The thesis comprises three main chapters, excluding the introduction and conclusion. The first chapter discusses the theoretical analysis of mobbing in Turkish law, its historical background, conceptual foundations and detailed elements. The second part analyses the legal framework of mobbing at the national and international levels. Existing laws, conventions and case law on mobbing are analysed to shed light on the global perspective and potential implications for Turkish legislation. Finally, in the third part, mobbing is analysed through the lens of different types of offences, and the criminal liability of the perpetrators and the potential legal consequences they may face are investigated.
ABSTRACT: In today's competitive business world and complex dynamics, protecting human dignity in the workplace has emerged as a fundamental right, forcing employees and employers to build an environment free from psychological harassment. Thus, creating an environment that respects human dignity and aims to ensure work peace has become essential. In this sense, the phenomenon of psychological harassment, which we can also refer to as mobbing, generally includes repeated hostile actions, mistreatment, threats, violence and humiliation against the targeted person in the workplace, expresses a broader scope than momentary conflicts or disagreements, and represents a systematic process that begins when a person becomes the target of mobbing behaviors. At the centre of this research is evaluating whether mobbing should be regulated as an independent type of crime within the Turkish Criminal Law system by assessing the existing legal measures and considering the importance of the principle of decent working conditions. In conclusion, the study, which aims to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of mobbing as a legally comprehensible phenomenon and to evaluate how existing legal measures effectively combat this widespread problem in the context of Turkey, focuses on mobbing, particularly in the context of criminal law, and analyses the legal dimensions of mobbing within the framework of Turkish Criminal Law. The thesis comprises three main chapters, excluding the introduction and conclusion. The first chapter discusses the theoretical analysis of mobbing in Turkish law, its historical background, conceptual foundations and detailed elements. The second part analyses the legal framework of mobbing at the national and international levels. Existing laws, conventions and case law on mobbing are analysed to shed light on the global perspective and potential implications for Turkish legislation. Finally, in the third part, mobbing is analysed through the lens of different types of offences, and the criminal liability of the perpetrators and the potential legal consequences they may face are investigated.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ceza Hukuku, Mobbing, Çalışma Hayatı, Suç, İnsan Hakları, Criminal Law, Work Life, Crime, Human Rights