Gemi inşa sözleşmelerinde tarafların hak ve yükümlülükleri
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Gemi insa sözlesmeleri, son yıllarda ülkemiz ve dünya piyasasında yasanangelismelerin paralelinde deniz ticaret hukukunun incelenmesi gereken en önemlimeselelerinden biri hâline gelmistir. Söz konusu sözlesmelerin irdelenebilmeleribakımından öncelikle sözlesmenin esaslı unsurları belirlenmis, bu çerçevedesözlesmenin Türk Hukukuna ve uluslararası uygulamaya göre hukuki niteliğitespit olunmus, tespit olunan hukuki niteliğe göre ve keza uygulamadaki sözlesmetürleri göz önünde bulundurulmak suretiyle tarafların hak ve yükümlülükleri ayrıayrı ele alınmıstır. Sonuçta, gemi insa sözlesmesi yapılırken göz önündebulundurulması gereken önemli noktalar belirlenmis; Türk Hukukunun‘uygulanacak hukuk’ olarak seçilmesi hâlinde uyulması gereken emredicikaideleri tespit olunmuştur.
In recent years, shipbuilding contracts, in line with the latest developments in bothlocal and world markets, have become one of the most important aspects ofmaritime law which required a more specific approach and attention beimplemented. For the purpose of reviewing the said contracts, initially, the mainaspects of those contracts are defined, followed by establishing of the legal natureand context of such contracts with respect to and in comparison with therequirements of Turkish and international maritime law, also the rights andobligations of the parties concerned are then individually reviewed. Ultimately,important aspects to be considered when signing shipbuilding contracts areevaluated; the statutory rules, in case of choice of Turkish Law as the “applicablelaw”, are defined in accordance.
In recent years, shipbuilding contracts, in line with the latest developments in bothlocal and world markets, have become one of the most important aspects ofmaritime law which required a more specific approach and attention beimplemented. For the purpose of reviewing the said contracts, initially, the mainaspects of those contracts are defined, followed by establishing of the legal natureand context of such contracts with respect to and in comparison with therequirements of Turkish and international maritime law, also the rights andobligations of the parties concerned are then individually reviewed. Ultimately,important aspects to be considered when signing shipbuilding contracts areevaluated; the statutory rules, in case of choice of Turkish Law as the “applicablelaw”, are defined in accordance.