Türk hukukunda destekten yoksun kalma tazminatının belirlenmesi
Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Desteğin yardımından mahrum kalan kimselerin uğradıkları zararın giderilmesi destekten yoksun kalma tazminatı ile mümkündür. Bu tazminat türü, asli ve bağımsız bir hakka dayanmakta olup yansıma zarar niteliğini haiz olması nedeniyle istisnai özellik teşkil etmektedir. Destekten yoksun kalma tazminatında geleceğe ilişkin tespit ve hesaplamalar yapıldığından varsayımsal kabullere dayanılması zorunludur. Çalışmamızın birinci ve ikinci bölümlerinde destekten yoksun kalma tazminatı hakkında genel bilgilere, yasal dayanaklara, özelliklerine ve şartlarına yer verilmiş, bu konular genel hatlarıyla açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde çalışmamızın temel amacı olan destekten yoksun kalma tazminatında zararın nasıl belirlendiği, tazminatın hâkim tarafından hangi esaslara göre takdir edildiği, tazminattan indirim nedenleri ile geçmişten bugüne kullanılmış ve uygulamada halen geçerli hesaplama yöntemleri net ve anlaşılır şekilde açıklanmıştır. Çalışmamızın en önemli özelliği zarar ve tazminat hesaplamasına esas olan kriterlerin son yıllara ait güncel Yargıtay kararları ile desteklenmesi, son dönem uygulamalarının ayrıntılı şekilde açıklanmasıdır. Dördüncü bölümde ise destekten yoksun kalma tazminatında ödeme biçimleri ve uygulanacak faiz hususlarında gerekli açıklamalara yer verilerek çalışmamız sonlandırılmıştır.
ABSTRACT: It is possible to compensate any damage incurred by the persons, who are deprived of assistance, through the compensation for loss of support. Such compensation is based on a substantive and independent right, and it is of exceptional nature due to the fact that it has the nature of damage by reflection. The compensation for loss of support is required to be based on the hypothetical acceptances due to the fact that the determinations and calculations are performed with respect to the future. In the first two parts of the study, any general information about the compensation for loss of support, legal grounds, characteristics, terms and conditions, is provided, and such matters are tried to be described in general terms. The third part clearly describes how the loss is determined with respect to the compensation for loss of support, which constitutes the main purpose of the study, and the principles based on which the compensation is determined by the judge, and the reasons for deduction from the compensation, and the long established calculation methods. The most significant feature of the study is that the criteria, which constitute the basis for calculation of the loss and compensation, are supported by the recent Supreme Court decisions, and that the recent practices are described in detail. The fourth part includes the necessary information about the payment methods of the compensation for loss of support as well as about the interest to be charged, and the study has been concluded accordingly.
ABSTRACT: It is possible to compensate any damage incurred by the persons, who are deprived of assistance, through the compensation for loss of support. Such compensation is based on a substantive and independent right, and it is of exceptional nature due to the fact that it has the nature of damage by reflection. The compensation for loss of support is required to be based on the hypothetical acceptances due to the fact that the determinations and calculations are performed with respect to the future. In the first two parts of the study, any general information about the compensation for loss of support, legal grounds, characteristics, terms and conditions, is provided, and such matters are tried to be described in general terms. The third part clearly describes how the loss is determined with respect to the compensation for loss of support, which constitutes the main purpose of the study, and the principles based on which the compensation is determined by the judge, and the reasons for deduction from the compensation, and the long established calculation methods. The most significant feature of the study is that the criteria, which constitute the basis for calculation of the loss and compensation, are supported by the recent Supreme Court decisions, and that the recent practices are described in detail. The fourth part includes the necessary information about the payment methods of the compensation for loss of support as well as about the interest to be charged, and the study has been concluded accordingly.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Destek, Tazminat, Yansıma Zarar, Destekten yoksun kalma, Hesaplama Yöntemleri, Support, Compensation, Damage by Reflection, Loss of Support, Calculation Methods