İhtiyati haciz kararına karşı borçluya tanınan hukuki başvuru yolları
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Klasik geçici hukuki koruma önlemlerinden biri olan ihtiyati haciz, para alacağına ilişkin müstakbel veya mevcut icra takibinin sonucunun güvence altına alınması amacıyla, borçlunun malvarlığı değerlerine geçici olarak el konulmasını sağlar. İhtiyati haciz müessesesinin bu amacının bir gereği olarak, ihtiyati haciz kararı verilinceye kadar alacaklının menfaatlerinin ön planda tutulması ve bu aşamada borçluya savunma imkânı tanınmaması mümkündür. “İhtiyati Haciz Kararına Karşı Borçluya Tanınan Hukuki Başvuru Yolları” isimli çalışmamızda, menfaat dengesinin sağlanması adına ihtiyati haciz kararına karşı borçluya tanınan hukuki başvuru yolları, bu konuda mevzuatımızda meydana gelen değişiklikler de göz önünde bulundurularak mercek altına alınmıştır. İhtiyati haciz kararının uygulamada çoğu durumda borçlu dinlenilmeden verilmesi nedeniyle, çalışmamızın birinci bölümünde borçlunun ihtiyati haciz kararına itiraz yoluna başvurarak karşı koyması detaylı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. Borçlunun ihtiyati haciz kararına karşı koymasını sağlayan diğer hukuki yollar ise Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu ve İcra ve İflas Kanunu hükümleri göz önünde bulundurularak ikinci bölümde ele alınmıştır.
ABSTRACT: As one of the classical temporary legal protection measures, precautionary attachment allows for the assets of a debtor to be temporarily seized, with the purpose of securing the result of a potential or ongoing execution proceeding for monetary receivables. As required by the purpose of the precautionary attachment, it is possible to upheld the interests of creditors until a decision is given for precautionary attachment and not to offer debtors a chance to defend against the claim. In our study titled “Legal Remedies Available to Debtors Against Precautionary Attachment Decisions”, the legal remedies allowed to debtors in order to ensure the balance of interests shall be examined, in the light of changes in our legislation. As precautionary attachment decisions are frequently given without hearing debtors in practice, the first chapter of our study is a detailed examination of opposition by debtors against precautionary attachment decisions by way of objection. Other legal remedies available for debtors to resist precautionary attachment decisions are reviewed in the second chapter, taking into consideration the provisions of Civil Procedure Law and Execution and Bankruptcy Law.
ABSTRACT: As one of the classical temporary legal protection measures, precautionary attachment allows for the assets of a debtor to be temporarily seized, with the purpose of securing the result of a potential or ongoing execution proceeding for monetary receivables. As required by the purpose of the precautionary attachment, it is possible to upheld the interests of creditors until a decision is given for precautionary attachment and not to offer debtors a chance to defend against the claim. In our study titled “Legal Remedies Available to Debtors Against Precautionary Attachment Decisions”, the legal remedies allowed to debtors in order to ensure the balance of interests shall be examined, in the light of changes in our legislation. As precautionary attachment decisions are frequently given without hearing debtors in practice, the first chapter of our study is a detailed examination of opposition by debtors against precautionary attachment decisions by way of objection. Other legal remedies available for debtors to resist precautionary attachment decisions are reviewed in the second chapter, taking into consideration the provisions of Civil Procedure Law and Execution and Bankruptcy Law.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İhtiyati Haciz, Geçici Hukuki Koruma, İhtiyati Haciz Kararı, İhtiyati Haciz Kararına İtiraz, İhtiyati Haczin Kaldırılması, Precautionary Attachment, Temporary Legal Protection, Precautionary Attachment Decision, Objection to Precautionary Attachment Decision, Annulment of Precautionary Attachment