Klasik kamusal alandan sanal kamusal alana: demokrasi ve insan hakları ideali için normatif bir değerlendirme
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Kamusal alan kavramı, sosyal bilimler alanında disiplinlerarası incelemeyi gerektiren bir kavramdır. Aynı zamanda kamusal alan kavramının normatif içeriği, farklı düşünce geleneklerinden beslenen düşünürler tarafından farklı şekillerde kavramsallaştırılmış olup tartışmaya açık bir fenomen olarak kavramlar evreninde kendisine hususi bir yer edinmiştir. Bununla beraber kavramın içeriği, toplumsal ve ekonomik gelişmelere bağlı olarak değişen koşullara ve ortaya çıkan yeni olgulara rağmen demokrasi idealine ulaşmak için normatif bir ilke olma niteliğini bir şekilde korumayı başarmıştır. Kavramın bu niteliğini anlamak için kamusal ve özel alan arasındaki ayrımın tarihsel süreç içerisinde nasıl gerçekleştiğinin öncelikle anlaşılması gerektiği göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Ardından farklı düşünce geleneklerinden beslenen ve çalışmada “klasik kamusal alan modelleri” olarak isimlendirilen modellerin incelenmesiyle kamusal alan kavramının normatif içeriği belirli bir tarihsel süreç ve olgusal gelişmelere bağlı olarak daha açık bir şekilde ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Bununla beraber incelenen dört kamusal alan modelinin de kamusal alan kavramının normatif içeriğine dair yapmış oldukları belirlemelerin, günümüzün hâkim toplumsal ve ekonomik gelişmeleri doğrultusunda biçimlenen olgularını tam anlamıyla açıklamakta yetersiz olduğu kanaatine varılmıştır. Bu nedenle takip eden bölümde, sanal kamusal alan kavramsallaştırmasına başvurularak internetin yaygınlaşmasıyla beraber kamusal alanın yeni bir dönüşüm süreci içinde olup olmadığı tartışılmıştır. Bu noktada internetin özgün mimarisinden başlayarak Web 1.0 ve Web 2.0 dönemleri incelenmiş ve özellikle sosyal medya uygulamalarının sanal uzamda yaratmış olduğu kırılmaya odaklanılmıştır. Bu dönüşümü anlamak için ağ toplumu ve ağ bağlantılı kamular gibi bazı sosyolojik kavramsallaştırmalardan faydalanılmıştır. Ayrıca sanal xi kamusal alanın imkanlılığına dair literatürde hâkim olan iyimser, temkinli ve şüpheci yöndeki görüşlere başvurulmuştur. Son bölümde ise internet aracı şirketlerinin sanal kamusal alanla kurdukları ilişkiye ve onların sanal kamusal alan üzerinde yarattıkları birtakım risklere yoğunlaşılmıştır. Bu bağlamda sanal kamusal alanın demokrasi ideali için normatif bir ilke özelliğini sürdürebilmesi adına, internet aracı şirketlerinin insan haklarına saygı gösterme sorumlulukları meselesine daha fazla odaklanılmasının gerekliliğine temas edilmiştir. Bağlantılı olarak sanal kamusal alanın normatif değerinin güçlenebilmesi için iş dünyasının insan haklarına saygı gösterme sorumluluğu Birleşmiş Milletler’in sürdüregeldiği çalışmalar kapsamında incelenmiştir. Özellikle Rehber İlkeler’in çok paydaşlı, kapsayıcı ve bütüncül yaklaşımının, insan hakları ihlalleri risklerine karşı koruma, saygı gösterme ve telafi etme olmak üzere üc sac ayağı üzerine inşa ettiği mekanizmanın önemi vurgulanmıştır. Neticede demokrasi ideali bakımından kamusal alanın normatif değerinin 21. yüzyıl koşullarında korunabilmesinin yolunun Birleşmiş Milletler’in öncülüğünde, tüm muhatapların çıkarları dikkate alınarak ve kapsayıcı müzakere süreçleri yürütülerek, insan haklarının küresel ölçekte güçlendirilmesinden geçtiği sonucuna varılmıştır.
ABSTRACT: The phenomenon of the public sphere is a concept that requires interdisciplinary approach in the field of social sciences. At the same time, the normative substance of the phenomenon of public sphere has been conceptualized in different ways by thinkers from diverse thought traditions and has gained a unique place in the conceptual universe, as a controversial phenomenon. However, the normative substance of the phenomenon has somehow managed to preserve its characteristics as a normative principle in order to achieve the ideal of democracy, despite the fact that changing conditions and emerging current phenomena depending on social and economic developments. In order to understand concerned characteristics of the phenomenon, it should be taken into consideration that, it is required to initially comprehend how the differentiation between the public and private spheres took place in the historical process. The normative substance of the phenomenon has been thereafter revealed more depending on a certain historical process and factual developments by examining the models, which are derived from different thought traditions and named herein as “classical public sphere models” in the thesis. It has been nevertheless concluded that, the determinations of the examined four public sphere models with respect to the normative substance of the public sphere phenomenon are insufficient to profoundly explain the phenomena formed by today’s dominant social and economic developments. In the following section, it is therefore discussed whether the public sphere is in a new transformation process with the spread of the internet by making reference to the conceptualization of virtual public sphere. Starting from the authentic architecture of the internet, Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 periods were elaborated from this point on and particularly focused on the fraction created by social media applications in virtual space. Some sociological conceptualizations, such as the network society and networked publics, have been applied to ix comprehend concerned transformation. Moreover, the optimistic, cautious and skeptical viewpoints of the relevant literature on the possibleness of virtual public sphere were referred. The relationship between internet intermediary companies and the virtual public sphere and some risks said companies accordingly create on the virtual sphere are elaborated in the last section. In this context, the necessity of focusing more on the responsibilities of internet intermediary companies to respect human rights has been touched upon in order for the virtual public sphere to maintain its characteristics as a normative principle for the ideal of democracy. In conjunction with this matter, in order to strengthen the normative value of the virtual public sphere, the responsibilities of business to respect human rights have been examined within the scope of the ongoing actions of the United Nations. In particular, the significance of the mechanism that the multistakeholder, inclusive and holistic approach of the Guiding Principles, which builds on three pillars; namely, protect, respect and remedy against the risks of human rights violations, was emphasized. All in all, it has been concluded that the way to protect the normative value of the public sphere in concern with the democracy ideal in the 21st century conditions is through the strengthening of human rights on a global scale, under the leadership of the United Nations by taking into account the interests of all stakeholders and carrying out inclusive deliberation processes.
ABSTRACT: The phenomenon of the public sphere is a concept that requires interdisciplinary approach in the field of social sciences. At the same time, the normative substance of the phenomenon of public sphere has been conceptualized in different ways by thinkers from diverse thought traditions and has gained a unique place in the conceptual universe, as a controversial phenomenon. However, the normative substance of the phenomenon has somehow managed to preserve its characteristics as a normative principle in order to achieve the ideal of democracy, despite the fact that changing conditions and emerging current phenomena depending on social and economic developments. In order to understand concerned characteristics of the phenomenon, it should be taken into consideration that, it is required to initially comprehend how the differentiation between the public and private spheres took place in the historical process. The normative substance of the phenomenon has been thereafter revealed more depending on a certain historical process and factual developments by examining the models, which are derived from different thought traditions and named herein as “classical public sphere models” in the thesis. It has been nevertheless concluded that, the determinations of the examined four public sphere models with respect to the normative substance of the public sphere phenomenon are insufficient to profoundly explain the phenomena formed by today’s dominant social and economic developments. In the following section, it is therefore discussed whether the public sphere is in a new transformation process with the spread of the internet by making reference to the conceptualization of virtual public sphere. Starting from the authentic architecture of the internet, Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 periods were elaborated from this point on and particularly focused on the fraction created by social media applications in virtual space. Some sociological conceptualizations, such as the network society and networked publics, have been applied to ix comprehend concerned transformation. Moreover, the optimistic, cautious and skeptical viewpoints of the relevant literature on the possibleness of virtual public sphere were referred. The relationship between internet intermediary companies and the virtual public sphere and some risks said companies accordingly create on the virtual sphere are elaborated in the last section. In this context, the necessity of focusing more on the responsibilities of internet intermediary companies to respect human rights has been touched upon in order for the virtual public sphere to maintain its characteristics as a normative principle for the ideal of democracy. In conjunction with this matter, in order to strengthen the normative value of the virtual public sphere, the responsibilities of business to respect human rights have been examined within the scope of the ongoing actions of the United Nations. In particular, the significance of the mechanism that the multistakeholder, inclusive and holistic approach of the Guiding Principles, which builds on three pillars; namely, protect, respect and remedy against the risks of human rights violations, was emphasized. All in all, it has been concluded that the way to protect the normative value of the public sphere in concern with the democracy ideal in the 21st century conditions is through the strengthening of human rights on a global scale, under the leadership of the United Nations by taking into account the interests of all stakeholders and carrying out inclusive deliberation processes.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kamusal Alan, İnternet, Sanal Kamusal Alan, Birleşmiş Milletler Rehber İlkeleri, İnsan Hakları, Public Sphere, Internet, Virtual Public Sphere, United Nations Guiding Principles, Human Rights