İktidarın meşruiyetinin sinemada izdüşümü
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: İktidar, bir güç ilişkisi olmakla birlikte, karmaşık ve çok boyutlu bir yapıyı ifade eder. Hiçbir iktidar, salt güç kullanarak varlığını sürdüremeyeceğinden, bu ilişkinin kurulması ve devamlılığı, iktidara tabi olanlar nezdinde bir kabul gerektirir. Bu bağlamda iktidarı, meşruiyet kavramı ile birlikte ele almak gerekmektedir. Meşruiyet, tanrısal kaynaklardan ve doğaüstü güçlerden sağlanabildiği gibi, modernleşme ile dünyevi kaynaklarda aranmaya başlanmış ve insan aklını temel alan yasalar, iktidarın meşruiyetine dayanak oluşturmuştur. Tarih boyunca, iktidar ve ona tabi olanlar arasındaki ilişkinin dinamiklerine göre iktidarın meşruiyet sağlama biçimleri de değişiklik göstermiştir. Hobbes’un Leviathan ile ortaya koyduğu toplum sözleşmesi kuramının da temelinde yer alan güvenlik kavramı, günümüzde de geçerliliğini koruyan bir meşruiyet aracıdır. İktidarın güvenlik odaklı hukuk ve meşruiyet kurgusu, korkunun hâkimiyetine giren toplumsal düzenin bir distopyaya dönüşmesine neden olabilecektir. Bu anlamda meşruiyetin, güç ilişkilerini görünmez kılan kurgusal bir nitelik taşıdığı söylenebilir. Bu çalışmada iktidarın yapısı, üretilen yasa ve iktidarın güvenlik üzerinden meşruiyet yaratımı ile bu meşruiyet yaratımına dair kırılmalar, farklı bir gerçeklik üzerinden işleyen ve kurguya dayalı bir ifade biçimi olan sinema aracılığıyla incelenmeye ve bu örtük ilişki irdelenmeye çalışılmıştır.
ABSTRACT: Power refers to a complicated and multi-dimensional structure even though it is a type of relation in itself. Since any kind of power could not continue its existence by absolute force, the establishment and permanence of this kind of relation requires acceptance by those subjected to it. Power should be considered with the notion of legitimacy within this context. Legitimacy could be obtained from divine sources and supernatural powers in the past, however after modernization it was also started to seek in earthly sources and the acts derived from human mind has been based upon the legitimacy of power. Throughout history in order to gain legitimacy the manner of power holders has been varied according to the dynamics of the relations between power and its subordinates. Notion of security, which Hobbes addresses by Leviathan and also underlies in the Theory of Social Contract, is a legitimacy tool still valid nowadays. The security-driven legal system and legitimacy fiction of the power holders could lead to a social order dominated by fear which may cause it to become a dystopia. In this sense, it can be said that legitimacy has a fictional features which make the power relations invisible. In this study, structure of power, generation of law and creation of legitimacy using security by power holders as well as milestones regarding the creation of legitimacy have been researched in the scope of cinema, which is a form of expression based on fiction and has a particular reality, and their implicit relation has been discussed.
ABSTRACT: Power refers to a complicated and multi-dimensional structure even though it is a type of relation in itself. Since any kind of power could not continue its existence by absolute force, the establishment and permanence of this kind of relation requires acceptance by those subjected to it. Power should be considered with the notion of legitimacy within this context. Legitimacy could be obtained from divine sources and supernatural powers in the past, however after modernization it was also started to seek in earthly sources and the acts derived from human mind has been based upon the legitimacy of power. Throughout history in order to gain legitimacy the manner of power holders has been varied according to the dynamics of the relations between power and its subordinates. Notion of security, which Hobbes addresses by Leviathan and also underlies in the Theory of Social Contract, is a legitimacy tool still valid nowadays. The security-driven legal system and legitimacy fiction of the power holders could lead to a social order dominated by fear which may cause it to become a dystopia. In this sense, it can be said that legitimacy has a fictional features which make the power relations invisible. In this study, structure of power, generation of law and creation of legitimacy using security by power holders as well as milestones regarding the creation of legitimacy have been researched in the scope of cinema, which is a form of expression based on fiction and has a particular reality, and their implicit relation has been discussed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İktidar, Yasa, Meşrutiyet, Güvenlik, Distopya, Power, Law, Legitimacy, Security, Dystopia