Beyoğlu kültürel ve eğlence yaşamında rebetikonun incelenmesi
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Bu tez, Yunan müziği rebetikonun, günümüzde Beyoğlu kültürel ve eğlence yaşamındaki yerini ve rebetikonun Beyoğlu’nda öznelere aktardığı duyguları duygulanım teorisi ile incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. 18. yüzyılın sonu 19. yüzyılın başında ortaya çıkan rebetiko müziği, Rum nüfusunun yaşadığı bölgelerde özellikle Ege kıyılarında; İzmir, Selanik ve İstanbul’da Rum halkı tarafından icra edilmeye başlanmıştır. Anadolu’da doğan, Anadolu halk müziğinden etkilenen ve nüfus mübadelesi ile Yunanistan’a göç eden rebetiko müziği; acıların, hüznün, sevincin ve Anadolu özleminin müziği olmuştur. 1930-1940 yılında Yunanistan devleti tarafından yasaklanan rebetiko müziği, 1950 yılında popülerliğe kavuşarak herkes tarafından bilinen bir müzik türü haline gelmiştir. Günümüzde Yunanistan’da, ülkemizde ve birçok yerde rebetiko performanslarına rastlamak mümkün olabilir. Ülkemizde özelikle Beyoğlu’nda birçok rebetiko performansları ile karşılaşabiliriz. Kozmopolit yapıya sahip olan Beyoğlu’nda geçmişten günümüze birçok duyguyu aktaran rebetiko müziğini bu tezde; duyguların dışavurumu olarak bir nesne, rebetikoyu dinleyen ve icra edenler ise özne olarak ele alınacaktır. Bu tezde, Beyoğlu eğlence ve kültürel yaşamında rebetiko müziği aracılığıyla geçmişten günümüze öznelere aktarılan duygular nitel araştırma yönteminden faydalanarak, katılımcı gözlem yöntemi ile gerçekleştirilecek mülakatlar sonucu duygulanım teorisi ile incelenecektir.
ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to analyze the place of rebetiko, the Greek music, in today's cultural and entertainment life in Beyoglu and the emotions that rebetiko conveys to the subjects in Beyoglu through the affect theory. Rebetiko music, which appeared at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, started to be performed by Rums in the regions where the Rums were densely populated, especially on the Aegean coast, in Izmir, Thessaloniki and Istanbul. Born in Anatolia, influenced by Anatolian folk music and migrated to Greece with the population exchange between Turkey and Greece, rebetiko became the music of pain, sorrow, joy and longing for Anatolia. Rebetiko music, which was banned by the Greek state in 1930-1940, gained popularity in 1950 and became a well-known music genre. Today, it is possible to see rebetiko performances in Greece, Turkey and many other places. We can witness a wide range of rebetiko performances in Turkey, especially in Beyoglu. In this thesis, rebetiko music which conveys many emotions from past to present in Beyoglu, a district with a cosmopolitan structure, will be treated as the object that is the expression of emotions, and the listeners and performers of rebetiko will be treated as the subject. In this thesis, the emotions transferred from past to present through rebetiko music in the entertainment and cultural life of Beyoglu will be examined within the scope of the affect theory, by means of the interviews to be carried out with participant observation method, with the help of qualitative research method.
ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to analyze the place of rebetiko, the Greek music, in today's cultural and entertainment life in Beyoglu and the emotions that rebetiko conveys to the subjects in Beyoglu through the affect theory. Rebetiko music, which appeared at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, started to be performed by Rums in the regions where the Rums were densely populated, especially on the Aegean coast, in Izmir, Thessaloniki and Istanbul. Born in Anatolia, influenced by Anatolian folk music and migrated to Greece with the population exchange between Turkey and Greece, rebetiko became the music of pain, sorrow, joy and longing for Anatolia. Rebetiko music, which was banned by the Greek state in 1930-1940, gained popularity in 1950 and became a well-known music genre. Today, it is possible to see rebetiko performances in Greece, Turkey and many other places. We can witness a wide range of rebetiko performances in Turkey, especially in Beyoglu. In this thesis, rebetiko music which conveys many emotions from past to present in Beyoglu, a district with a cosmopolitan structure, will be treated as the object that is the expression of emotions, and the listeners and performers of rebetiko will be treated as the subject. In this thesis, the emotions transferred from past to present through rebetiko music in the entertainment and cultural life of Beyoglu will be examined within the scope of the affect theory, by means of the interviews to be carried out with participant observation method, with the help of qualitative research method.