Foucault: etik öznenin kurulumu
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Antik Yunan’dan itibaren, düşünürler etik üzerine çeşitli sorular sormuş, yaşamın etik yönlerini açığa çıkarmaya çalışmışlardır. Yaşamın nasıl daha mükemmel ve iyi olması gerektiğine dair bu etik sorgulamalar, toplumların ve bireylerin içinde yaşadıkları sistem hakkında bize ipuçları verir. Bu yönüyle, etik bir yaşamın hem düşünsel hem de pratik anlamda taşıdığı önem felsefi olarak araştırılmaya değerdir. Sorgulamanın yöntemi, ilk başta sorulan sorular çerçevesinde önemli ölçüde belirlenir. Bu çalışmaya yön veren temel soru, bir insanın nasıl ‘etik bir özne’ olarak kurulduğudur. Bu soruya verilebilecek en kapsamlı ve derinlikli cevap ise, Michel Foucault’nun bize sunduğu düşünce biçimleri ve ele aldığı temel analizler olacaktır. Foucault’nun çalışmalarında irdelediği özne, öznellik ve iktidar gibi kavramların ayrıntılı analizi, bizi etik yaşama ve etik özneye götürür. Tarihsel bir bakış açısıyla özne ve öznel deneyim kavramlarını, yaşamın düşünsel ve edimsel pratikleri arasına yerleştiren Foucault’nun izlediği yol takip edilerek, birinci bölümde bireyselleştirici ve bütünleştirici iktidar teknolojileri ele alınmaktadır. İkinci bölümde etik ile iktidar arasındaki ilişki ele alınarak, iktidar karşısındaki direnişin nitelikleri incelenmektedir. Tarihte yaşanmış etik pratiklerin ve öznel deneyimlerin düşünülmesinde ön açıcı olması açısından Antik Yunan’da belirli bir toplumsal kesime hâkim olan etik yaşam pratikleri ise üçüncü bölümün konusunu teşkil etmektedir. Son olarak dördüncü bölümde, günümüz toplumunun ve içinde yaşadığımız sistemin eleştirisiyle birlikte, sorumlu olduğumuz etik yaşamın ve etik öznelliklerin nasıl kurulabileceğine dair fikirler öne sürülmektedir.
Since the Ancient Greek, the philosophers have asked several questions about ethics and tried to come out the ethical aspects of life. These ethical questions about how life can be more perfect and better give us a clue about the system in which people and individuals live. In this aspect, both philosophical and practical importance of ethical life is worth to any philosophical inquiry. The methods of investigation are mainly determined by the questions in the beginning. The main question that gives a direction to this study is the matter of how an individual has been constructed as “an ethical subject”. The most comprehensive answer to this question would be Michel Foucault’s thoughts that he represents us and the main analyses he had considered. The detailed analyses of the concepts like power, subjectivity and subject in Foucault’s study he investigated takes us to the ethical life and ethical subject. In this study, Foucault’s path that puts the subject and subjective experience in the speculative and actual practices of life by a historical point of view has been followed. In this respect, in the first chapter, the individualizing and totalizing technologies of power have been covered. In the second chapter, the qualities of the resistance against power have been investigated by covering the relationship between ethics and power. In the third chapter, an ethical life practice that was dominant in a certain social period in the Ancient Greek has been covered. These practices are considered as lightened factors for reel ethical practices in the modern times. Finally in the fourth chapter, together with a criticism of current system in which we live, some ideas have been put forward about the construction of an ethical life and ethical subjectivities.
Since the Ancient Greek, the philosophers have asked several questions about ethics and tried to come out the ethical aspects of life. These ethical questions about how life can be more perfect and better give us a clue about the system in which people and individuals live. In this aspect, both philosophical and practical importance of ethical life is worth to any philosophical inquiry. The methods of investigation are mainly determined by the questions in the beginning. The main question that gives a direction to this study is the matter of how an individual has been constructed as “an ethical subject”. The most comprehensive answer to this question would be Michel Foucault’s thoughts that he represents us and the main analyses he had considered. The detailed analyses of the concepts like power, subjectivity and subject in Foucault’s study he investigated takes us to the ethical life and ethical subject. In this study, Foucault’s path that puts the subject and subjective experience in the speculative and actual practices of life by a historical point of view has been followed. In this respect, in the first chapter, the individualizing and totalizing technologies of power have been covered. In the second chapter, the qualities of the resistance against power have been investigated by covering the relationship between ethics and power. In the third chapter, an ethical life practice that was dominant in a certain social period in the Ancient Greek has been covered. These practices are considered as lightened factors for reel ethical practices in the modern times. Finally in the fourth chapter, together with a criticism of current system in which we live, some ideas have been put forward about the construction of an ethical life and ethical subjectivities.