Salgın temalı filmlerin Covid-19 pandemisinin etkileriyle baş etmede ruhsal açıdan destekleyici bir müdahale aracı olarak önerilmesi
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Covid-19 pandemisi kitlesel ve global ölçekte direkt veya dolaylı olarak tüm toplumları etkileyen, süreğen bir afet etkisi yaratmıştır. Bu süreç yakınların kaybı, iş kaybı, ev izolasyonu gibi birçok stres etkenini içinde barındırmaktadır. Travmatik veya olumsuz deneyimin paylaşılabilir olmasının stresi, anksiyeteyi ve yalnızlık algısını azalttığı, duygusal bağ kurmaya ve sosyal desteğe zemin hazırladığı bilinmektedir. Bu durum Covid-19 pandemisi gibi kolektif bir deneyim söz konusu olduğunda özellikle önemlidir. Sanatsal araçları kullanmayı içeren çalışmalar, olumlu ve olumsuz duyguların bir arada ifade edilebilmesine ve güvenli bir alanda kontrol duygusunun sağlanmasına katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu sebeple pandeminin rehabilitasyon döneminde sosyal desteğe zemin hazırlayan grup halinde uygulanacak sanat terapileri hem bireysel hem toplumsal iyileşmeyi destekleyen çalışmalar olarak düşünülebilirler. Bu uygulamalar arasında yer alan, film gösterimleri ve grup uygulamalarını kapsayan müdahaleler öz katılım ve psikolojik yansıtma sağlamak, olayları ve durumları deneyimlemek için güvenli bir alan sağlamaktadırlar. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmanın amacı, salgın temalı filmlerin Covid19 pandemisinin etkileriyle baş etmede ruhsal açıdan destekleyici bir müdahale aracı olarak kullanılmasını önermek ve buna yönelik bir müdahale yapılandırmaktır. Araştırma salgın filmlerinin araç olarak kullanıldığı bir grup müdahalesinin bileşenleri ve basamaklarının oluşturulmasını kapsayan niteliksel yöntemle yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada kullanılacak filmin kriterlerini ve uygulama bölümlerini oluşturmak amacıyla film grameri tekniği kullanılmıştır. Müdahale tasarımı ve uygulama bölümleri travma ve afet çalışmaları uzmanları tarafından değerlendirilmiştir. Salgın filmleri Covid-19 pandemisiyle paralellikleri ve ruhsal açıdan destekleyici yönleriyle değerlendirilmiş ve Contagion/Salgın (Soderbergh, 2011) saptanan kriterlere uygun bir film olarak seçilmiştir. Seçilen film, uygulama bölümlerine temel oluşturması amacıyla film grameri tekniğiyle incelenmiştir. Travma ve afet çalışmaları uzmanlarının seçilen film, önerilen müdahale yöntemi ve uygulama bölümü sorularıyla ilgili değerlendirmeleri ele alınmıştır. Buna göre, seçilen film, müdahale bileşenleri ve basamakları ile uygulama bölümü soruları çalışmanın amacına uygun bulunmuş, müdahalenin iyileştirilmesine yönelik öneriler göz önünde bulundurulmuştur. Salgın filmlerinin Covid-19 pandemisinin etkileriyle baş etmede ruhsal açıdan destekleyici bir araç olarak yer aldığı müdahale önerisinin, pandeminin aktif risk teşkil ettiği dönem sona erdikten sonra uygulanması toplum tabanlı psikososyal çalışmalara katkı sağlayacaktır.
ABSTRACT: The Covid-19 pandemic has created a long-lasting disaster effect that affects all societies directly or indirectly on a massive and global scale. This process includes many stress factors such as loss of relatives, job loss, home isolation. It is known that sharing a traumatic or negative experience reduces stress, anxiety and the perception of loneliness, and paves the way for emotional bonding and social support. This is especially important when it comes to a collective experience like the Covid-19 pandemic. Studies that involve using artistic tools contribute to expressing positive and negative emotions together and providing a sense of control in a safe space. Therefore, art therapies to be applied in groups, which prepare the ground for social support during the rehabilitation period of the pandemic, can be considered as studies that support both individual and social healing. Interventions including film screenings and group implementations, which are among these practices, provide a safe space for self-participation and psychological reflection, and to experience events and situations. In this context, the aim of this study is to propose the use of epidemic-themed films as a psychologically supportive intervention tool in coping with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and to structure an intervention in this respect. The research is conducted with a qualitative method involving the creation of components and steps of a group intervention in which epidemic-themed films are used as a tool. Film grammar technique was used in order to create the criteria and application parts of the film to be used in the study. Intervention design and implementation sections were evaluated by trauma specialists. Epidemic-themed movies were evaluated in terms of their parallelism with the Covid-19 pandemic and their psychologically supportive aspects, and Contagion (Soderbergh, 2011) was selected as a movie suitable for the determined criteria. The selected film was analyzed with the film grammar technique in an attempt to form the basis for the implementation parts of the intervention. The evaluations of trauma and disaster studies specialists regarding the selected film, the method of the proposed intervention and the questions in the implementation section arediscussed. Accordingly, the selected film, the components and steps of the intervention and the questions of the application section were found to be suitable for the purpose of the study, and suggestions for the improvement of the intervention were taken into consideration. The implementation of the intervention proposal, which includes epidemic-themed films as a psychologically supportive tool in coping with the effects of the Covid19 pandemic, after the period in which the pandemic poses an active infection risk will contribute to community-based psychosocial studies.
ABSTRACT: The Covid-19 pandemic has created a long-lasting disaster effect that affects all societies directly or indirectly on a massive and global scale. This process includes many stress factors such as loss of relatives, job loss, home isolation. It is known that sharing a traumatic or negative experience reduces stress, anxiety and the perception of loneliness, and paves the way for emotional bonding and social support. This is especially important when it comes to a collective experience like the Covid-19 pandemic. Studies that involve using artistic tools contribute to expressing positive and negative emotions together and providing a sense of control in a safe space. Therefore, art therapies to be applied in groups, which prepare the ground for social support during the rehabilitation period of the pandemic, can be considered as studies that support both individual and social healing. Interventions including film screenings and group implementations, which are among these practices, provide a safe space for self-participation and psychological reflection, and to experience events and situations. In this context, the aim of this study is to propose the use of epidemic-themed films as a psychologically supportive intervention tool in coping with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and to structure an intervention in this respect. The research is conducted with a qualitative method involving the creation of components and steps of a group intervention in which epidemic-themed films are used as a tool. Film grammar technique was used in order to create the criteria and application parts of the film to be used in the study. Intervention design and implementation sections were evaluated by trauma specialists. Epidemic-themed movies were evaluated in terms of their parallelism with the Covid-19 pandemic and their psychologically supportive aspects, and Contagion (Soderbergh, 2011) was selected as a movie suitable for the determined criteria. The selected film was analyzed with the film grammar technique in an attempt to form the basis for the implementation parts of the intervention. The evaluations of trauma and disaster studies specialists regarding the selected film, the method of the proposed intervention and the questions in the implementation section arediscussed. Accordingly, the selected film, the components and steps of the intervention and the questions of the application section were found to be suitable for the purpose of the study, and suggestions for the improvement of the intervention were taken into consideration. The implementation of the intervention proposal, which includes epidemic-themed films as a psychologically supportive tool in coping with the effects of the Covid19 pandemic, after the period in which the pandemic poses an active infection risk will contribute to community-based psychosocial studies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Covid-19 Pandemisi, Sinema, Salgın Filmleri, Sinematerapi, Psikososyal Müdahale, Covid-19 Pandemic, Cinema, Epidemic Films, Cinematherapy, Psychosocial Intervention