Eser sözleşmesinde yüklenicinin şahsen ifa borcu ve alt yüklenicilik sözleşmesi
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Bu tez çalışması, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Özel Hukuk Doktora Programı kapsamında hazırlanmıştır. Tezin konusu, eser sözleşmesinde yüklenicinin şahsen ifa borcu ve alt yüklenicilik sözleşmesi olarak belirlenmiştir. Uygulamada küçük çaplı gündelik işlerden, tamamlanması yıllar süren projelere kadar son derece yaygın olarak ortaya çıkan eser sözleşmeleri, doktrinde yıllardan beri en ilgi çekici konu başlıklarından biri olmuştur. Özellikle, iş sahibinin borçlarına göre çeşitlilik arz eden yüklenicinin borçları, pek çok eserde farklı açılardan inceleme konusu yapılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, yüklenicinin şahsen ifa borcu ve şahsen ifa borcunun istisnası olarak ortaya çıkan alt yüklenicilik sözleşmesinin bütünsel bir çerçevede işlendiği çalışma sayısı pek azdır. Bu duruma, yol gösterici olarak uygulamaya ışık tutabilecek nitelikteki yargı kararlarının azlığı da eklenince, bu konularda hatırı sayılır ölçüde bir boşluğun bulunduğunun idraki zor olmayacaktır. Bu çerçevede, yüklenicinin şahsen ifa borcu ve alt yüklenicilik sözleşmesi konularında öğreti ve uygulamada mevcut olan boşluk, tez konusunun belirlenmesinde önemli bir etken olmuştur. Tezin birinci bölümünde, genel olarak eser sözleşmesi incelenmiş; ikinci ve üçüncü bölümler ise sırasıyla, eser sözleşmesinde yüklenicinin şahsen ifa borcu ve alt yüklenicilik sözleşmesi konularına ayrılmıştır. Yüklenicinin şahsen ifa borcu ve alt yüklenicilik sözleşmesinin inşaat sözleşmesi biçimindeki eser sözleşmeleri açısından özel önem taşıdığı bir gerçek olmakla birlikte, her iki konu da yalnızca inşaat sözleşmeleri açısından değil, genel bir perspektifle ele alınmıştır. Çalışmada Türk hukukunun yanı sıra, uluslararası inşaat sözleşmeleri uygulamasında önemli yer tutan FIDIC Kırmızı Kitap düzenlemelerine de değinilmiştir.
ABSTRACT: This PhD dissertation is prepared within the scope of Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Law Private Law PhD Program. Subject of the dissertation is determined as, personal performance obligation of the contractor under the contract for work and subcontractor contract. Contracts for work, which are extremely common in practice from smallscaled daily tasks to projects that take years to complete, have been one of the most interesting topics in the doctrine for years. In particular, obligations of the contractor, which emerge in diversity when compared to the obligations of the employer, have been examined from different angles in many studies. However, there are very few studies in which the subcontractor contract, which emerges as an exception to the personal performance obligation and the personal performance obligation of the contractor, are discussed in a holistic framework. In addition to this situation, the rarity of court decisions that can shed light on the practice as a guide, it will not be difficult to realize that there is a considerable gap in these matters. In this context, the gap existing in the doctrine and practice has been an important factor in determining the dissertation subject. In the first section of the dissertation, the contract for work has been examined in general; the second and third sections are respectively reserved to personal performance obligation of the contractor and the subcontractor contract. Although it is a fact that, the contractor's personal performance obligation and subcontractor contract are of special importance in terms construction contracts, both issues are discussed not only in terms of construction contracts, but with a general perspective. In addition to the Turkish law, the FIDIC Red Book conditions of contract, which have an important place in the implementation of international construction contracts, are also referred in the dissertation.
ABSTRACT: This PhD dissertation is prepared within the scope of Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Law Private Law PhD Program. Subject of the dissertation is determined as, personal performance obligation of the contractor under the contract for work and subcontractor contract. Contracts for work, which are extremely common in practice from smallscaled daily tasks to projects that take years to complete, have been one of the most interesting topics in the doctrine for years. In particular, obligations of the contractor, which emerge in diversity when compared to the obligations of the employer, have been examined from different angles in many studies. However, there are very few studies in which the subcontractor contract, which emerges as an exception to the personal performance obligation and the personal performance obligation of the contractor, are discussed in a holistic framework. In addition to this situation, the rarity of court decisions that can shed light on the practice as a guide, it will not be difficult to realize that there is a considerable gap in these matters. In this context, the gap existing in the doctrine and practice has been an important factor in determining the dissertation subject. In the first section of the dissertation, the contract for work has been examined in general; the second and third sections are respectively reserved to personal performance obligation of the contractor and the subcontractor contract. Although it is a fact that, the contractor's personal performance obligation and subcontractor contract are of special importance in terms construction contracts, both issues are discussed not only in terms of construction contracts, but with a general perspective. In addition to the Turkish law, the FIDIC Red Book conditions of contract, which have an important place in the implementation of international construction contracts, are also referred in the dissertation.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eser Sözleşmesi, Şahsen İfa Borcu, Alt Yüklenicilik Sözleşmesi, İnşaat Sözleşmesi, FIDIC Kırmızı Kitap, Contract for Work, Personal Performance Obligation, Subcontractor Contract, Construction Contract, FIDIC Red Book