Kokunun hukuken korunması
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Eski Mısır’dan beri kokular, alternatif tıpta ve insanın sosyal yaşamında önemli yer kazanmıştır. Unvan ve kastların önem kazandığı dönemde ise güzel kokular bir hayat standardı haline gelmiştir. Sanayileşme ve aşırı tüketim alışkanlıkları ile buruna hoş gelen koku olan parfüm ve kozmetik ürünleri, tüketiciler ve piyasada yarışan teşebbüsler için önem kazanmıştır. Bu sektördeki ticari fırsatlar, verilen maddi ve manevi emek karşısında kokunun hukuken korunması konusu gündeme gelmiştir. Çalışmamızın başlangıç noktası kokuların mevcut hukuk düzeni ile nasıl korunabileceği olmuştur. Bunun için mevzuat ve içtihat ışığında Türk hukukundaki mevcut durum araştırılırken, karşılaştırmalı hukuk ile diğer ülkelerdeki hukuk sistemi üzerinde fikir edinilmiştir. Araştırmalarımızı organik bir şekilde ele aldığımızda öncelikle kokuya bilimsel açıdan yaklaşıp, bir tanımlama yapılmaya özen gösterilmiştir. Sonrasında kokunun ve özellikle parfümlerin kısa tarihçesi ve yapılış teknikleri gözden geçirilmiştir. İkinci bölümde kokunun fikir ve sanat eserleri hukuku ile ilişkisi araştırılmış ve kokunun eser olarak korunup korunmadığına değinilmiştir. Fikri mülkiyetten sonra kokuların sınai mülkiyet hukukunda korunma ihtimali ele alınmış ve özellikle patent ve marka hukuku açısında değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Bu süreçte farklı ülkelere ait Mahkeme kararları incelemiş ve mukayese edilmiştir. Çalışmamızın dördüncü ve son bölümüne gelindiğinde kokunun diğer koruma ihtimalleri değerlendirilmiştir. Burada ise gizlilik, haksız rekabet, trade dress ve seçici dağıtım sistemler üzerinde yoğunlaşılmıştır.
ABSTRACT: Since the ancient Egyptian civilisation, the scents were used in alternative medicine and were considered as important in the human social life. When titles and castes gained importance, nice scents were considered as social standard. With the industrialisation and the over-consumption habits, considered as nice scents, perfumes and cosmetics became crucial for consumers and companies who compete in the same market. Facing the commercial opportunities in the market and considering the material and the moral investment, the subject of the legal protection of scents became relevant. The cornerstone of our research was the legal protection of scents within the actual legal framework. For that purpose, in the light of the applicable law and jurisprudence, the actual legal framework in the Turkish law has been considered and the judicial systems of other countries have been observed. Once we considered the organic plan of our work, we initially have introduced the scent in its scientific form and we tried to give a definition. Later we mentioned the short history of scents and especially of perfumes and underlined their technical receipt. In the second part of our work, we investigated the connection of scents with the copyright law and considered if such scents could be protected as a work. After copyright, we discussed the possibility to protect scents according to the intellectual property and especially in connection with patents and trademarks. Within this scope we had the opportunity to study and compare the jurisprudence related to different Tribunals in different countries. In the fourth and last part of our work, we searched the additional protection opportunities offered to scents. In fact we concentrated on the matters such as the confidentiality, unfair competition, tradedress and selective distribution.
ABSTRACT: Since the ancient Egyptian civilisation, the scents were used in alternative medicine and were considered as important in the human social life. When titles and castes gained importance, nice scents were considered as social standard. With the industrialisation and the over-consumption habits, considered as nice scents, perfumes and cosmetics became crucial for consumers and companies who compete in the same market. Facing the commercial opportunities in the market and considering the material and the moral investment, the subject of the legal protection of scents became relevant. The cornerstone of our research was the legal protection of scents within the actual legal framework. For that purpose, in the light of the applicable law and jurisprudence, the actual legal framework in the Turkish law has been considered and the judicial systems of other countries have been observed. Once we considered the organic plan of our work, we initially have introduced the scent in its scientific form and we tried to give a definition. Later we mentioned the short history of scents and especially of perfumes and underlined their technical receipt. In the second part of our work, we investigated the connection of scents with the copyright law and considered if such scents could be protected as a work. After copyright, we discussed the possibility to protect scents according to the intellectual property and especially in connection with patents and trademarks. Within this scope we had the opportunity to study and compare the jurisprudence related to different Tribunals in different countries. In the fourth and last part of our work, we searched the additional protection opportunities offered to scents. In fact we concentrated on the matters such as the confidentiality, unfair competition, tradedress and selective distribution.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Scent, Copyright, Trademark, Patent, Unfair Competition, Koku, Eser, Marka, Haksız Rekabet