Kat mülkiyetinde ortak yer kavramı ile ortak yerlerdeki hak ve yükümlülükler
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Kat mülkiyeti hukukunda ortak yer kavramı ile kat maliklerinin ve bağımsız bölümlerden aynî veya şahsî bir hakka dayanarak devamlı suretle faydalanan kişilerin ortak yerlerdeki hak ve yükümlülükleri bu çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Bu kapsamda, 634 sayılı Kat Mülkiyeti Kanunu’nun klasik kat mülkiyetindeki ve toplu yapılardaki ortak yerlere ilişkin hükümleri ile bu hükümlere ilişkin doktrindeki eleştirel yaklaşımlar dikkate alınarak, ortak yerlerin tanımı ve unsurları netleştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Yine çalışmanın bir diğer konusu, ortak yerlerin belirlenme şekilleri ile çeşitleri değerlendirilirken, uygulamada ortak yer mi, yoksa eklenti mi olduğu hususunda sıklıkla uyuşmazlığa düşülen yerler ayrı ayrı ele alınarak, mutlak ortak yer nitelemesinin üzerinde durulmuştur. Ortak yerlerin hukuki niteliğinin kendine özgü özel bir paylı mülkiyet olması sebebiyle, ortak yerlerdeki bu özel mülkiyet hakkının kat maliklerine ve bağımsız bölümlerden aynî veya şahsî bir hakka dayanarak devamlı suretle faydalanan kişilere sağladığı haklar, Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun paylı mülkiyete ilişkin hükümleriyle birlikte incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, kat malikleri topluluğunun üyesi olarak ortak yerlerin kullanılması esnasında topluluk düzeninin huzur içinde devam edebilmesi adına uyulması gereken yükümlülükler, Kat Mülkiyeti Kanununda özel olarak düzenlen hükümler ile Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun taşınmaz maliki ve paylı mülkiyet paydaşı için getirdiği hükümlere değinilerek, Yargıtay içtihatları ışığında incelenmiştir. Son olarak ise, bu yükümlülüklere aykırı davranılması halinde, yükümlülüğü ihlal eden kat maliki ile bağımsız bölümlerden aynî veya şahsî bir hakka dayanarak devamlı suretle faydalanan kişilere uygulanacak yaptırımlara değinilmiştir.
ABSTRACT: The subject of this study is to identify the concept of common area in the condominium ownership law and the rights and obligations of the property owners and people who continuously benefit from independent sections on the basis of a real or personal right in the common areas. Within this scope, this study aims to clarify the definition and elements of common areas by taking into account the provisions of Condominium Ownership Law No. 634 on the common areas in both classical property ownership and collective buildings and the criticisms in the doctrine regarding these provisions. Again, another subject of the study is to discuss the areas on which there is frequent disagreement about whether they are common areas or add-ons in the implementation separately and put emphasis on the definition of absolute common area as well as evaluating the ways of determining common areas and their types. As the legal nature of the common areas is a distinctive special joint ownership, the rights provided by this private property right in the common areas to the property owners and the persons who continuously benefit from the independent sections on the basis of a real or personal right have been examined together with the provisions of the Turkish Civil Code on joint ownership. In addition, as a member of the property owners community, the obligations to be followed in order to maintain the community order peacefully during the use of common areas, the provisions specifically regulated in the Condominium Ownership Law and the provisions of the Turkish Civil Code for the real estate owner and the shareholder of the joint ownership have been examined in the light of the Supreme Court’s case law. Finally, in case of violation of these obligations, the sanctions to be imposed on the property owners who violated the obligation and the persons who continuously benefit from the independent sections on the basis of a real and personal right are mentioned.
ABSTRACT: The subject of this study is to identify the concept of common area in the condominium ownership law and the rights and obligations of the property owners and people who continuously benefit from independent sections on the basis of a real or personal right in the common areas. Within this scope, this study aims to clarify the definition and elements of common areas by taking into account the provisions of Condominium Ownership Law No. 634 on the common areas in both classical property ownership and collective buildings and the criticisms in the doctrine regarding these provisions. Again, another subject of the study is to discuss the areas on which there is frequent disagreement about whether they are common areas or add-ons in the implementation separately and put emphasis on the definition of absolute common area as well as evaluating the ways of determining common areas and their types. As the legal nature of the common areas is a distinctive special joint ownership, the rights provided by this private property right in the common areas to the property owners and the persons who continuously benefit from the independent sections on the basis of a real or personal right have been examined together with the provisions of the Turkish Civil Code on joint ownership. In addition, as a member of the property owners community, the obligations to be followed in order to maintain the community order peacefully during the use of common areas, the provisions specifically regulated in the Condominium Ownership Law and the provisions of the Turkish Civil Code for the real estate owner and the shareholder of the joint ownership have been examined in the light of the Supreme Court’s case law. Finally, in case of violation of these obligations, the sanctions to be imposed on the property owners who violated the obligation and the persons who continuously benefit from the independent sections on the basis of a real and personal right are mentioned.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kat Mülkiyeti, Ortak Yer, Kendine Özgü Paylı Mülkiyet, Hak ve Yükümlülükler, Hakimin Müdahalesi, Condominium Ownership, Common Area, Distinctive Joint Ownership, Rights and Obligation, Judge’s Intervention