Küresel kent söylemi ve mekânın yeniden üretimi: Ayazağa mahallesi örneği
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Küresel kent söylemi idealize edilerek kentlerde yaşanan mekânsal dönüşümler, toplumsal ve ekonomik yeniden yapılanmalar eşliğinde, kentsel mekânın yeniden üretimini tetikleyen önemli unsurlardan biridir. Bu bağlamda, İstanbul, demografik ve coğrafi özelliklerine ek olarak uluslararası bağlantıların yoğunluğunun da etkisiyle, diğer Türkiye kentlerinden farklı olarak daha büyük ölçekte ve öncül nitelikte kentsel dönüşümlere sahne olmaktadır. Ekonomik büyümenin en kolay ve karlı yöntemi olarak benimsenen kentsel mekânın yeniden üretimi odaklı politikaların izdüşümleri İstanbul’da açıkça gözlemlenebilmekte, kentteki sürekli yapılaşma durumu, kentin durmadan saçaklanmasına ve kent içerisinde birbirlerinden farklılaşan adacıkların oluşmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, günümüzde İstanbul’un merkezi iş alanına yakın konumda yer alan, eski bir sanayi bölgesi özelliği gösteren Ayazağa Mahallesi ve çevresinin, kentte idealize edilen küresel kent söylemi doğrultusunda mekânsal, toplumsal ve politik yeniden yapılanmalarla yaşadığı mekânsal dönüşümler ve mekân odaklı toplumsal ayrışmalar ele alınmaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında; İstanbul kentinin yaşadığı kuzeye doğru gerçekleşen mekânsal yönelimlere paralel, kent ile doğa arasında bir kentsel eşik oluşturan bölgenin mekân odaklı yeniden üretimini tetikleyen etkenleri belirlemek, söz konusu dönüşüm sonrasında ortaya çıkan mekânsal ve toplumsal farklılaşmaları incelemek hedeflenmiştir. Bölge özelinde mekân odaklı toplumsal farklılaşmaları analiz sürecinde karma araştırma yöntemlerine başvurulmuş ve araştırma verilerinin analizi ile ortaya çıkan üç farklı ana kavram üzerinden çalışma alanı incelenmiştir. ‘Açık Alanlar’ kavramı bölge içerisindeki doğal yapıdaki değişim, kamusal alan kullanımı ve fiziki sınırlar üzerine odaklanırken, ‘Yeni Mekânsal Kurgular’ kavramı bölge özelinde yer alan yeni mekânsal kurguların oluşumu ve tetikleyicilerini kapsamaktadır. ‘Sosyo-Ekonomik Farklar’ kavramı ise aynı mahalle içerisinde farklı konut mekânlarında yaşamlarını sürdüren bireyler arasındaki toplumsal farklılaşmalara işaret etmektedir. Çalışmanın strüktürünü oluşturan söz konusu kavramlar, aynı zamanda bölgede hayatını sürdüren bireylerin yaşadıkları mekânı ve toplumu hangi söylemler üzerinden değerlendirdiği hakkında fikir vermektedir. Bu bağlamda; bölgede gerçekleşen mekânsal yeniden yapılanmalar kentsel alan içerisinde heterojen bir mekânsal kurgu oluştururken, aynı zamanda müşterek bir yapı olan toplumun mekân üzerinden farklılaşmasına ve bireylerin sosyo-ekonomik özelliklerine göre ayrışmasına da sebep olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
ABSTRACT: The spatial transformations that has been taking place by idealizing the concept of the global city, along with societal and economic restructuring, are one of the important factors that stimulate the reproduction of urban space around the world. In this context, considering its demographic and geographic features, as well as the intensity of international connections, the city of Istanbul witnesses urban transformation on a bigger scale than the rest of the cities in Turkey and stands as a pioneer model in that sense across the country. Urban policies focusing on the reproduction of urban space, which is considered as the easiest and the most profitable way of economic growth, can be traced in Istanbul clearly. Within these policies, the city grows and sprawls rapidly in the way that leads to urban fragmentation. This study focuses on spatial transformation and social fragmentation of Ayazağa Neighbourhood along with “global city” discourse. As a a former industrial area, located in proximity to a central business area of Istanbul, Ayazağa witnessed rapid urban transformation and, spatial, social, and political restructuring during the last two decades. In the scope of this study, it is aimed to determine the factors that have stimulated the reproduction of urban space, and also urban sprawl towards to northern side of the city that stands as a threshold between built environment and the natural forest areas. The study examines the spatial and social fragmentation caused by the rapid urban transformation. Through the analysis of in-depht interviews, statistical data, visual and textural representations, selected area has been examined by three main sections. The section of 'Open Spaces' focuses on the changes in the natural environment, the use of public space, and physical boundaries. The 'New Spatial Organizations' section addresses the emergence of the new spatial interventions and their triggering factors in the reserach area. The section of 'Socio-Economic Differences' refers to the social fragmentation between individuals who live in different type of housing settlements within the same neighborhood. The three sections that form the structure of the study derived from the evaluations of the individuals living in the research area and refined by the additional written and visual resources on the field. As a result, it is concluded that while the spatial restructuring in the area creates a heterogeneous spatial construct within the urban area, it also causes fragmentation within the society, which is a common structure, and segregation between individuals based on their socio-economic status.
ABSTRACT: The spatial transformations that has been taking place by idealizing the concept of the global city, along with societal and economic restructuring, are one of the important factors that stimulate the reproduction of urban space around the world. In this context, considering its demographic and geographic features, as well as the intensity of international connections, the city of Istanbul witnesses urban transformation on a bigger scale than the rest of the cities in Turkey and stands as a pioneer model in that sense across the country. Urban policies focusing on the reproduction of urban space, which is considered as the easiest and the most profitable way of economic growth, can be traced in Istanbul clearly. Within these policies, the city grows and sprawls rapidly in the way that leads to urban fragmentation. This study focuses on spatial transformation and social fragmentation of Ayazağa Neighbourhood along with “global city” discourse. As a a former industrial area, located in proximity to a central business area of Istanbul, Ayazağa witnessed rapid urban transformation and, spatial, social, and political restructuring during the last two decades. In the scope of this study, it is aimed to determine the factors that have stimulated the reproduction of urban space, and also urban sprawl towards to northern side of the city that stands as a threshold between built environment and the natural forest areas. The study examines the spatial and social fragmentation caused by the rapid urban transformation. Through the analysis of in-depht interviews, statistical data, visual and textural representations, selected area has been examined by three main sections. The section of 'Open Spaces' focuses on the changes in the natural environment, the use of public space, and physical boundaries. The 'New Spatial Organizations' section addresses the emergence of the new spatial interventions and their triggering factors in the reserach area. The section of 'Socio-Economic Differences' refers to the social fragmentation between individuals who live in different type of housing settlements within the same neighborhood. The three sections that form the structure of the study derived from the evaluations of the individuals living in the research area and refined by the additional written and visual resources on the field. As a result, it is concluded that while the spatial restructuring in the area creates a heterogeneous spatial construct within the urban area, it also causes fragmentation within the society, which is a common structure, and segregation between individuals based on their socio-economic status.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Küresel Kent, Ayazağa Mahallesi, Mekânın Yeniden Üretimi, Mekânsal Ayrışma, Toplumsal Ayrışma, Global City, Ayazaga Neighbourhood, Reproduction of the Space, Spatial Segregation, Social Segregation