Participating into the democratic 'middle ground' Young Civilians (Genç Siviller) movement as a new social movement in Turkey
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Yeni Sosyal Hareketler gündemlerinin merkezine özgürlük, adalet, barış, sivil toplumun demokratikleştirilmesini koyarlar. Türkiye'deki Genç Siviller Hareketi, vicdan politikaları, muhabbet dili ve barış, ırkçılık karşıtlığıyla yeni bir sosyal hareket olarak görülebilir. Türkiye'de ayrıca Genç Sivillerle benzer konulara işaret eden başka yeni sosyal hareketler de vardır. Bunlar Irkçılığa ve Milliyetçiliğe Dur de, Henüz Özgür Olmadık, Karanlığı Sorguluyoruz, Küresel Bak, Yüzleşme Derneği olarak adlandırılabilir. Bu yeni sosyal hareketler ırkçılığa, milliyetçiliğe, askeri darbelere karşı oldukları kadar birbirimizin haklarına sahip çıkmak ve farklılıklarla bir arada yaşamaya dikkat çekerler. Bu tez, Genç Siviller hareketini bu yeni sosyal hareketlerle birlikte değerlendirmek kadar Türkiye'de 1980 sonrasında politik kültürdeki değişime paralel olarak anlamayı amaçlar. Ayrıca, Genç Sivillerin başlıca söylemlerin yapı sökümü olarak siyaset yapma yollarını, vicdan politikalarını, sivil toplumun demokratikleştirilmesini, mizahi protesto biçimlerini kültürlerarası bir ilgiyle göz önüne almayı önerir. Gurevitch'i takip ederek şu söylenebilir ki onlar demokratik bir orta alan yaratmak kadar buna katılırlar da. Son olarak, Genç Siviller'in politikaları James Tully'nin agonik boyutlu vatandaşlıkı bakımından değerlendirilebilir.
New social movements put freedom, justice, peace, democratization of civil society at the center of their agenda. Young Civilians Movement in Turkey can be seen as a new social movement with their action of conscience, conversation language (muhabbet) and values as peace, anti- racism, anti-nationalism. There are also other new social movements in Turkey that are addressing the similar concerns with Young Civilians Movement. These can be named as Say Stop to Racism and Nationalism(Irkçılığa ve milliyetçiliğe Dur de), We Are Not Free Yet (Henüz Özgür Olmadık), Interrogating the Darkness (Karanlığı Sorguluyoruz), Global Peace and Justice Coalition (Küresel Bak) , Face Up And Research to Social Events Association (Yüzleşme Derneği). These new social movements direct attention to looking after each others rights and living with differences as well as being against nationalism, racism, military coup detats. This thesis aims to understand Young civilians movement as a new social movement as parallel to the change in the political culture in Turkey after the 1980s as well as evaluating it with these other new social movements. Also, it suggests that their way of doing politics as deconstructon of mainstream discourses, action of conscience, humorous forms of protest can be considered in a transcultural concern. By following Gurevitch, it can be said that they participate into a democratic middle ground as well as creating it by their conversation language. Lastly, Young Civilians movements politics can be considered in terms of James Tullys agonic dimension of citizenship.
New social movements put freedom, justice, peace, democratization of civil society at the center of their agenda. Young Civilians Movement in Turkey can be seen as a new social movement with their action of conscience, conversation language (muhabbet) and values as peace, anti- racism, anti-nationalism. There are also other new social movements in Turkey that are addressing the similar concerns with Young Civilians Movement. These can be named as Say Stop to Racism and Nationalism(Irkçılığa ve milliyetçiliğe Dur de), We Are Not Free Yet (Henüz Özgür Olmadık), Interrogating the Darkness (Karanlığı Sorguluyoruz), Global Peace and Justice Coalition (Küresel Bak) , Face Up And Research to Social Events Association (Yüzleşme Derneği). These new social movements direct attention to looking after each others rights and living with differences as well as being against nationalism, racism, military coup detats. This thesis aims to understand Young civilians movement as a new social movement as parallel to the change in the political culture in Turkey after the 1980s as well as evaluating it with these other new social movements. Also, it suggests that their way of doing politics as deconstructon of mainstream discourses, action of conscience, humorous forms of protest can be considered in a transcultural concern. By following Gurevitch, it can be said that they participate into a democratic middle ground as well as creating it by their conversation language. Lastly, Young Civilians movements politics can be considered in terms of James Tullys agonic dimension of citizenship.