Lacan"ın büyük öteki kavramı ve paternalist liderler
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Bu çalışma toplumda paternalist (babacan) liderlere gösterilen teveccühün arkasında yatan nedenleri Lacan’ın Öteki kavramı üzerinden analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Lacancı psikanalizde varlığından, tutarlılığından, tamlığından emin olduğumuz, varoluşsal mesnet olarak addettiğimiz Öteki’nin, tarih boyunca kültür, din, kilise, devlet, bilim gibi farklı kurumlar ya da olgularla temsil edildiği öne sürülür. İçinde bulunduğumuz bu çağda bahsedilen kurumlara atfedilen anlamın değişmesi, bilgiye kolay ulaşımın verdiği avantajla bilimsel olanın birbiriyle çelişen yorumlarına maruz kalmak, aile kavramının değişmesi, kimliklerin buharlaşması, insanın sınırsız seçeneklerle bezenmiş dünyada sürekli olarak seçim yapmak zorunda kalması vb. faktörler psikanalitik açıdan kaygı verici olarak nitelenebilir mi? Günümüz insanının hayatı deneyimleme biçimi önceki yüzyıllarda hiç olmadığı kadar kendini inşa etmek üzerine kurulu. Kendinden, hayatından, sağlığından sürekli olarak mesul olmak ve maruz kaldığı bilgi bombardımanından kendisi için en iyi olanı çekip alarak olabilecek en makul kararı almak zorunda olmak kişinin siyasette paternalist liderlere meyletmesine sebep olabilir mi? Siyasi liderlerle seçmenleri arasında kurulan ebeveyn çocuk ilişkisinin altında yatan nedenlerden biri Öteki’nin giderek silikleşen gölgesidir diyebilir miyiz? Bu çalışma bu sorulara yanıt arayacaktır.
ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the reasons for the favor shown to paternalistic leaders in society through Lacan's concept of the Other. In Lacanian psychoanalysis, it is claimed that the Other, whose existence, consistency, and completeness we are sure of, which we regard as existential support, has been represented by different institutions or phenomena such as culture, religion, church, state, and science throughout history. In this age we live in, can we say that factors such as change in the meaning attributed to the institutions mentioned, exposure to conflicting interpretations of the scientific with the advantage of easy access to information, the evolution of the concept of family, evaporation of identities, constant need to make choices in a world adorned with unlimited options, etc promote anxiety? The way today's people experience life is more then ever before based on constructing themselves. Could constantly being responsible for oneself, one's life, and health, and having to take the most reasonable decision possible by pulling out what is best for oneself from the information bombardment one is exposed to, cause one to incline towards paternalist leaders in politics? Can we say that one of the underlying reasons for the parent-child relationship established between political leaders and their voters is the fading shadow of the Other? This study will seek answers to these questions.
ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the reasons for the favor shown to paternalistic leaders in society through Lacan's concept of the Other. In Lacanian psychoanalysis, it is claimed that the Other, whose existence, consistency, and completeness we are sure of, which we regard as existential support, has been represented by different institutions or phenomena such as culture, religion, church, state, and science throughout history. In this age we live in, can we say that factors such as change in the meaning attributed to the institutions mentioned, exposure to conflicting interpretations of the scientific with the advantage of easy access to information, the evolution of the concept of family, evaporation of identities, constant need to make choices in a world adorned with unlimited options, etc promote anxiety? The way today's people experience life is more then ever before based on constructing themselves. Could constantly being responsible for oneself, one's life, and health, and having to take the most reasonable decision possible by pulling out what is best for oneself from the information bombardment one is exposed to, cause one to incline towards paternalist leaders in politics? Can we say that one of the underlying reasons for the parent-child relationship established between political leaders and their voters is the fading shadow of the Other? This study will seek answers to these questions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Paternalist, Siyasi, Lider, Öteki, Lacan, Paternalist, Political, Leader, Other, Lacan