Evaluation of a special act on the protecion of topographies of microelectronic semiconductor Products (Semiconductor Protection Act)
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Özel Bir Düzenleme Olan Entegre Devre TopografyalarınınKorunması Hakkında Kanunun DegerlendirmesiEntegre devre topografyasının temeli bilgisayar teknolojisine dayanmaktadır veelektiriksel fonksiyonların küçük parçalarda yer alaması ile olusan minyatür bir yapıdır.Entegre devre bu elektiriksel yapının asıl adıdır. Entegre devre topografyası bu yüzyılın enbelirgin teknolojik buluslarından biridir. Bu konu özellikle son 20 yıldır gelismis ve hukukianlamda degerlendirilmeye baslanmıstır. Özellikle fikri mülkiyet alanında yeni gelisen vebugün birçok ülkede yasal düzenlemelere konu olan entegre devre topografyası TürkHukukuna da Entegre Devre Topografyalarının Korunması Hakkında Kanunla konu olmustur.Entegre devre topografyasının ilk olarak hukuki anlamda degerlendirilmeye baslandıgıve yasal düzenlemenin yapıldıgı yer Amerika’dır. Amerika’daki düzenlemede entegre devretopografyasının fikri mülkiyet hukukunun diger bilinen tüm alanlarından farklı oldugusonucuna varılarak özel olarak düzenleme yoluna gidilmistir. Çünkü enter devre topografyasıbilinen, geleneksel fikri mülkiyet hukukunun hiçbir alanına tam olarak uymamaktadir.Amerikadaki bu düzenleme bugün ulusal ve uluslararası anlamda bir çok düzenlemeyeetkilemistir. Bunun sonucunda bir çok ülke kendi hukukuklarında bu yönde özel düzenlemeyapma yolunu tercih etmislerdir. Ayrıca entegre devre topografyası uluslararası anlasmalara,Avrupa Birligi yönergelerine de konu olmustur. Kısa süre içerisinde bir çok hukuk düzenindetartısılan bu konu Türk Hukukuda da yakın zamanda tartısılmaya baslanmıstır.Tezimizde asil üzerinde durdugumuz noktada bu konunun hukuki olarak korunmasıiçin izlenecek yolun degerlendirilmesidir. Ayrıca Türk Hukukunda yeni tartısılmaya baslananbu konu hakkında bilgilerin bir araya getirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bunun için entegredevreler topograyası ile ilgili olarak yapılan özel düzenlemeden yolla çıkarak degerlendirmeyapılmaktadır. Bu nedenle yasal durumu da belirlemek açısından yol gösterici bir kaynakolacagını düsünmekteyiz.
Evaluatıon Of Act On The Protectıon Of Topographıes OfMıcroelectronıc Semıconductor Products ( SemıconductorProtectıon Act) Whıch Is A Specıal RegulatıonTopography of semiconductor products is based on computer technology andstructurally it is a miniature structure composed by electrical functions in small pieces.Semiconductor products is the real name of this electrical structure. Topography ofsemiconductor products is one of the most prominent inventions of the present century. Thisarea has developed especially in the last two decades and started to be legally assessed.Topography of semiconductor products which has especially emerged in intellectual propertyarea and been subject to legal regulations in several countries, has also been a subject ofTurkish Law within the law of protection of topographies of semiconductor products.It was the USA where topography of semiconductor products first started to be legallyassessed and the first legal regulations were carried out. In the USA it was concluded thattopography of semiconductor products is different from all other known areas of intellectualproperty law and they carried out a special arrangement because topography of semiconductorproducts does not actually fit into any areas of known traditional intellectual property law.This arrangement in the USA has effected several national and internationalarrangements. Consequently, a number of countries preferred to make special arrangements intheir laws in accordance therewith. Moreover, topography of semiconductor products has alsobeen subject to international agreements as well as EU directives. This issue that has beendiscussed in several law orders has started to be discussed in Turkish law.The main point of our thesis is to assess the way that should be followed to legallyprotect this issue. Moreover, it is aimed to gather information about this issue that has juststarted to be discussed in Turkish law. Therefore, an arrangement is being made by setting outthe special arrangement that has especially been done in relation with the topography ofsemiconductor products. For this reason we are of the opinion that this will be a guidingresource in determining the legal situation.
Evaluatıon Of Act On The Protectıon Of Topographıes OfMıcroelectronıc Semıconductor Products ( SemıconductorProtectıon Act) Whıch Is A Specıal RegulatıonTopography of semiconductor products is based on computer technology andstructurally it is a miniature structure composed by electrical functions in small pieces.Semiconductor products is the real name of this electrical structure. Topography ofsemiconductor products is one of the most prominent inventions of the present century. Thisarea has developed especially in the last two decades and started to be legally assessed.Topography of semiconductor products which has especially emerged in intellectual propertyarea and been subject to legal regulations in several countries, has also been a subject ofTurkish Law within the law of protection of topographies of semiconductor products.It was the USA where topography of semiconductor products first started to be legallyassessed and the first legal regulations were carried out. In the USA it was concluded thattopography of semiconductor products is different from all other known areas of intellectualproperty law and they carried out a special arrangement because topography of semiconductorproducts does not actually fit into any areas of known traditional intellectual property law.This arrangement in the USA has effected several national and internationalarrangements. Consequently, a number of countries preferred to make special arrangements intheir laws in accordance therewith. Moreover, topography of semiconductor products has alsobeen subject to international agreements as well as EU directives. This issue that has beendiscussed in several law orders has started to be discussed in Turkish law.The main point of our thesis is to assess the way that should be followed to legallyprotect this issue. Moreover, it is aimed to gather information about this issue that has juststarted to be discussed in Turkish law. Therefore, an arrangement is being made by setting outthe special arrangement that has especially been done in relation with the topography ofsemiconductor products. For this reason we are of the opinion that this will be a guidingresource in determining the legal situation.