Pandemi sürecinde zaman-mekânda kırılmalar: Türkiye’de tiyatro ve performans sanatları bağlamında yeni mekânsallıklar üzerine bir inceleme
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Son yıllarda artan teknolojik gelişmeler ve 2020 yılının başından itibaren yaşanan pandemi süreci, birçok mekânın işlevsel anlamda esneklik kazanmasını sağlamış veya işlevini kaybetmesiyle yeni alternatiflerinin üretilmesine yol açmıştır. Tez kapsamında, özellikle pandemi sürecinde dönüşen mekân kullanımları ve mekân kavramı, tiyatro ve performans sanatının bu süreçteki üretimleri üzerinden incelenecektir. Bu seçimin nedeni, pandemideki kısıtlamalar sonucunda mevcut mekân kullanımındaki dönüşümün ve yeni alternatiflerin en somut biçimde gözlemlenebildiği alanlardan biri olması ile ifade edilebilir. Bu alternatifler fiziksel ve sanal mekânsallıklar olarak çeşitlenir. Bu doğrultuda tez, tiyatro ve performans sanatındaki yeni mekânsallıkları karakterize edebilmek için, bu mekânsallıkların tartışmaya açtığı kavramsal ikiliklerin (iç-dış, fiziksel-sanal, özel-kamusal, içsel-kentsel, şehir-doğa) incelenmesi üzerinden ilerler. Spesifik bir duruma işaret ettiği düşünülen beş farklı örnek (Olağan-İçi Bir Gezi, Map to Utopia, Project: Survive, Walkthrough: Darağaç, DOTOrmanda) üzerinden ikiliklerin irdelenmesi yoluyla, her örneğin mekânla kurduğu istisnai ilişkinin nasıl kavramsallaştırılabileceğine yönelik bir deneme gerçekleştirilir. Nihayetinde üst ölçekte, her örneğin genel çerçevedeki pozisyonunu anlamaya ilişkin çaba, zaman-mekân kırılmasına yönelik olarak sundukları özgün durumların tespitiyle sonlandırılır.
ABSTRACT: Increasing technological developments in recent years and the pressures of the pandemic process to which the whole world has been subject since the beginning of 2020 have either enabled many venues to attain a high-degree of functional flexibility or resulted in the generation of alternative modes of production and dissemination. Within the scope of this thesis, transformations in the use and conceptualizations of space are examined by means of creation processes of various theatre and performance art pieces. This decision is largely based on the fact that the transformation in the use of existing spaces and the development of new alternatives in these fields provide us with a fertile opportunity within which the pandemic restrictions can be observed most concretely. At first sight, these alternatives seem to mostly concentrate around physical and virtual spatialities. With that in mind, the thesis proceeds by examining a series of conceptual dualities (such as inside-outside, physical-virtual, private-public, interior-urban, urban-natural) problematized by the new spatialities observed in the field of theatre and performance arts. By examining each duality within the specific context of five case studies (An Infra-Ordinary Journey, Map to Utopia, Project: Survive, Walkthrough: Darağaç, DOTOrmanda), an attempt is made to conceptualize the exceptional relationship that each case establishes with space. All in all, from a higher perspective, the effort to understand the position of each piece within an overall framework is re-interpreted as a particular and genuine variation on a differential scale of space-time disruptions
ABSTRACT: Increasing technological developments in recent years and the pressures of the pandemic process to which the whole world has been subject since the beginning of 2020 have either enabled many venues to attain a high-degree of functional flexibility or resulted in the generation of alternative modes of production and dissemination. Within the scope of this thesis, transformations in the use and conceptualizations of space are examined by means of creation processes of various theatre and performance art pieces. This decision is largely based on the fact that the transformation in the use of existing spaces and the development of new alternatives in these fields provide us with a fertile opportunity within which the pandemic restrictions can be observed most concretely. At first sight, these alternatives seem to mostly concentrate around physical and virtual spatialities. With that in mind, the thesis proceeds by examining a series of conceptual dualities (such as inside-outside, physical-virtual, private-public, interior-urban, urban-natural) problematized by the new spatialities observed in the field of theatre and performance arts. By examining each duality within the specific context of five case studies (An Infra-Ordinary Journey, Map to Utopia, Project: Survive, Walkthrough: Darağaç, DOTOrmanda), an attempt is made to conceptualize the exceptional relationship that each case establishes with space. All in all, from a higher perspective, the effort to understand the position of each piece within an overall framework is re-interpreted as a particular and genuine variation on a differential scale of space-time disruptions
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dijital Mekân, Kentsel Mekân, İç Mekân, Kamusal Alan, Özel Alan, Digital Space, Urban Space, Interior Space, Public Space, Private Space