Modelling term structure, exchange rate and interest rate in Turkish economy
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Günümüzde, uygun modele karar vermek, ekonometrik modellerin incelenmesinde hala önemli bir araştırma alanıdır. Bu calışmada 2000 krizi ve kriz sonrası dönem için Türkiye Hazine bonoları ve döviz kuru verilerine ilişkin modellerin yapılarını hem kısa dönem hem de uzun dönemde inceledik. Sorunu bütün yönleriyle inceleyebilmek için doğrusal ve doğrusal olmayan modelleri, hata düzeltme modellerini ekleyerek ve çıkartarak inceledik. Markov Aktarma Modelini kullandığımız kısa ve uzun dönemlerde doğrusal olmayan bir eğilim olduğu sonucuna vardık; daha spesifik olmak gerekirse, kısa dönemde kesim noktası ve varyans terimlerindeki rejim değisikliğine eğilim varken, uzun dönemde bu eğilim kesim noktası, varyans ve katsayılardakilardaki rejim değişikliğine doğrudur.
Nowadays, deciding upon the appropriate model to be analyzed in econometrical model is still an important area of research. In this study, we analyze the structure of the models regarding the data of Turkish Treasury bond and exchange rate return for the crisis, which occur in the year 2000 and the post-crisis era, both in short run and long-run case. In order to study every aspects of the issue, we analyze linear and nonlinear models by including error correction equation in each model and by excluding it. We conclude that there is a nonlinear tendency in both short run and long run case where we use Markov Switching Model; more specifically, in short run case, there is a tendency towards regime changes in variance and intercept term while in long run, this is towards regime changes in variance, intercept and coefficients.
Nowadays, deciding upon the appropriate model to be analyzed in econometrical model is still an important area of research. In this study, we analyze the structure of the models regarding the data of Turkish Treasury bond and exchange rate return for the crisis, which occur in the year 2000 and the post-crisis era, both in short run and long-run case. In order to study every aspects of the issue, we analyze linear and nonlinear models by including error correction equation in each model and by excluding it. We conclude that there is a nonlinear tendency in both short run and long run case where we use Markov Switching Model; more specifically, in short run case, there is a tendency towards regime changes in variance and intercept term while in long run, this is towards regime changes in variance, intercept and coefficients.