İmar barışı düzenlemesinin ceza davalarına etkisi
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Suç ve Ceza
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: 3194 sayılı İmar Kanunu’na 7143 sayılı kanunla getirilen geçici madde 16 ile ruhsatsız veya ruhsata aykırı olarak yapılmış yapılar kanunda belirtilen koşulları sağlayarak ve yapı kayıt belgesi başvurusu yapılarak bu yapılar kayıt altına alınabilmektedir. Kanun maddesiyle getirilen ve kamuoyunda imar barışı olarak anılan düzenleme, ruhsatsız veya ruhsata aykırı olarak yapılmış yapılar üzerinde idare hukukunun tüm yaptırımları ortadan kalkmaktadır. Ancak düzenlemede imar barışının ceza hukukuna etkisine değinilmemiştir. Çalışmamızda imar barışı düzenlemesinin ceza hukuku bağlamında değerlendirilmesi ile ceza davalarına etkisine değinilecektir. Bu noktada imar barışı düzenlemesinin TCK m.184’te düzenlenen ‘imar kirliliğine neden olma suçu’ bakımından ele alınması bu düzenlemenin TCK m.184 için bir lehe kanun düzenlemesi mi olduğu imar kirliliğine neden olma suçunun etkin pişmanlık hükmü olan TCK m.184/5 kapsamında mı değerlendirilmesi gerektiği tartışılacaktır.
ABSTRACT: Pursuant to provisional article 16, which was brought to the Zoning Law No. 3194 by the Law No. 7143, buildings that are constructed without planning permission or contrary to planning permission shall be recorded if conditions specified in law are met and an application for the building registration certificate is conducted. Through this regulation, also known as “zoning peace” in public opinion, all sanctions of administrative law on buildings without planning permission or contrary to planning permission is annihilated. However, relevant provision does not regulate the impact of zoning peace on criminal law. In this study, zoning peace in context of criminal law and its impact on criminal cases have been elaborately discussed. Herein, relevant regulation of zoning peace has been examined in context of the crime of causing pollution of zoning which is classified under Article 184 of Turkish Criminal Code. It has been deliberated whether this regulation is a provision in favor of the suspect under Article 184 of TCC, or it constitutes effective remorse clause for the crime of causing pollution of zoning which is provided under Article 184(5) of TCC.
ABSTRACT: Pursuant to provisional article 16, which was brought to the Zoning Law No. 3194 by the Law No. 7143, buildings that are constructed without planning permission or contrary to planning permission shall be recorded if conditions specified in law are met and an application for the building registration certificate is conducted. Through this regulation, also known as “zoning peace” in public opinion, all sanctions of administrative law on buildings without planning permission or contrary to planning permission is annihilated. However, relevant provision does not regulate the impact of zoning peace on criminal law. In this study, zoning peace in context of criminal law and its impact on criminal cases have been elaborately discussed. Herein, relevant regulation of zoning peace has been examined in context of the crime of causing pollution of zoning which is classified under Article 184 of Turkish Criminal Code. It has been deliberated whether this regulation is a provision in favor of the suspect under Article 184 of TCC, or it constitutes effective remorse clause for the crime of causing pollution of zoning which is provided under Article 184(5) of TCC.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İmar Barışı, Yapı Kayıt Belgesi, İmar Kirliliğine Neden Olma Suçu, Etkin Pişmanlık, Lehe Kanun, İmar Planı, Yapı Ruhsatı, Zoning Peace, Building Registration Certificate, Crime of Causing Pollution of Zoning, Effective Remorse, Law in Favor, Zoning Plan, Building Permit
Suç ve Ceza