Anonim şirket türü aile şirketlerinde esas sözleşme ve aile anayasası
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Aile şirketleri dünyada ve ulusal ekonomilerde önemli bir yere sahiptir. İşletme ve organizasyon ana bilim dallarında “aile şirketi” kendine özgü özellikleri olan bir yapı olarak kabul edilmiştir. Bu kabul ile aile şirketinin tanımlanması ve bir sistem olarak ele alınması ile ilgili teorik yaklaşımlar geliştirilmiştir. Bununla birlikte aile şirketlerinin sorunlarının tespiti ve uygulamaya yönelik çözümlerin araştırılmasına ilişkin çalışmalar da yapılmıştır. Günümüzde aile şirketlerine ilişkin çalışmalar işletme ve organizasyon ana bilim dalları ile birlikte hukuk, vergi, finans, psikoloji gibi alanlardaki çalışmalardan faydalanılarak yapılmakta ve disiplinlerarası bir yaklaşım ele alınmaktadır. Türkiye’de de birçok ticari şirketin aile şirketi olarak kurulduğu araştırmalarla ortaya çıkmıştır. Ülkemizdeki aile şirketleri ile ilgili literatür çalışmalarının çoğu işletme ve organizasyon ana bilim dalları temelinde yapılmaktadır. Ancak aile şirketlerinde yaşanan sorunların niteliği ve bu sorunlara ilişkin çözüm üretilmesi farklı bilim dalları ile çalışmayı gerektirmektedir. 6102 Sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nda (“TTK”) aile şirketlerine ilişkin herhangi bir özel düzenleme yoktur. Çalışmamızda aile şirketleri anonim şirket türü esas alınarak incelenmektedir. Öncelikle aile şirketlerinin rol çatışmaları, nepotizm, yabancılaşma tehlikesi gibi sorunları tespit edilmelidir. Sonrasında ise çözüm önerileri ve önerilerin uygulanması için gerekli hukuki araçlar belirlenmelidir. Bu sebeple çalışmada aile şirketinin sorunlarının önlenmesi ve çözülmesi bakımından faydalı olacak esas sözleşme, pay sahipleri sözleşmesi, aile meclisi, aile konseyi ve aile anayasası gibi hukuki araçlar ayrıntılı olarak açıklanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda hukuki araçlarla düzenlenmesi mümkün olan bazı önemli öneriler de çalışmada ifade edilmektedir.
Family firms have an important place in the world and national economies. In the departments of business and organization, “family firm” is considered as a structure which has unique characteristics. With this consideration, theoretical approaches about defining family firm and considering it as a system have been developed. In addition, studies about determining problems of family firms and searching for applicable solutions have been carried out. At the present time, studies about family firms are carried out by making use from studies in different fields, law, tax, finance, psychology, and an interdisciplinary approach is handled. In Turkey too, it is clarified that many firms are founded as a family firm. Many of literature studies about family firms in Turkey are done based upon basis of departments of business and organization. However characteristics of encountered problems in family firms and creating solutions in related to these problems are required to study within different disciplines. In Turkish Commercial Code No.6102 (“TTK”), there is no specific clause about family firms. In our thesis study, family firms are analyzed by grounding on joint-stock company type. In the first phase, the problems of family firms, role conflicts, nepotism, the risk of alienation, must be determined. Thereafter, solution recommendations and legal tools for solutions to practice must be designated. Because of this reason, in this study, legal tools, articles of association, shareholders’ agreement, family assembly, family council and family constitution, which are beneficial regard to preventing and solving the problems of family firms are explained in detail. In this concept, some important recommendations which can be drawn up with legal tools are explained in study.
Family firms have an important place in the world and national economies. In the departments of business and organization, “family firm” is considered as a structure which has unique characteristics. With this consideration, theoretical approaches about defining family firm and considering it as a system have been developed. In addition, studies about determining problems of family firms and searching for applicable solutions have been carried out. At the present time, studies about family firms are carried out by making use from studies in different fields, law, tax, finance, psychology, and an interdisciplinary approach is handled. In Turkey too, it is clarified that many firms are founded as a family firm. Many of literature studies about family firms in Turkey are done based upon basis of departments of business and organization. However characteristics of encountered problems in family firms and creating solutions in related to these problems are required to study within different disciplines. In Turkish Commercial Code No.6102 (“TTK”), there is no specific clause about family firms. In our thesis study, family firms are analyzed by grounding on joint-stock company type. In the first phase, the problems of family firms, role conflicts, nepotism, the risk of alienation, must be determined. Thereafter, solution recommendations and legal tools for solutions to practice must be designated. Because of this reason, in this study, legal tools, articles of association, shareholders’ agreement, family assembly, family council and family constitution, which are beneficial regard to preventing and solving the problems of family firms are explained in detail. In this concept, some important recommendations which can be drawn up with legal tools are explained in study.