The Greek-Turkish war of 1919-1922 in Greek historiography
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Birinci Dünya Savaşı'nda zafer kazanan İtilaf Devletleri tarafından da teşvik edilen Başbakan Venizelos'un liderliğindeki Yunanistan, 1919 yılının Mayıs ayında İzmir'e çıktı. Yunanlıların/Rumların bir Büyük Yunanistan şemsiyesi altında tek bir ulus olarak birleşmesine cevaz veren Büyük Ülkü (Megali Idea) doktrini böylece uygulamaya konulmuş oldu. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun sonunu getiren 1918 Mondros Mütarekesi sonrasında Türklerin ciddi bir direnç göstereceğini kimse beklemiyordu. İzmir'deki Yunan güçleri, Ankara'da örgütlenen milliyetçi Türk güçlerine karşı Anadolu içlerine doğru ilerlesin diye, özellikle Britanya Başbakanı Lloyd George tarafından bir kez daha teşvik edildi. Ancak, Büyük Yunanistan rüyası Ağustos 1922'de Sakarya'da yenilgiye, Eylül 1922'de ise İzmir'de felakete dönüştü. 1919-1922 Yunan-Türk savaşına ilişkin tartışmalar Yunanistan'da hala devam ediyor.
In May 1919, Greece, encouraged by the Entente, the winner of the First World War, landed its forces in Smyrna/İzmir. The Megali Idea, a doctrine that allowed for all the Greeks/Rums to gather under the umbrella of a Greater Greece was now put into practice. No one anticipated much resistance from the Turks after the Armistice at Moudros signed and sealed the fate of the Ottoman Empire in 1918. The Greek forces in Smyrna/İzmir were further encouraged, particularly by Lloyd George, the Prime Minister of Britain, to foray out of Smyrna/İzmir and into Anatolia against the nationalist Turkish forces based in Ankara. However, the dream of Greater Greece turned sour at Sangoria in August 1922, and then to a Katastrofi at Symrna/İzmir in September 1922. The Greek-Turkish war of 1919-1922 is still a hotly debated issue in Greece.
In May 1919, Greece, encouraged by the Entente, the winner of the First World War, landed its forces in Smyrna/İzmir. The Megali Idea, a doctrine that allowed for all the Greeks/Rums to gather under the umbrella of a Greater Greece was now put into practice. No one anticipated much resistance from the Turks after the Armistice at Moudros signed and sealed the fate of the Ottoman Empire in 1918. The Greek forces in Smyrna/İzmir were further encouraged, particularly by Lloyd George, the Prime Minister of Britain, to foray out of Smyrna/İzmir and into Anatolia against the nationalist Turkish forces based in Ankara. However, the dream of Greater Greece turned sour at Sangoria in August 1922, and then to a Katastrofi at Symrna/İzmir in September 1922. The Greek-Turkish war of 1919-1922 is still a hotly debated issue in Greece.