Kripto para ve blok zincir teknolojisi ve muhasebeleştirilmesi
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Kripto paralar teknik açıdan; sıklıkla blok zincir olarak tabir edilen, ağ ve şebekede yer alan her bir işlemin doğruluğunun teyidine olanak sağlayan ve mevzu bahis tüm hareketlerin şifrelenmesine müstenit altyapıya sahiptir. Bu açıdan altyapısı nedeniyle dünyanın en gelişmiş para birimi olarak da nitelendirilmektedir. Her bir yerel para biriminde olduğu gibi dijital paraların da yasal bir zeminin olması beklendiğinde; henüz yasal bir zemine sahip olmayan kripto paraların, günümüzde bilinen tüm diğer itibari para kavramını tam anlamıyla karşılayamadığı söylenebilir. Son yollarda sıklıkla kullanılmaya başlayan ve yaygınlaşan kripto paralar bu sebeple, tanımı ve kaydı amacıyla muhasebe ve bilgi sistemine entegrasyonu ve uyumu gerekmektedir. Tüm bu bilgiler ışığında, bu tez çalışmasında paranın tanımı ve türlerinin tanımları yapılmış ve kripto paralar varlıklarının kullanım ağı olan blok zincir kavramından bahsedilmiştir. Sonrasında ise kripto varlıkların dünyada ve Türkiye’de ne durumda kavramlaştırıldığı ve tanımlandığı, ardından ise muhasebe sistemine entegrasyonunun nasıl yapılacağı ve muhasebeleştirilmesi gerektiği incelenmiş olup son bölümde ise örnek bir işletme ile kripto varlıkların ticari faaliyetlerde nasıl yatırım aracı olarak değerlendirilebileceği, son olarak da tahsilat ve ödemelerde kullanımı örnek işletme uygulaması ile değerlendirilerek çalışmaya yer verilmiştir.
ABSTRACT: Cryptocurrencies technically; It has an substructure that allows the verification of the accuracy of each transaction in the network and the network, which is often referred to as the blockchain, and is based on the encryption of all transactions in question. In this respect, it is also described as the most developed currency in the world due to its infrastructure. As with any other local currency, digital currencies are expected to have a legal basis. It can be said that cryptocurrencies, which do not have a legal basis yet, cannot fully meet the concept of all other nominal money known today. Cryptocurrencies, which have started to be used and become widespread in recent years, are therefore required to be integrated and adapted to the accounting and information system for the purpose of definition and registration. In the light of all the information given above, in this thesis, the definition of money and its types are made and the concept of blockchain, which is the usage network of crypto money assets, is mentioned. Afterwards, it has been researched how crypto assets are conceptualized and defined in Turkey and the rest of the world, then how to integrate them into the accounting system and how they should be accounted. Its use was investigated by evaluating with a sample business application.
ABSTRACT: Cryptocurrencies technically; It has an substructure that allows the verification of the accuracy of each transaction in the network and the network, which is often referred to as the blockchain, and is based on the encryption of all transactions in question. In this respect, it is also described as the most developed currency in the world due to its infrastructure. As with any other local currency, digital currencies are expected to have a legal basis. It can be said that cryptocurrencies, which do not have a legal basis yet, cannot fully meet the concept of all other nominal money known today. Cryptocurrencies, which have started to be used and become widespread in recent years, are therefore required to be integrated and adapted to the accounting and information system for the purpose of definition and registration. In the light of all the information given above, in this thesis, the definition of money and its types are made and the concept of blockchain, which is the usage network of crypto money assets, is mentioned. Afterwards, it has been researched how crypto assets are conceptualized and defined in Turkey and the rest of the world, then how to integrate them into the accounting system and how they should be accounted. Its use was investigated by evaluating with a sample business application.