The validity and reliability study of the Turkish version of the Spirituality Scale
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Amerika'da geliştirilmiş bir ölçek olan Maneviyat Ölçeği'ni (MA) Türkçe'ye uyarlamaktı. MA, ilk geliştirildiğinde, 38 maddeden ve bu maddelerin içinde yer aldığı dört boyuttan oluşmuştu. Faktör analizi sonrası, madde sayısı 23'e, boyut sayısı üçe düştü ve ölçek son şeklini böyle aldı. Mevcut çalışmada araştırma konuları şunlar olarak belirlendi: 23 maddelik formun Türkçe geçerlik ve güvenilirliği, 38 maddelik formun faktör analizi sonunda Türk örneklemi üzerinden oluşturacağı yapı ve çeşitli kişisel değişkenlerin 38 maddelik forma göre hesaplanan maneviyat puanıyla (varsayılan maneviyat) arasındaki ilişki. 713 katılımcı MA'yı ve Kişisel Bilgi Formu'nu doldurdu. Sonuçlar, 23 maddelik formun, geçerli ve güvenilir olmadığına işaret etti. Güvenilirliğin olmaması, alt-boyutların düşük iç tutarlılık değerlerinden kaynaklandı. Geçerliğin olmamasıysa, öngörülen faktör yapısının Türk örnekleminde doğrulanmamasıyla ilgiliydi. Ancak, araştırmacı faktör analizi uygulandığında, yazarın başta ortaya koyduğu dört boyutun ortaya çıktığı görüldü. Bu dört boyut, hem 23 hem de 38 maddelik formlarda kendini gösterdi. Bulgular, varsayılan maneviyatın; cinsiyet, meslek, çalışma durumu, olumlu yaşam deneyimine sahip olma, spor yapma, meditasyon yapma ve psikoterapi alma gibi çeşitli kişisel değişkenlerle ilişkili olduğuna işaret etti. Bulgular, çalışmanın kısıtları ve sonraki çalışmalar için önerilerle birlikte tartışıldı.
The primary purpose of this study was to adapt a US-based spirituality scale, the Spirituality Scale (SS), into Turkish. The SS was originally developed to contain 38 items with four underlying dimensions. After factor analysis, the number of items dropped to 23 and number of dimensions dropped to three. Research questions addressed the following: reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the 23-item form of the SS, factorial structure of the data when scores for the originally generated 38 items were analyzed, and relationships between various background variables and the total score of the items measuring spirituality in the 38-item form (named as supposed spirituality). 713 adult participants filled the Turkish version of the SS and the Background Information Form. The Turkish version of the 23-item form of the SS was found to be neither reliable nor valid. The lack of reliability stemmed from the low internal consistency figures of the sub-dimensions. The fact that the factorial structure of the SS was not confirmed in the Turkish sample accounts for the lack of validity. However, exploratory factor analysis revealed four sub-dimensions, supporting those originally conceptualized by the author. The four dimensions were found for both the 23- and 38-item forms. Results revealed that supposed spirituality was associated with several background variables such as gender, occupation, work status, experience of a significant positive life event, and engagement in sports, meditative practices and psychotherapy. The findings are discussed, along with the limitations of the study and implications for future research.
The primary purpose of this study was to adapt a US-based spirituality scale, the Spirituality Scale (SS), into Turkish. The SS was originally developed to contain 38 items with four underlying dimensions. After factor analysis, the number of items dropped to 23 and number of dimensions dropped to three. Research questions addressed the following: reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the 23-item form of the SS, factorial structure of the data when scores for the originally generated 38 items were analyzed, and relationships between various background variables and the total score of the items measuring spirituality in the 38-item form (named as supposed spirituality). 713 adult participants filled the Turkish version of the SS and the Background Information Form. The Turkish version of the 23-item form of the SS was found to be neither reliable nor valid. The lack of reliability stemmed from the low internal consistency figures of the sub-dimensions. The fact that the factorial structure of the SS was not confirmed in the Turkish sample accounts for the lack of validity. However, exploratory factor analysis revealed four sub-dimensions, supporting those originally conceptualized by the author. The four dimensions were found for both the 23- and 38-item forms. Results revealed that supposed spirituality was associated with several background variables such as gender, occupation, work status, experience of a significant positive life event, and engagement in sports, meditative practices and psychotherapy. The findings are discussed, along with the limitations of the study and implications for future research.