Real-Time Implementation of an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller for the Trajectory Tracking of an UAV

Küçük Resim Yok



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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

Erişim Hakkı



In this study, a Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller that directly generates the necessary control signals is used to achieve the trajectory tracking control of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The proposed control scheme takes the quadcopter's divergence from the given trajectory and its derivative as inputs. A type-1 fuzzy logic controller is also designed and implemented on the quadcopter to assess the performance of the type-2 controller. Real-time flight experiments are conducted for a skewed circular trajectory. The results of these experiments show that the type-2 fuzzy controller provides better transient and steady-state response compared to a conventional fuzzy controller. © 2021 IEEE.


5h International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, ISMSIT 2021 -- 21 October 2021 through 23 October 2021 -- -- 174473

Anahtar Kelimeler

Quadcopter, Trajectory Tracking, Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller, Aircraft Control, Aircraft Detection, Antennas, Computer Circuits, Controllers, Fuzzy Logic, Real Time Control, Trajectories, Control Schemes, Control Signal, Fuzzy Logic Controllers, Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controllers, Performance, Quadcopter, Real-Time İmplementations, Trajectory Tracking Control, Trajectory-Tracking, Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controllers, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Uav)


ISMSIT 2021 - 5th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, Proceedings

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