Feminist mücadelenin üniversitedeki ayağı: CTS birimleri
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ÖZET: Kadına yönelik şiddetin en ağır biçimlerinden birisi olan cinsel şiddet aynı zamanda ortaya çıkarılması en zor şiddet türüdür. Üniversiteler hem hiyerarşik yapıları nedeniyle hem öğrencilerin ve çalışanların bir arada uzun süreler ve kalabalık şekilde çalıştıkları ortamlar olmaları nedeniyle cinsel şiddetin yaşanma olasılığının oldukça yüksek olduğu kurumlardır. Türkiye üniversitelerinde son on yılda cinsel şiddetle mücadele için kurulan birimler (CTS birimleri) gerek amaçları bakımından gerekse yaptıkları işin niteliği ve yöntemi itibarıyla Türkiye’deki feminist hareketin önemli bir bileşenidir. Hal böyleyken bu birimlerin feminist incelemenin -akademi içinden veya dışından- konusu olduğu çalışmalar son derece sınırlıdır. Bu eksiklikten yola çıkarak Türkiye üniversitelerindeki CTS birimlerinin feminist mücadeleyle nasıl ilişkilendiklerini, üniversite içindeki ve dışındaki kadın örgütlenmeleriyle CTS’ler arasındaki dayanışma ağlarının nasıl kurulduğunu sekiz farklı üniversiteden temsilcilerle yaptığım görüşmeler üzerinden anlamaya çalışacağım.
ABSTRACT: Sexual violence is one of the most serious forms of violence against women and as such it is also the type that is hardest to unravel. Universities, being settings where large number of people work together for long periods of time, are also hierarchical institutions with a high probability of sexual violence. In Turkey special units for the prevention of sexual violence (CTS units) have been established at universities in the last decade. With regards to their founding objectives and goals as well as the essence and the methods of their work, these units can be seen as significant components of feminist movement in Turkey. Nonetheless, they have rarely been the subject of a feminist inquiry, academic or not. In this study, based on interviews with eight representatives from different universities, I try to explore how CTS units relate to the feminist movement in Turkey and how the networks of support and solidarity are established between these units and other women’s groups within and outside the universities.
ABSTRACT: Sexual violence is one of the most serious forms of violence against women and as such it is also the type that is hardest to unravel. Universities, being settings where large number of people work together for long periods of time, are also hierarchical institutions with a high probability of sexual violence. In Turkey special units for the prevention of sexual violence (CTS units) have been established at universities in the last decade. With regards to their founding objectives and goals as well as the essence and the methods of their work, these units can be seen as significant components of feminist movement in Turkey. Nonetheless, they have rarely been the subject of a feminist inquiry, academic or not. In this study, based on interviews with eight representatives from different universities, I try to explore how CTS units relate to the feminist movement in Turkey and how the networks of support and solidarity are established between these units and other women’s groups within and outside the universities.
Anahtar Kelimeler
CTS, cinsel taciz, cinsel saldırı, üniversitelerde cinsel şiddet, üniversitelerde toplumsal cinsiyet temelli şiddet, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual violence at universities, gender based violence at universities
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