The origins of conservatism in the nineteenth century Ottoman Empire Social and political thought of Ziya Paşa
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
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Ondokuzuncu Yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Muhafazakârlığın Kökenleri: Ziya Paşa'nın Toplumsal ve Siyasal Düşünceleri Tanzimat reformlarıyla birlikte Osmanlı devlet adamları, imparatorluğun çözülmesini engelleyebilmek için, tüm unsurları içeren vatandaşlık bağı temelli, yepyeni bir modern ulusal kimlik yaratma çabasına giriştiler. Bu yeni kimlik, yani Osmanlılık, o zaman dek devletin hâkim unsuru olan Müslüman Osmanlılar tarafında, imparatorluktaki diğer milletler arasındaki ayrıcalıklı konumlarını kaybettikleri duygusunu yarattı. Onlar, bu durumdan padişahı değil, sorumlu olduğuna inandıkları üst düzey bürokratları suçladılar. Osmanlı Müslümanlarının oluşturduğu Yeni Osmanlı hareketi bu memnuniyetsizliğin sonucu olarak ortaya çıktı. Geleneksel tarih yazımında Yeni Osmanlılar bazen devrimci bazen de İslâmcı hareketin başlangıç noktası olarak kabul edilir. Burada sorgulanmaya çalışılan tam da bu yaklaşımdır. Bu çalışmanın temel iddiası, modern bir siyasal ideoloji olan muhafazakârlığın Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'ndaki kökenlerinin, Yeni Osmanlı hareketinin bir üyesi olan Ziya Paşa'ya kadar uzandığını göstermektir. Bir onsekizinci yüzyıl fenomeni olan ve Fransız Devrimi'yle başladığı düşünülen muhafazakârlığın düşünce kalıplarının, ondokuzuncu yüzyılın ikinci yarısında yaşamış ve yazmış olan bir Osmanlı bürokratında kendini nasıl dışavurduğu belirlenmeye çalışılacaktır. Aynı zamanda Batı Avrupa kökenli bir siyasal ideolojinin, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun mevcut durumuna nasıl uyarlandığı da araştırılacaktır. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda muhafazakârlık, zannedildiği gibi, II. Meşrutiyet sonrası ya da Cumhuriyet devrimlerine tepki ile oluşmuş ideolojilere benzeyen bir ideoloji değildir, kökeni daha eskiye dayanır. Gelecekte oluşacak Türk milliyetçi düşüncesindeki korporatist toplum? modelinin ve temsil meselesinin; İslâmcılardaki Halîfecilik ve Sünnîcilik sorunsallarının; ve İslâmcı-Türkçü sentezcilerin millî kimlik tariflerinin kaynağını oluşturmuştur. Bu anlamda, II. Meşrutiyet döneminde milliyetçilik ve İslâmcılık olarak devam edecek olan muhafazakâr söylem, kendine Yeni Osmanlıların siyasal fikirlerini miras almıştır. Muhafazakârlık, ideolojik cephânesini ondokuzuncu yüzyıl ortalarında Tanzimat'a karşı yapılmış eleştirilerle oluşturmuştur ve bunun için matbaa kapitalizmini kullanmıştır. Diğer Yeni Osmanlı ideologlarıyla birlikte Ziya Paşa'nın da bu ideolojinin temellerinin atılmasında büyük rolü olmuştur. Dolayısıyla, onun muhafazakârlığın ?milion taş?larından biri olduğu iddia edilebilir. Muhafazakârlık Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda ve Türkiye'de modernitenin sorunsallarına karşı oluşturulabilen yegâne orijinal ideolojidir, bu anlamda kendisi de moderndir. Köken itibariyle Batı Avrupa'ya dayanır, ancak Batı dışı moderniteler gibi, bunun diğer yüzünü oluşturan Batı dışı muhafazakârlıklar da mümkündür. Modernite ve muhafazakârlık, ?Janus'un yüzleri?ne benzetilebilir. Ziya Paşa ise zannedildiği gibi bu yüzlerin sadece geçmişe dönük olanıyla değil, aynı zamanda geleceğe bakanıyla da yakından ilgilidir. Tanzimat döneminde yapılan reformların çoğunun arkasındadır. Fakat o, kurulmaya çalışılan geleceğin yerel kurum ve hayat tarzı göz önünde bulundurularak planlanması taraftarıdır. Fikirlerinde devrim değil evrim önceliklidir. Kontrollü değişimi savunduğu için, reformcu muhafazakâr olarak nitelendirilebilir. Ziya Paşa bugüne kadar ikincil önemde ve pek de gönülden katılmadığı bir hareketin önemsiz bir üyesi olarak görülmüştür. Bunu şevk eksikliğine bağlayanlar olduğu gibi, aslında Yeni Osmanlı hareketini anlamadığını ve kendi kişisel kariyer merakı sebebiyle dahil olduğunu iddia edenler da olmuştur. Fakat o, Osmanlı muhafazakârlığının temellerini oluşturmuştur.
The Origins of Conservatism in the Nineteenth Century Ottoman Empire: Social and Political Thought of Ziya Paşa Along with the reforms of the Tanzimat, in order to stop the decline of the Empire, Ottoman statesmen of the time developed a new form of national identity (namely Ottomanism) that would include all subjects of the imperial population. For the Muslims, who had been the dominant element within the empire until that time, this was seen as profoundly negative and many began to feel that their traditional position was under threat. However, blame for this lamentable situation laid in the eyes of many Muslims not with the Sultan but with the high level bureaucrats. The result of this discontent was the formation of the ?Young Ottoman? movement from amongst the Ottoman Muslim population. In traditional historiography, the Young Ottomans have either been regarded as the beginning of the revolutionary or the Islamist movement in Turkey. It is exactly this point of view that this thesis will attempt to question. The basic premise of this work is that Ottoman conservatism, as a modern political ideology, had some of its origins in the works of Ziya Paşa who was a member of the Young Ottoman movement. It will be tried to examine how the matrix of conservative thought, which was an eighteenth century phenomenon that started after the French Revolution, was expressed in the works of an Ottoman bureaucrat who had lived and written in the second half of the nineteenth century. Also, it will be examined how a political ideology which had been formed in Western Europe, can be adapted to the existing conditions of the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman conservatism, as can be surmised, was not an ideology that was formed in reaction to the Second Constitutional period or even against the Republican revolution. Its origins lie further back in time. It formed a kind of general source for the model of corporatist society ideal and the Turkish nationalists? questions on representation; for the problems of hilafet and Sunnism of Islamists; for the expression of national identity in an Islamist-Turkist context. In a way conservative discourse, that was turned into nationalism and Islamism in the Second Constitutional period, was the legacy of Young Ottomans? ideas. Conservatism formed its ideological arsenal by some criticisms against the Tanzimat in the mid-nineteenth century. Alongside with the other Young Ottoman ideologues, Ziya Paşa played an important role in forming the basis of this ideology. Therefore, it can be claimed that he was one of the `million stones of conservatism. Ottoman conservatism was the only original ideology that could be formed in response to the problems of modernisation in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey. In this sense it was a modern ideology. It was Western in origin, however as with regards to non-Western modernities, non-Western conservatisms, which formed the other side of the coin, are also possible. Modernity and conservatism can be seen as `faces of Janus. Ziya Paşa was strongly concerned not only about the face that is directed to the past, but about the face that is looking toward the future. He was a supporter of some of the Tanzimat reforms. But, while considering about the local institutions and life styles, he was defending making a plan about the future. In his thoughts evolution, not revolution, matters. He might be considered as a reformist-conservative, because he defended change that would be under control. Until this time, Ziya Paşa was considered as a secondary and unimportant figure who did not participated in the Young Ottoman movement by heart. Some believed it was because of a lack of enthusiasm, and some believed he never understood the nature of the Young Ottoman movement, he joined them because of his personal career. Yet, he formed the basis of Ottoman conservatism.
The Origins of Conservatism in the Nineteenth Century Ottoman Empire: Social and Political Thought of Ziya Paşa Along with the reforms of the Tanzimat, in order to stop the decline of the Empire, Ottoman statesmen of the time developed a new form of national identity (namely Ottomanism) that would include all subjects of the imperial population. For the Muslims, who had been the dominant element within the empire until that time, this was seen as profoundly negative and many began to feel that their traditional position was under threat. However, blame for this lamentable situation laid in the eyes of many Muslims not with the Sultan but with the high level bureaucrats. The result of this discontent was the formation of the ?Young Ottoman? movement from amongst the Ottoman Muslim population. In traditional historiography, the Young Ottomans have either been regarded as the beginning of the revolutionary or the Islamist movement in Turkey. It is exactly this point of view that this thesis will attempt to question. The basic premise of this work is that Ottoman conservatism, as a modern political ideology, had some of its origins in the works of Ziya Paşa who was a member of the Young Ottoman movement. It will be tried to examine how the matrix of conservative thought, which was an eighteenth century phenomenon that started after the French Revolution, was expressed in the works of an Ottoman bureaucrat who had lived and written in the second half of the nineteenth century. Also, it will be examined how a political ideology which had been formed in Western Europe, can be adapted to the existing conditions of the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman conservatism, as can be surmised, was not an ideology that was formed in reaction to the Second Constitutional period or even against the Republican revolution. Its origins lie further back in time. It formed a kind of general source for the model of corporatist society ideal and the Turkish nationalists? questions on representation; for the problems of hilafet and Sunnism of Islamists; for the expression of national identity in an Islamist-Turkist context. In a way conservative discourse, that was turned into nationalism and Islamism in the Second Constitutional period, was the legacy of Young Ottomans? ideas. Conservatism formed its ideological arsenal by some criticisms against the Tanzimat in the mid-nineteenth century. Alongside with the other Young Ottoman ideologues, Ziya Paşa played an important role in forming the basis of this ideology. Therefore, it can be claimed that he was one of the `million stones of conservatism. Ottoman conservatism was the only original ideology that could be formed in response to the problems of modernisation in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey. In this sense it was a modern ideology. It was Western in origin, however as with regards to non-Western modernities, non-Western conservatisms, which formed the other side of the coin, are also possible. Modernity and conservatism can be seen as `faces of Janus. Ziya Paşa was strongly concerned not only about the face that is directed to the past, but about the face that is looking toward the future. He was a supporter of some of the Tanzimat reforms. But, while considering about the local institutions and life styles, he was defending making a plan about the future. In his thoughts evolution, not revolution, matters. He might be considered as a reformist-conservative, because he defended change that would be under control. Until this time, Ziya Paşa was considered as a secondary and unimportant figure who did not participated in the Young Ottoman movement by heart. Some believed it was because of a lack of enthusiasm, and some believed he never understood the nature of the Young Ottoman movement, he joined them because of his personal career. Yet, he formed the basis of Ottoman conservatism.