The Frankfurt School and Antonio Gramsci: Theoretical concerns in the practice of cultural criticism, an their 'means' to producing aneo-Marxist approach
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Bu tezde Kültürel Marxism ile yirminci yüzyılın başlarında İtalya ve Almanya'da yükselen faşizm arasında bir ilişki kurulmuştur. Frankfurt okulunun seçkin düşünürleri ile ünlü Italyan düşünür Antonio Gramsci'nin Marksizm'in kültürel ve sosyolojik açılardan yeniden yorumlanmasında etkileri büyüktür. Bu tez, faşizmi tetikleyici bir etmen olarak alarak Kültürel Hegemonya ve Kültür Endüstrisi kavramları altında Frankfurt Okulu'nun ve Gramsci'nin Kültürel Marksizm'e yaklaşımlarındaki araç ve amaçlarını ortaya koymayı hedeflemiştir. Teorilerinin kökenindeki faşist sistemin ve ideolojinin itici gücü yadsınamaz, öyle ki bu itki onları hem evlerinden hem de yurtlarından uzaklaştırıp mapus hayatı ve sürgün hayatı yaşamalarına zorlamıştır. Gramsci faşiszmi tarihsel süreç ve tarihsel olgular çerçevesinde yorumlarken, Frankfurt Okulu üyeleri daha çok insan doğası üzerine yoğunlaşarak faşist ideolojiyi açıklamışlardır. Özellikle kültürel eleştiri üzerine olan ortak görüşlerine rağmen, Frankfurt Okulunun kötümser yaklaşımı onları Gramsci'den ayırır. Frankfurt Okulu üyeleri için nesnenin akıldan ayırılması, akılın arzudan ayrılmasına neden olur ki, bu da insanlığın arzuları doğrultusunda haraket etmesini engeller. Gramsci yılmadan teorisini oturttuğu işçi sınıfının arzusuna inanırken, Frankfurt Okulu üyeleri işçi sınıfı için bu arzunun eksikliğinden kaynaklı inançsızlıklarını belirtirler. Bu tezde Frankfurt Okulu üyelerinin ve Gramsci'nin Kültürel Marksizm temelli teorilerini karşılaştırmayı amaçlamaktayım.
In this thesis, the rise of Cultural Marxism is correlated with the rise of fascist regimen throughout the early period of 20th century in Italy and in Germany. The distinguished scholars of the Frankfurt School in Germany and the well-known philosopher Antonio Gramsci in Italy had great influence of the reinterpretation of Marxism with their sociological and cultural analysis. Taking fascism as a trigger effect, this thesis aims to expose the means and ends used by the Frankfurt School and Gramsci in their approaches to Cultural Marxism under the influence of cultural hegemony and the culture Industry. The pushing effect of Fascist system and ideology cannot be denied as the ground of their theories, since this pushing effect forced them both to leave their countries and homes, and it lead to exile and imprisonment. Gramsci interprets fascism within the framework of the historical process and historical issues, whereas Frankfurt School members are more into the human nature to explain fascist ideology. Although they held common views, especially on cultural criticism, the pessimistic approach of Frankfurt School is what particularly distinguishes it from Gramsci. For the members of Frankfurt School, the separation of reason from objectivity causes the separation of intellect and will, which prevents human beings from acting on their desires. While Gramsci constantly believed in the will of working class, on which he grounds his fundamental theory, the members of the Frankfurt School grounded their hopelessness in the separation of will for the working class. In this thesis, I aim to compare both the Frankfurt School members and Gramscis theoretical grounds on Cultural Marxism.
In this thesis, the rise of Cultural Marxism is correlated with the rise of fascist regimen throughout the early period of 20th century in Italy and in Germany. The distinguished scholars of the Frankfurt School in Germany and the well-known philosopher Antonio Gramsci in Italy had great influence of the reinterpretation of Marxism with their sociological and cultural analysis. Taking fascism as a trigger effect, this thesis aims to expose the means and ends used by the Frankfurt School and Gramsci in their approaches to Cultural Marxism under the influence of cultural hegemony and the culture Industry. The pushing effect of Fascist system and ideology cannot be denied as the ground of their theories, since this pushing effect forced them both to leave their countries and homes, and it lead to exile and imprisonment. Gramsci interprets fascism within the framework of the historical process and historical issues, whereas Frankfurt School members are more into the human nature to explain fascist ideology. Although they held common views, especially on cultural criticism, the pessimistic approach of Frankfurt School is what particularly distinguishes it from Gramsci. For the members of Frankfurt School, the separation of reason from objectivity causes the separation of intellect and will, which prevents human beings from acting on their desires. While Gramsci constantly believed in the will of working class, on which he grounds his fundamental theory, the members of the Frankfurt School grounded their hopelessness in the separation of will for the working class. In this thesis, I aim to compare both the Frankfurt School members and Gramscis theoretical grounds on Cultural Marxism.