Türkiye'de sosyal medyada futbol taraftarlarının erkeklik söylemleri
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Tezin amacı Facebook'ta `Üç Büyükler'in taraftar sayfalarına (Antu, Forza Beşiktaş ve Ultraslan) odaklanarak taraftarlık olgusu üzerinden hegemonik ve popüler bir erkeklik kavramının bir aidiyet olarak nasıl kurulup pekiştirildiğinin bir analizini sunmaktır. Tez, erkeklik kavramının ve gündelik ataerkil dilin futbol üzerinden popüler kültür ürününe dönüşmesinde sosyal medyanın önemli bir role sahip olduğunu iddia etmektedir. Başka bir deyişle, sosyal medyanın futbol üzerinden erkeklik hallerinin ve ataerkil dilin/söylemin popüler kültür nüvesi olarak yeniden üretilmesinde önemli bir toplumsal alan açtığını iddia etmektedir. Çalışma iki temel kavrama, Bourdieu'nün sosyal alan kavramı ve Conell'in hegemonik erkeklik kavramına odaklanarak, futbol popüler kültür ürününe dönüşürken hegemonik erkekliğin sosyal medyada nasıl yeniden üretildiği ve pekiştirildiği üzerine bir söylem analizi sunmaktadır. Ek olarak, bu hegemonik erkekliğin hâkimiyetine direnmek için futbol ile kurulabilecek alternatif erkekliklerin önündeki kültürel bariyerler üzerine bir tartışma sunulacaktır.
The aim of the thesis is to present an analysis on how a concept of masculinity is constructed and perpetuated as an identity in a popular and hegemonic way on the basis of soccer fanaticism by focusing on the case studies of the Big Three Facebook Fan Pages (Antu, Forza Beşiktaş and Ultraslan). The thesis argues that social media plays an important role in the way that the concept of masculinity and a related patriarchal language in daily life has transformed into popular culture through the soccer fanaticism. In other words, this study argues that social media opens a crucial social space in which the conditions of masculinities and patriarchal language/discourse are re-articulated in popular culture productions. This study focuses on two main concepts, Bourdieuian concept of social space and Conell?s concept of hegemonic masculinity, in presenting a discourse analysis on how a hegemonic masculinity has been constructed and perpetuated in social media while soccer become a popular culture. In addition, it presents a discussion on the cultural barriers to develop alternative masculinities through soccer in resisting the predominance of this hegemonic masculinity.
The aim of the thesis is to present an analysis on how a concept of masculinity is constructed and perpetuated as an identity in a popular and hegemonic way on the basis of soccer fanaticism by focusing on the case studies of the Big Three Facebook Fan Pages (Antu, Forza Beşiktaş and Ultraslan). The thesis argues that social media plays an important role in the way that the concept of masculinity and a related patriarchal language in daily life has transformed into popular culture through the soccer fanaticism. In other words, this study argues that social media opens a crucial social space in which the conditions of masculinities and patriarchal language/discourse are re-articulated in popular culture productions. This study focuses on two main concepts, Bourdieuian concept of social space and Conell?s concept of hegemonic masculinity, in presenting a discourse analysis on how a hegemonic masculinity has been constructed and perpetuated in social media while soccer become a popular culture. In addition, it presents a discussion on the cultural barriers to develop alternative masculinities through soccer in resisting the predominance of this hegemonic masculinity.