Kemalizm ya da kadınlık Çağdaş kadının başörtüsüyle imtihanı
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma Kemalizmin kurucu unsurlarından biri olan ve 1980 sonrası politik konstelasyonda laik-İslamcı karşıtlığı olarak tezahür eden modern-geleneksel ikiliğini Kemalist kadın kimliği ve hareketi bağlamında ele almaktadır. Kemalist kadınların örgütlü bir biçimde taraf olduğu türban meselesi, Kemalist kadın kimliğin bileşenlerini, Kemalist kadın hareketinin sosyo-politik niteliğini ve ideolojik içeriğini ortaya koyan bir gösterge olarak araçsallaştırılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda Kemalist kadın hareketinin öncüleri olan kadınlarla derinlemesine mülakatlar yapılmış ve kadınların başörtüsü ve türban meselesi? üzerine söylemleri analitik bir biçimde değerlendirilmiştir. Böylece erken Cumhuriyet döneminin modern Türk kadını ile Kemalist kadın hareketinin bugün temsil ettiği kadınlık durumu arasındaki sürekliliğe işaret etmek ve bu sürekliliği mümkün kılan faktörleri açığa çıkarmak amaçlanmıştır. Buradan hareketle modern/laik-geleneksel/başörtülü kadın karşıtlığının ve bu karşıtlığın Kemalist kadınların söyleminde yeniden üretiliş biçiminin kadınlar arası kültürel ve sınıfsal bölünmede oynadığı belirleyici rol tartışılmaktadır.
This study undertakes the modern-traditional dualism, which is a constitutive element of Kemalism and has appeared as the secular-Islamist antagonism in the post80 political constellation, within the context of Kemalist womens movement. Being partied by organized Kemalist women as well, turban issue here is instrumentalized as the indicator that displays the components of Kemalist womans identity, and the socio-political character and the ideological content of Kemalist womas movement. In this respect in depth interviews were made with the leaders of the Kemalist womens movement, and their discourse on the headscarf and the turban issue is exposed to an analitycal investigation. Henceforth it is aimed to point out the continuity between the modern Turkish women of the early Republic period and the womanhood represented by the Kemalist womens movement today, and to reveal the factors that has made this continuity possible. From this perspective, the modern/secular and traditional/covered women antagonism and the forms in which this antagonism is reproduced in Kemalist womens discourse is debated in terms of the significant role it plays in the cultural and class divisions between women.
This study undertakes the modern-traditional dualism, which is a constitutive element of Kemalism and has appeared as the secular-Islamist antagonism in the post80 political constellation, within the context of Kemalist womens movement. Being partied by organized Kemalist women as well, turban issue here is instrumentalized as the indicator that displays the components of Kemalist womans identity, and the socio-political character and the ideological content of Kemalist womas movement. In this respect in depth interviews were made with the leaders of the Kemalist womens movement, and their discourse on the headscarf and the turban issue is exposed to an analitycal investigation. Henceforth it is aimed to point out the continuity between the modern Turkish women of the early Republic period and the womanhood represented by the Kemalist womens movement today, and to reveal the factors that has made this continuity possible. From this perspective, the modern/secular and traditional/covered women antagonism and the forms in which this antagonism is reproduced in Kemalist womens discourse is debated in terms of the significant role it plays in the cultural and class divisions between women.