Bir Anglo–Amerikan hukuku müessesesi olarak cezalandırıcı tazminatın [Punitive Damages] bazı Türk hukuku müesseseleri ile mukayesesi
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ÖZET: Kaynağını Anglo-Amerikan hukuk sistemlerinde bulan cezalandırıcı tazminat kavramı, fiili olarak oluşan zarardan bağımsız bir tazminata hükmedilmesi ile cezalandırma ve önleme işlevi sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, tazminatın zararla orantılı olması ilkesi üzerine kurulu olan klasik anlamdaki telafi edici nitelikteki tazminattan ayrı ve bağımsız bir tazminat türü olarak dikkat çekmektedir. Kıta Avrupası hukuk sistemlerinde ve dolayısıyla Türk hukukunda hâkim olan ilkelere göre, tazminat, zararı telafi etme işlevi taşıdığından ve zarara yol açan fiil sebebiyle zarar görenin sebepsiz zenginleşmesine yol açılmaması gerektiğinden, bu hukuk sistemlerinde cezalandırıcı tazminata bir tazminat kalemi olarak yer verilmemektedir. Oysa bu çalışmada da detaylandırılan cezalandırıcı tazminat ve bu tazminat türünün Common Law kapsamındaki uygulamasına benzer olarak, Türk özel hukukunun birçok alanında da, cezalandırma ve önleme amaçlarıyla, tazminata gerçekte meydana gelen zarar miktarından bağımsız olarak hükmedildiği birçok tazminat düzenlemesi öngörülmüştür. Bu çalışmada, öncelikle, cezalandırıcı tazminat ve işlevleri tanıtılmış daha sonra Türk hukukunda yer alan bir takım özel tazminat düzenlemeleri detaylı olarak irdelenerek, bu müesseselerin Anglo-Amerikan anlamda ve hükmedilme şartları detayıyla ele alındığında görülmektedir ki, hukukumuzdaki genel sorumluluk ilkelerinden sapma teşkil eden bu düzenlemelerin varlığı yadsınamayacak olmakla birlikte, bu düzenlemelerden doğan uygulamalar, çoğunlukla, Anglo-Amerikan hukuk sistemlerindeki manasıyla cezalandırıcı tazminatın tüm unsur ve özelliklerini taşımamakta ve medeni ceza niteliği teşkil etmektedirler.
ABSTRACT: The concept of Punitive Damages which finds its roots in Common Law systems, aims to perform a punitive and preventive function enabling ruling of a compensation that is distinct of the actual damage. Within this context, it stands out as a diverse and independent type of damages, differing from the classical principle regarding damages which is based on an understanding to rule a compensation which is proportionate to the damage occurred. According to the dominant principles laid out in Civil Law systems and thus in Turkish Law, since dama - ges have the function to compensate the damage occurred and the compensation for the damage shall not cause unjust enrich - ment of the injured party, punitive damages are not included as a distinct title of damages in these systems. However, it can be seen that, in many fields of Turkish Private Law, special liability arrangements are projected with punishment and prevention purposes in which the compensation is granted independent from the amount of actual damage similar to the concept of pu - nitive damages and its Common Law practice explained in this paper. In this paper, the concept of punitive damages is explai - ned firstly, then, some special liability arrangements stipulated under Turkish Private Law are scrutinized with a view to com - pare whether these arrangements can be construed as punitive damages under the Anglo-American perspective. In a detailed assessment of these special liability arrangements compensa - tion and terms of ruling to compensation under relying on the said arrangements, it can be concluded that existence of these diverse arrangements in our legal systems is undeniable, ho - wever, the application of these liability arrangements does not reflect all of the elements and characteristics of the punitive damages as understood in the Common Law systems and that these arrangements primarily constitute a civil punishment.
ABSTRACT: The concept of Punitive Damages which finds its roots in Common Law systems, aims to perform a punitive and preventive function enabling ruling of a compensation that is distinct of the actual damage. Within this context, it stands out as a diverse and independent type of damages, differing from the classical principle regarding damages which is based on an understanding to rule a compensation which is proportionate to the damage occurred. According to the dominant principles laid out in Civil Law systems and thus in Turkish Law, since dama - ges have the function to compensate the damage occurred and the compensation for the damage shall not cause unjust enrich - ment of the injured party, punitive damages are not included as a distinct title of damages in these systems. However, it can be seen that, in many fields of Turkish Private Law, special liability arrangements are projected with punishment and prevention purposes in which the compensation is granted independent from the amount of actual damage similar to the concept of pu - nitive damages and its Common Law practice explained in this paper. In this paper, the concept of punitive damages is explai - ned firstly, then, some special liability arrangements stipulated under Turkish Private Law are scrutinized with a view to com - pare whether these arrangements can be construed as punitive damages under the Anglo-American perspective. In a detailed assessment of these special liability arrangements compensa - tion and terms of ruling to compensation under relying on the said arrangements, it can be concluded that existence of these diverse arrangements in our legal systems is undeniable, ho - wever, the application of these liability arrangements does not reflect all of the elements and characteristics of the punitive damages as understood in the Common Law systems and that these arrangements primarily constitute a civil punishment.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cezalandırıcı Tazminat, Medeni Hukuk Cezası, Tazminat, Manevi Tazminat, ş Hukukundan Kaynaklanan Tazminatlar, Çoklu Tazminatlar, Çek Tazminatı, Vekâletsiz İş Görme, Yeniden Kiralama Yasağı, İcra İnkâr ve Kötüniyet Tazminatı, Mirastan Iskat
Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi