Madde bağımlısı bireyin ve ebeveynin yaşadıkları travmatik deneyimlerin bağımlılık tedavi sürecine etkisi
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Bu araştırmanın amacı, madde bağımlısı bireylerin ve ailelerinin travmatik deneyimlerinin bağımlılık tedavi sürecine etkisini incelemektir. Araştırmanın örneğini Eyüpsultan İlçe Sağlık Müdürlüğü Bağımlılık Birimi’nin son 3 yıl içinde sürveyans sistemine dahil olmuş madde bağımlılığı tanısı almış bireyler ve ailelerinden oluşan toplum örneği ile Moodist Psikiyatri ve Nöroloji Hastanesi’nin bağımlı merkezinde Nisan-Temmuz 2019’da tedavi görmekte olan hastalar oluşturmuştur. Eyüpsultan İlçe Bağımlılık Birimi’nde çalışan sosyal hizmet uzmanı ile birlikte sürveyans sistemine kayıtlı 158 bireyin evi ziyaret edilmiştir. Toplum örneğinde görüşme yapılabilen 43 kişi olmuştur. Toplam 82 olgunun 39’u hastane örneğinden oluşmuştur. Veri toplamada ‘Sosyo-Demografik Bilgi Formu, BAPİ-Kısa Form ve Travmatik Yaşantılar Listesi (TYL) kullanılmıştır. Bireylerin %93’ü erkektir. Yaşları 17 ila 55 arasında değişmekte olup yaş ortalaması 28‘dir. Bireylerin %66,2’si madde bağımlılığı öncesinde, %86,2’si bağımlılık sırasında ve %33,8’i tedavisi sırasında travmatik bir olay yaşadığını bildirmiştir. Bireyler, bireysel travmalar (ciddi bir kaza, yangın ya da patlama olayı, fiziksel, cinsel, psikolojik bir saldırıya maruz kalma, hapsedilme, işkenceye maruz kalma, yaşamı tehdit eden bir hastalık, sevilen ya da yakın birinin ani ve beklenmedik ölümü, aşırı üzücü ve beklenmedik ayrılma) ve toplumsal travmalar (deprem, sel baskını gibi doğa olayları, askeri bir çarpışma ya da savaş alanında bulunma, zorunlu göçe maruz kalma,15 Temmuz darbe girişimine maruz kalma) olarak birçok travma yaşantısı deneyimlemişlerdir. Travma yaşantısı olan bireylerin %85,7’si tedavi sürecinde herhangi bir zamanda yaşadığı travmatik deneyimleri ile ilgili destek almadığını, yalnızca %14,3’ü psikolojik destek aldığını bildirmiştir. Aile üyeleriyle ilişkinin niteliği, bağımlılık öncesi bağımlı bireyin travmatik yaşantısı ve anne/babanın tedavi sırasındaki travmatik yaşantıları ile tedaviye uyum arasında anlamlı ilişki saptanmıştır (P<0,05). Araştırmanın bulguları, madde bağımlısı bireylerde travmatik yaşantı sıklığının yüksek olduğunu, madde bağımlılığı tedavilerinin travmaya duyarlı olması gerektiğini ve aile destekli psikososyal müdahalelerin geliştirilmesinin önemini göstermektedir.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of traumatic experiences of drug-addiction person and their families in addiction treatment. The sample of the study was composed of patients who were diagnosed with substance abuser who were included in the surveillance system of the Eyüpsultan District Health Directorate Addiction Department and their families, and the patients who were treated in the addiction department of Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital in April-July 2019. Houses of 158 individuals registered in the surveillance system were visited together with the social worker from the Eyüpsultan District Addiction Department. There were 43 people who was able to interview in the sample of society. 39 cases of total 82 cases were hospital samples. Socio- demographic Information Form, BAPI-Short Form and Traumatic Experiences List (TYL) were used for data collection. 93% of individuals are men. Their ages from 17 to 55 and the average age was 28. 66.2% of individuals reported that they experienced a traumatic event before substance abuse, 86.2% during addiction and 33.8% during treatment. Individuals experienced many individual traumas of their own (serious accident, fire or explosion, physical, sexual, psychological attack, imprisonment, torture, life-threatening illness, sudden and unexpected death of a loved one or a close friend, extremely sad and unexpected separation) and social traumas (natural events such as earthquakes, floods, being in a military collision or war zone, being exposed to forced migration, exposure to the July 15 coup attempt). 85.7% of individuals with trauma experience reported that they did not receive any support for their traumatic experiences at any time during the addiction treatment, only 14.3% received psychological support. A significant relationship was found between the quality of the relationship with family members, the traumatic life of the dependent individual before addiction, and the traumatic experiences of the mother / father during treatment and compliance with treatment (P <0.05). The findings of the study show that the frequency of traumatic experiences was high in substance-addicted individuals, drug addiction treatments should be sensitive to trauma and the importance of developing family-supported psychosocial interventions.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of traumatic experiences of drug-addiction person and their families in addiction treatment. The sample of the study was composed of patients who were diagnosed with substance abuser who were included in the surveillance system of the Eyüpsultan District Health Directorate Addiction Department and their families, and the patients who were treated in the addiction department of Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital in April-July 2019. Houses of 158 individuals registered in the surveillance system were visited together with the social worker from the Eyüpsultan District Addiction Department. There were 43 people who was able to interview in the sample of society. 39 cases of total 82 cases were hospital samples. Socio- demographic Information Form, BAPI-Short Form and Traumatic Experiences List (TYL) were used for data collection. 93% of individuals are men. Their ages from 17 to 55 and the average age was 28. 66.2% of individuals reported that they experienced a traumatic event before substance abuse, 86.2% during addiction and 33.8% during treatment. Individuals experienced many individual traumas of their own (serious accident, fire or explosion, physical, sexual, psychological attack, imprisonment, torture, life-threatening illness, sudden and unexpected death of a loved one or a close friend, extremely sad and unexpected separation) and social traumas (natural events such as earthquakes, floods, being in a military collision or war zone, being exposed to forced migration, exposure to the July 15 coup attempt). 85.7% of individuals with trauma experience reported that they did not receive any support for their traumatic experiences at any time during the addiction treatment, only 14.3% received psychological support. A significant relationship was found between the quality of the relationship with family members, the traumatic life of the dependent individual before addiction, and the traumatic experiences of the mother / father during treatment and compliance with treatment (P <0.05). The findings of the study show that the frequency of traumatic experiences was high in substance-addicted individuals, drug addiction treatments should be sensitive to trauma and the importance of developing family-supported psychosocial interventions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Madde bağımlılığı, travmatik deneyimler, bağımlılık tedavi süreci, Substance addiction, traumatic experiences, addiction treatment