Hukukun sınırlarını edebiyat ve tarih İle aşmak : 12 Eylül anlatıları
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Eylül 1980 askeri darbesinin Türkiye toplumuna verdiği tahribatın hukuka, özellikle adalet anlayışına ve edebiyata yansıması kaçınılmaz olmuştur. Her siyasi dönemeç gibi toplumu etkilemesinin kaçınılmaz olmasının yanında 12 Eylül darbesi ile bir düşünce, bir ideoloji tasfiye sürecine girmiştir. Darbe sonrasında toplumun tamamen siyasetten arındırılmak istenmesi ve “Yeni Dünya Düzeni”ne entegrasyonunun sağlanma çabası bu sürecin ürünüdür. Toplumsal bir travma olarak tanımlanabilecek süreç sonrası yaratılan kuşak yalnızca siyasetten değil, geçmişinden de koparılmış şekilde geleceğe bakmakta, hatta geleceğe hiç bakmamaktadır. Bu kuşak, kendisinden önceki yenilmiş kuşağın yenilgisinin ağırlığını yüklenmiş ve yenilginin yarattığı umutsuzlukla yüzünü toplumdan kendi aynasına çeviren, git gide bireyleşen bir kuşaktır. Hukukun hakikatle, adaletle ve tabii olarak toplumla olan diyalektik ilişkisi nedeniyle hukukun henüz nefes alan toplumsal kaynaklardan yararlanmasına olan ihtiyacı hayatidir. Bu yönüyle resmi tarih, somut deliller ve yasa metinleri ile yetinildiğinde hukukun adalete ve hakikate ulaşması mümkün olamamaktadır. Yazıldığı toplumun ve döneminin özelliklerini taşıyarak yine topluma seslenen ve kendisi de tarihe tanıklık eden edebiyat eserleri hukukun gerçeğe ulaşmasında kaynak oluştururlar. Yazarının siyasi duruşundan da ayrı ele alınamayacak olan edebiyat eserleri, teze roman türü özelinde konu edilmiştir. 12 Eylül sonrasında belleksizleştirilerek kişiliksizleştirilen bir toplum yaratılmasından yola çıkılarak tezde 12 Eylül ve hafıza ilişkisi, incelenen romanlar üzerinden ele alınmış ve aynı zamanda tarihin nesnelliği de tartışmaya konu edilmiştir. Egemenlerce ideolojik olarak dönüştürülmüş, toplumdan uzakta, hatta halkın karşısında yer alabilen bir tarih üzerinde adaletin yükselmesi mümkün değildir. Resmi tarihten beslenen bir hukuk anlayışı, adaleti sağlama yetisinden yoksundur. Adalete asıl gereksinen, sesi kısılmış ve bastırılmış olan sınıfın sesini taşıyan tarih yöntemi olarak tanımladığımız sözlü tarih de hukuka kaynaklık edebilmelidir. Bu aynı zamanda geçmişin yaşayan belleği ve geçmişi yaşayanlara doğrudan ulaşmanın aracıdır. 12 Eylül?ü yaşayanlar ve bu darbe sonrasında yaratılan kuşak halen hayatta olduğundan bu kuşağın ve sürecin tarihini henüz yaşayanlar yazmaktadır. Romanlar ya da sözlü anlatılar yoluyla elde edilen öznel bilginin tarihe ya da hukuka kaynak olmasının güvenirliliği tartışmalı olmasına rağmen bu öznellikten faydalanabilme yolları bu tezin çıkış noktası olmuştur.
Destruction of the military coup in 12 September 1980 on Turkish society was unavoidable with the reflection on law, especially on sense of justice and literature. It is unavoiadeble to effect society like every political turning. Furthermore, a thought, an ideology enter into liquidation process by 12 September coup. To be requested of elimination of society from politics after the coup and effort of integration with “New World System” are the results of this process. After the process that could be defined as social trauma, the generation look future not only detached from politics and also from the past; even could not look to the future. This generation is shouldered previous generation?s defeat. The desperation created by this defeat cause of withdrawn and individualisation of this generation. There is a dialectical relation between law and reality, justice and naturally with society. This is why, it is compulsory to use the resources of society which has still breathing. From this perspective, it is not possible to reach reality and justice by using only the official history, concrete evidences and the law texts. Literary products which carry the features of the society and the period written in, and at the same time, they bear witness to history and addressing the comunity are sources to reaching of reality. The literary products which cannot be under debate without writer?s political view are subjected under the novel type. 12 September and memory relation are approached by examined novels on basis of creation a society dehumanized by memorylessed and at the same time objectivity of history has been debated. There is no provision to have justice on a history transformed ideologically by regnants, away from community, even stand against from society. The law approach fed by official history lacks from the ability of provide justice. Oral history which is defined as a history method that carries subdued and muted communities voice should also be a resource for law. At the same time, this is a vivid memory of the past and a tool to reach directly who has lived the past. The historiography of this generation and process have been establishing by people who have experienced 12 September and the generation grew up after the coup. It is controversial that reliability of subjective information obtained via novels or oral history as a resources to history or law. Even though, ways to benefit from this subjectivity has been starting point of this thesis.
Destruction of the military coup in 12 September 1980 on Turkish society was unavoidable with the reflection on law, especially on sense of justice and literature. It is unavoiadeble to effect society like every political turning. Furthermore, a thought, an ideology enter into liquidation process by 12 September coup. To be requested of elimination of society from politics after the coup and effort of integration with “New World System” are the results of this process. After the process that could be defined as social trauma, the generation look future not only detached from politics and also from the past; even could not look to the future. This generation is shouldered previous generation?s defeat. The desperation created by this defeat cause of withdrawn and individualisation of this generation. There is a dialectical relation between law and reality, justice and naturally with society. This is why, it is compulsory to use the resources of society which has still breathing. From this perspective, it is not possible to reach reality and justice by using only the official history, concrete evidences and the law texts. Literary products which carry the features of the society and the period written in, and at the same time, they bear witness to history and addressing the comunity are sources to reaching of reality. The literary products which cannot be under debate without writer?s political view are subjected under the novel type. 12 September and memory relation are approached by examined novels on basis of creation a society dehumanized by memorylessed and at the same time objectivity of history has been debated. There is no provision to have justice on a history transformed ideologically by regnants, away from community, even stand against from society. The law approach fed by official history lacks from the ability of provide justice. Oral history which is defined as a history method that carries subdued and muted communities voice should also be a resource for law. At the same time, this is a vivid memory of the past and a tool to reach directly who has lived the past. The historiography of this generation and process have been establishing by people who have experienced 12 September and the generation grew up after the coup. It is controversial that reliability of subjective information obtained via novels or oral history as a resources to history or law. Even though, ways to benefit from this subjectivity has been starting point of this thesis.