Is state sponsored insurance of bank deposits required?
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Bankalar tasarrufların yatırıma dönüstürülmesindeki aracı kuruluslardır. Tasarrufların yatırımayönlendirilmesi sürecinde herhangi bir aksaklık, ekonomık istikrarı tehtid eder. Ödemeler sistemindeki birolumsuzluk toplumsal hayatı kotu yönde etkiler. Bu durumların olusmaması için devletler bankacılıksektöründe yasal düzenlemelere gitmislerdir. Kriz belirtileri halinde yasal müdahelelerde bulunurlar,tedbirler alırlar. Bu tedbirlerin arasından “ Mevduat Sigortası” bankacılık setöründe güven ortamısaglamanın en iyi yöntemlerinden biridir.Türkiye’de mevduat sigortasına ait düzenlemeler 1930 lu yıllara kadar dayanmaktadır, fakat uygulaması1960 yılında baslamıs, temel düzenlemeler 1983 yılında yapılmıstır. 1994 yılında yasanan ekonomik krizinolumsuz etkileri sonucunda mevduat sigortasının kapsamı genisletilmis, daha sonraki dönemlerde deuygulama revize edilmistir.Bu çalısmanın amacı; sigorta kavramının ayrıntılı olarak açıklanması, dünyadaki ve türkiyedeki mevduatsigortası uygulamalarının incelenip, sistemlerin genel özelliklerinin saptanıp Türkiyede gerekli olupolmadıgının ispatlanmasıdır.Çalısmam 4 bölümden olusmaktadır. Birinci bölümde genel olarak sigorta kavramı, uygulama nedenleri vetarihçesi ele alınmaktadır. kinci bölümde Türkiye’nin ekonomik durumu incelenmis, Dünya Bankasının2001 yılında Türkiye için hazırladıgı rapora yer verilmistir. Üçüncü bölümde TMSF ve BDDK hakkındabilgi verilmis görevleri anlatılmıs, mevduat sıgortası ile ilgili belli baslı örnekler verilmistir. 4. bölümdedünyadan ve literatürden mevduat sigortası ve gerekliligi hakkında makaleler incelenip degerlendirmeleryapılmıstır. Mevduat sigortasının Türkiye’de gerekliligi incelenmistir.
The thesis consists of four major parts. The first part includes the concept of insurance, its brief definition, features and historical development. Along with detailed description, Turkish evidence of insurance companies is presented, with a thorough analysis in Part III. The second part of the study is allocated to the economic situation in Turkey. It would be more appropriate to give brief information about the economy itself before explaining a system that works within this economy. Being an emerging market economy, Turkey has had major crises, especially in the banking sector. The Progress Report of the World Bank Group for the Republic of Turkey 2001 is taken as the main reference for this part, since the report summarizes the financial situation in Turkey during the time of a major economic crisis. The impact of political and social developments on economy is analyzed to some relevant extent. The third part is based on SDIF, the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund. Its definition is made and structure is examined, along with the powers and duties of SDIF, which are described in detail. The official website of SDIF is taken as the major source for this part, as well as some press notes. The focus of the fourth part is deposit insurance. Examples of New York State’s Safety Fund and Oklahoma’s Guaranty Fund are taken to explain the reasons for their failure. The present situation of deposit insurance in Turkey is examined. With evidence from insurance companies in Turkey, the necessity of state sponsored insurance of bank deposits is displayed in an attempt to explain the operation of insurance system in our country.
The thesis consists of four major parts. The first part includes the concept of insurance, its brief definition, features and historical development. Along with detailed description, Turkish evidence of insurance companies is presented, with a thorough analysis in Part III. The second part of the study is allocated to the economic situation in Turkey. It would be more appropriate to give brief information about the economy itself before explaining a system that works within this economy. Being an emerging market economy, Turkey has had major crises, especially in the banking sector. The Progress Report of the World Bank Group for the Republic of Turkey 2001 is taken as the main reference for this part, since the report summarizes the financial situation in Turkey during the time of a major economic crisis. The impact of political and social developments on economy is analyzed to some relevant extent. The third part is based on SDIF, the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund. Its definition is made and structure is examined, along with the powers and duties of SDIF, which are described in detail. The official website of SDIF is taken as the major source for this part, as well as some press notes. The focus of the fourth part is deposit insurance. Examples of New York State’s Safety Fund and Oklahoma’s Guaranty Fund are taken to explain the reasons for their failure. The present situation of deposit insurance in Turkey is examined. With evidence from insurance companies in Turkey, the necessity of state sponsored insurance of bank deposits is displayed in an attempt to explain the operation of insurance system in our country.