Türk borçlar kanunu’na göre inşaat sözleşmelerinde süre uzatım halleri ve FIDIC kırmızı kitap’taki görünümlerinin incelenmesi
Dergi Başlığı
Dergi ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: İnşaat sözleşmeleri, yüklenicinin bir inşaat meydana getirme, iş sahibinin ise bu inşaat karşılığında bedel ödeme borcunu üstlendiği sözleşmelerdir. İş sahibi inşaat konusu yapıyı bir an önce kullanmak, yüklenici ise işi bitirip bir an önce sözleşme bedeline hak kazanmak istediğinden inşaat sözleşmelerinde süre kavramı önem arz eden bir kavramdır. Bununla birlikte inşaat işinin özellikleri gereği işin başında hesaba katılmayan hususlarla karşılaşılmasına sıkça rastlanılmakta ve bu durum işin süresini uzatabilmektedir. Bu durumlarda gecikmeye hangi tarafın katlanacağı taraflar arasında uyuşmazlıklara neden olabilmektedir. Çalışmamızda ilk önce inşaat sözleşmesinin özellikleri, unsurları ve tarafların hakları ve borçları incelenmiş daha sonra hangi hallerde yükleniciye cezasız süre uzatımı verilebileceği üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu inceleme yapılırken teslim ve süre kavramları ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra günümüzde inşaat projelerinde sıkça kullanılan FIDIC sözleşmeleri ve bu sözleşmeleri yayınlayan FIDIC federasyonu incelenmiş, süre uzatımı hallerini detaylı şekilde hükümlerinde belirtmiş olan FIDIC Kırmızı Kitap özelinde değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Son olarak da uyuşmazlık hallerinin nasıl çözümleneceği ele alınmıştır.
ABSTRACT: Construction contracts are the contracts which the contractor undertakes to create a construction and the employer undertakes to pay for this construction. The concept of duration is an important concept in construction contracts, as the employer wants to use the construction and the contractor wants to finish the work and be entitled to the contract price as soon as possible. However, due to the characteristics of the construction work, it is common to encounter issues that are not considered at the beginning of the work. This situation can prolong the duration of the work. In these cases, which side will bear the delay may cause disputes between the parties. In my study, firstly, the characteristics of the construction contract, its elements and the responsibilities and the rights of the parties were examined. Then the situations that the contractor could have time extension without penalty, were studied. While doing this examination, delivery and time concepts are considered. Later, FIDIC contracts, which are frequently used in construction projects today, the FIDIC federation, that publishes these contracts, and the FIDIC Red Book, which stated the terms of extension in detail in its provisions, are examined. Finally, the resolutions for the disputes are examined.
ABSTRACT: Construction contracts are the contracts which the contractor undertakes to create a construction and the employer undertakes to pay for this construction. The concept of duration is an important concept in construction contracts, as the employer wants to use the construction and the contractor wants to finish the work and be entitled to the contract price as soon as possible. However, due to the characteristics of the construction work, it is common to encounter issues that are not considered at the beginning of the work. This situation can prolong the duration of the work. In these cases, which side will bear the delay may cause disputes between the parties. In my study, firstly, the characteristics of the construction contract, its elements and the responsibilities and the rights of the parties were examined. Then the situations that the contractor could have time extension without penalty, were studied. While doing this examination, delivery and time concepts are considered. Later, FIDIC contracts, which are frequently used in construction projects today, the FIDIC federation, that publishes these contracts, and the FIDIC Red Book, which stated the terms of extension in detail in its provisions, are examined. Finally, the resolutions for the disputes are examined.
Anahtar Kelimeler
FIDIC, İnşaat Sözleşmesi, Süre Uzatımı, Yüklenici, Gecikme, Construction Contract, Extension of Time, Contractor, Delay