Turkish-American relations under the shadow of March 1 resolution
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Bu çalısma Türk-Amerikan iliskilerinin 1 Mart tezkeresi odaklı bir analizidir. 1 Mart’ta Türkiye’nin ABD askerlerinin Türk topraklarına konuslandırılmasına izin veren tezkereyi reddetmesiyle darbe alan Türk-Amerikan iliskilerine tarihsel bir perspektiften yaklasarak krizin kapsamlı bir incelemesini sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu arastırma, bir yandan Türkiye ve Amerika arasında Irak üzerinden isbirligi kurmanın sorunlu oldugu ve bu sorunların kaynagının 1 Mart’tan çok evvele dayandıgını savunmaktadır. Diger bir yandan, Bush yönetiminin Irak’ta rejim degisikligine gitme kararını Türk siyasi elitlerine iletmesini takiben, 1 Mart’a giden sürecin Türk ve ABD’li siyasi elitler tarafından dogru sekilde yönetilememis olmasının iliskiler üzerindeki etkisini tartısmaktadır. Bu çalısma ayni zamanda 1 Mart krizinin yeri ve öneminin daha iyi tanımlanabilmesi ve geçmisteki benzer krizlerle kıyaslanabilmesi amacıyla, Türk-Amerikan iliskilerinin 1945’ten 2003’e dek tarihsel gelisimini sunmaktadır. Bu sekilde müttefiklik iliskilerinin uluslararası sistemin ve yapısal unsurların degisimine paralel olarak geçirdigi degisimi anlamak ve 1 martta gelinen noktayı daha iyi sekilde anlamlandırmak mümkün olacaktır.
This study offers an analysis of Turkish-American relations with a focus on the March 1 resolution. It aims to provide a better understanding of the reasons which undermined Turkish-American cooperation against Iraq and resulted in Turkey’s rejection of the motion on March 1. On the one hand, this study claims that the Iraq has been a problematic area for the US-Turkish cooperation and the roots of these problems actually predated March 1. On the other hand, it concentrates on the mishandling of the negotiation process by the US-Turkish political elites towards the Iraq War, and its impact on bilateral relations. This study aims to situate March 1 incident in a broader context of alliance ties, and therefore presents an examination of Turkish-American relations from 1945 to 2003. With an analysis of the evolution of Turkish-American alliance parallel to systemic and structural changes in the political realm, this study aims to provide a further insight into the relations under the shadow of March 1 resolution.
This study offers an analysis of Turkish-American relations with a focus on the March 1 resolution. It aims to provide a better understanding of the reasons which undermined Turkish-American cooperation against Iraq and resulted in Turkey’s rejection of the motion on March 1. On the one hand, this study claims that the Iraq has been a problematic area for the US-Turkish cooperation and the roots of these problems actually predated March 1. On the other hand, it concentrates on the mishandling of the negotiation process by the US-Turkish political elites towards the Iraq War, and its impact on bilateral relations. This study aims to situate March 1 incident in a broader context of alliance ties, and therefore presents an examination of Turkish-American relations from 1945 to 2003. With an analysis of the evolution of Turkish-American alliance parallel to systemic and structural changes in the political realm, this study aims to provide a further insight into the relations under the shadow of March 1 resolution.