Sivil itaatsizlik bağlamında vicdani ret Türkiye örneği
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Baskıya karşı direnmenin, şiddeti amaçlamayan, kamuya açık bir tarzda gerçekleştirilen ve yasaya aykırı bir türü olan sivil itaatsizlik, insan haklarının iktidarlar tarafından ihlal edilmesine karşı etkin ve önemli bir edimdir. Şiddeti amaçlamaması ve kamuya açık bir edim olması, sivil itaatsizliği diğer direnme şekillerinden ayırır. Vicdani ret ise temelde zorunlu askerliğe, geniş anlamda savaşa ve öldürmeye karşı bir tutum olarak sivil itaatsizlikle benzerliklere sahiptir. Nitekim vicdani reddin de sivil itaatsizlik gibi şiddeti amaçlamayan, aleni olan, yasaya aykırı bir edim olduğu ileri sürülebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı da vicdani ret edimini sivil itaatsizlik bağlamında ve özellikle Türkiye’deki durumu dikkate alarak irdelemektir. Bu kapsamda öncelikle baskıya karşı direnme hakkı ele alınarak, buradan hareketle sivil itaatsizlik olgusu incelenmektedir. Çalışmanın ilerleyen bölümlerinde ise vicdani ret konusu ele alınmakta ve vicdani ret olgusunun Türkiye’deki durumu vicdani retçilerin görüşlerine de yer verilmek suretiyle açıklanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Çalışmanın sonuç bölümünde vicdani ret ile sivil itaatsizlik olguları arasındaki benzerlikler irdelenmektedir.
Civil disobedience as a nonviolent, public and illegal form of resistance against oppression, is an effective and significant form of action against the violation of human rights by governments. It is distinguished from other forms of resistance in its nonviolent and public character. Conscious objection, in turn, as an attitude against war and killing in general and conscription system in particular, has some similarities with civil disobedience. For it can also be claimed that, just like civil disobedience, conscious objection is a nonviolent, public and illegal act. This thesis, accordingly, aims to scrutinize conscious objection in the context of civil disobedience, especially taking into consideration the case of Turkey. In this context, first, the right to resist against oppression is examined, and in light of this examination the act of civil disobedience is analyzed. In the following sections of the thesis, conscious objection is conceptually studied, and an attempt to explicate the current situation in Turkey about conscious objection is made with reference to the views of Turkish conscious objectors. In the conclusion part of the thesis, the affinities between conscious objection and civil disobedience is analyzed.
Civil disobedience as a nonviolent, public and illegal form of resistance against oppression, is an effective and significant form of action against the violation of human rights by governments. It is distinguished from other forms of resistance in its nonviolent and public character. Conscious objection, in turn, as an attitude against war and killing in general and conscription system in particular, has some similarities with civil disobedience. For it can also be claimed that, just like civil disobedience, conscious objection is a nonviolent, public and illegal act. This thesis, accordingly, aims to scrutinize conscious objection in the context of civil disobedience, especially taking into consideration the case of Turkey. In this context, first, the right to resist against oppression is examined, and in light of this examination the act of civil disobedience is analyzed. In the following sections of the thesis, conscious objection is conceptually studied, and an attempt to explicate the current situation in Turkey about conscious objection is made with reference to the views of Turkish conscious objectors. In the conclusion part of the thesis, the affinities between conscious objection and civil disobedience is analyzed.