Mübadele'nin köklü şahidi; Dağlardaki Efes, Kırkınca, Çirkince, Şirince...
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Bu çalışmada; ‘kimlik’, ‘aidiyet’, ‘azınlık’, ‘öteki’ gibi kavramları, Anadolu Rumları ve Rumeli Müslümanları üzerinden değerlendirmek, mübadele sözleşmesi ile nihayete kavuşan süreci ve mübadeleyi hazırlayan koşulları araştırmak, mübadele ile ilgili diplomatik alanda yapılan hazırlıklar ve planlanan süreç ile kitlelerin yaşadığı mübadeleyi kıyaslamak, mübadelenin her iki toplum için de doğurduğu ekonomik, toplumsal ve kültürel sonuçları incelemek hedeflenmektedir. Zoraki göçe maruz kalmadan önce Anadolu Rum köylerinden biri olan Şirince üzerinden, mübadeleden önceki dönemdeki ev sahiplerinin göç sürecini algılama biçimlerini ve sonraki ev sahiplerinin iskan ve uyum sürecini örneklendirmek hedeflenmektedir. Zaman içinde ‘etnoturizm’e açılan Şirince köyünün değişen yapısını ve günümüzdeki durumunu değerlendirmek amaçlanmaktadır.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to examine the concepts such as ‘identity’, ‘belonging’, ‘minority', 'othering' through Anatolian Greeks and Rumelian Muslims, and to in-vestigate the process and the conditions that have prepared The Population Ex-change between Greece and Turkey. It is aimed to compare the experienced exchange process by people and the planned process in the diplomatic field. And to examine the economic, social and cultural consequences of the exchange for both communities. Through Şirince, one of the Anatolian Greek villages, it is aimed to exemplify the way home owners before the exchange perceive the immigration process and the settlement and adaptation process by the home owners after the exchange. It is aimed to study the changing structure and current situation of the village of Şirince, which opened up to 'etnotourism' in time.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to examine the concepts such as ‘identity’, ‘belonging’, ‘minority', 'othering' through Anatolian Greeks and Rumelian Muslims, and to in-vestigate the process and the conditions that have prepared The Population Ex-change between Greece and Turkey. It is aimed to compare the experienced exchange process by people and the planned process in the diplomatic field. And to examine the economic, social and cultural consequences of the exchange for both communities. Through Şirince, one of the Anatolian Greek villages, it is aimed to exemplify the way home owners before the exchange perceive the immigration process and the settlement and adaptation process by the home owners after the exchange. It is aimed to study the changing structure and current situation of the village of Şirince, which opened up to 'etnotourism' in time.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Population Exchange be-tween Greece and Turkey, Treaty of Lausanne, Nationalism, Exile, World War I, Immigrant, Minority, Othering, Identitiy, Sense of Belong-ing, Ethnicity, Ottoman Empire, Nationalism, Nation-state, Settlement, Harmonization Process, Şirince, Türk- Yunan Nüfus Mübadelesi, Sürgün, Zoraki Göç, Birinci Dünya Savaşı, Lozan Antlaşması, Göçmen, Mübadil, Azınlık, Ötekileştirme, Aidiyet, Kimlik, Köken, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, Ulusçuluk, Ulus-devlet, İskan etmek, Uyum Süreci