Çölyaklı yetişkin bireylerde çölyak diyeti uyum testi ve beslenme eğitiminin bilgi düzeylerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Bu çalışma çölyaklı yetişkin bireylerde çölyak diyetine uyum ve çölyak diyeti eg?itim sonucu bilgi düzeyindeki deg?işimin tespit edilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya, çölyak tanısı alan 18-65 yaş arası (ortalama 33,9±9,9 yıl), Çölyakla Yaşam Derneg?i’ne üye olan 44 birey (%53,5 kadın ve %45,5 erkek) katılmıştır. Katılımcılara ilk test olarak sosyodemografik özelliklerini, tıbbi öykü, beslenme alışkanlıklarını ve besin tüketim durumlarını belirlemek için çevrim içi platform yardımıyla anket yapılmıştır. I?lk anketin doldurulmasının ardından bireylere çölyak diyetine ilişkin çevrim içi beslenme eg?itimi verilmiş ve sonrasında bilgi düzeylerindeki deg?işimi belirlemek amacıyla son test yapılmıştır. Katılımcıların çölyak diyetine uyumunun belirlenmesi için “Çölyak Diyeti Uyum Testi (CDAT)” kullanılmıştır. Katılımcıların beden kütle indeksi ortalaması 23,5±3,5 kg/m2 olup, %63,6’sı normal, %27’si hafif şişman, %6,8’i obezdir (p>0,05). En sık gözlenen semptomlar yorgunluk (%70,8), gaz-şişkinlik (%66,7), dikkat eksiklig?i (%54,2) (p>0,05). CDAT’a göre katılımcıların %45,5’inde yetersiz, %29,5’inde iyi, %18,2’sinde zayıf, %6,8’inde mükemmel uyum görülmüştür. Bekarların evli olanlara ve işsizlerin ise çalışanlara göre glütensiz diyete uyumu daha yüksektir (p<0,05). Kadınların günlük diyetle aldıkları enerji ortalaması 1338,7±273,7 kkal ve erkek bireylerin ise 1790,9±259,8 kkal’dir. Alınan enerji, karbonhidrat, protein, yag?, tekli doymamış yag?, doymuş yag? asidi, B12 vitamini, B2 vitamini, D vitamini, sodyum, niasin, kalsiyum, fosfor, demir, çinko erkeklerde kadınlara göre istatistiksel anlamlı olarak daha yüksektir (p>0,05). Çölyak diyetine mükemmel ve çok iyi uyum gösteren bireylerin, yetersiz ve zayıf uyumu olanlara göre kalsiyum alım düzeyleri yüksek bulunmuştur (p>0,05). Çölyak diyeti eg?itimi sonrasında bilgi düzeyinde anlamlı artış oldug?u görülmüştür (p<0,05).
ABSTRACT: This study was conducted in order to determine the change in celiac diet compliance and knowledge level as a result of celiac diet education in adults with celiac. A total of 44 individuals (53.5% female and 45.5% male) aged 1965 (mean 33.9±9.9 years) diagnosed with celiac participated in the study. As a first test, the participants were surveyed with the help of an online platform to determine their sociodemographic characteristics, medical history, nutritional habits and food consumption status. After completing the first questionnaire, individuals were given online nutrition education about the celiac diet, and then a post-test was conducted to determine the change in their knowledge level. The Celiac Diet Adherence Test (CDAT) was used to determine the adherence of the participants to the celiac diet. The mean body mass index of the participants was 23.5±3.5 kg/m2, 63.6% were normal, 27% were slightly obese, and 6.8% were obese (p>0.05). The most common symptoms were fatigue (70.8%), flatulence (66.7%), and lack of attention (54.2%) (p>0.05). According to CDAT, 45.5% of the participants had inadequate, 29.5% good, 18.2% weak, 6.8% excellent compliance. Gluten-free diet adherence is higher among singles than married and unemployed people (p<0.05). The average daily energy intake for women is 1338.7±273.7 kcal, and for men it is 1790.9±259.8 kcal. Intake of energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat, monounsaturated fat, saturated fatty acid, vitamin B12, vitamin B2, vitamin D, sodium, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc are statistically significantly higher in males than females (p>0, 05). Calcium intake levels of individuals with excellent and very good adherence to the celiac diet were found to be higher than those with inadequate and poor adherence (p>0.05). It was observed that there was a significant increase in knowledge level after celiac diet training (p<0.05).
ABSTRACT: This study was conducted in order to determine the change in celiac diet compliance and knowledge level as a result of celiac diet education in adults with celiac. A total of 44 individuals (53.5% female and 45.5% male) aged 1965 (mean 33.9±9.9 years) diagnosed with celiac participated in the study. As a first test, the participants were surveyed with the help of an online platform to determine their sociodemographic characteristics, medical history, nutritional habits and food consumption status. After completing the first questionnaire, individuals were given online nutrition education about the celiac diet, and then a post-test was conducted to determine the change in their knowledge level. The Celiac Diet Adherence Test (CDAT) was used to determine the adherence of the participants to the celiac diet. The mean body mass index of the participants was 23.5±3.5 kg/m2, 63.6% were normal, 27% were slightly obese, and 6.8% were obese (p>0.05). The most common symptoms were fatigue (70.8%), flatulence (66.7%), and lack of attention (54.2%) (p>0.05). According to CDAT, 45.5% of the participants had inadequate, 29.5% good, 18.2% weak, 6.8% excellent compliance. Gluten-free diet adherence is higher among singles than married and unemployed people (p<0.05). The average daily energy intake for women is 1338.7±273.7 kcal, and for men it is 1790.9±259.8 kcal. Intake of energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat, monounsaturated fat, saturated fatty acid, vitamin B12, vitamin B2, vitamin D, sodium, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc are statistically significantly higher in males than females (p>0, 05). Calcium intake levels of individuals with excellent and very good adherence to the celiac diet were found to be higher than those with inadequate and poor adherence (p>0.05). It was observed that there was a significant increase in knowledge level after celiac diet training (p<0.05).
Anahtar Kelimeler
Beslenme Eg?itimi, Çölyak, Çölyak Diyeti Uyum Testi, Glüten, Glütensiz Diyet, Nutrition Education, Celiac, Celiac Diet Adherence Test, Gluten, Gluten Free Diet