Antonio Negri'nin otonomi kavramının temel bileşenleri ve Spinoza yorumu
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Bu çalışmanın amacı Antonio Negri’nin düşünce dünyasında önemli kilometre taşlarından biri olan Spinoza yorumunu ve bunun otonomi ile olan ilişkisini irdelemektir. Negri, eserlerini, otonomi ve demokrasi için devlet ve her türlü aşkıncı yapıların eleştirisine bir temel oluşturma projesi olarak görür. Bu anlamda Spinoza da uğraklarından biridir. Spinoza'yı mevcut siyasi konjonktüre adapte etme hedefi Spinoza'nın içkin yapısından kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu nedenle o, Spinoza felsefesini potestas/potentia denkleminde otonomist bir perspektifle okur. Ancak bu çalışma ne genel bir Negri ve otonomi analizini irdeleyecek ne de Negri ve Spinoza arasındaki ilişkiyi yansıtacak, ispat edecek tezlerden oluşacaktır. Özellikle dikkat çekici iktidar irdelemesiyle İmparatorluk’ta geliştirdikleri görüşlerin daha iyi anlaşılması için Negri'nin siyasal ve felsefi görüşlerini derinden yansıttığını düşündüğümüz (biopolitika vb. gibi) kavramları inceleyeceğiz. Ardından Yaban Kuraldışılık’ta geliştirmiş olduğu Spinoza yorumunu irdeleyip potestas/potentia denkleminin bugünkü halini Hardt ve Negri ikilisinin üçlemesinde (İmparatorluk-Çokluk-Ortak zenginlik) mercek altına almakla yetineceğiz. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmanın temel tezi Negri’nin otonomist oluşunun onun Spinoza okumasında etkisi olduğudur.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to examine Antonio Negri's interpretation of Spinoza, which is one of the important milestones in the world of Negri's thought, and its relationship with autonomy. Negri sees his work as a project for autonomy and democracy to provide a basis for the critique of the state and all transcendental structures. In this sense, Spinoza is also his one of the stops. His aim in adapting Spinoza to the current political conjuncture, stems from Spinoza's immanent structure. Therefore, he reads Spinoza's philosophy from an autonomist perspective in the potestas / potentia equation. However, this study will not examine Negri and autonomy analysis in general, nor will it consist of theses that will reflect and prove the relationship between Negri and Spinoza. In order to gain a better understanding of the ideas they have developed in the Empire through a particularly remarkable analysis of power, we will examine the concepts (such as biopolitika etc.) we think deeply reflect Negri's political and philosophical views. Then, we will examine the interpretation of Spinoza which he developed in the book The Savage Anomoly and examine the present state of the potestas-potentia equation in the trilogy of Hardt and Negri (Empire-Multiplicity-Common wealth). Therefore, the main thesis of this study is that Negri's autonomist effect on his reading of Spinoza.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to examine Antonio Negri's interpretation of Spinoza, which is one of the important milestones in the world of Negri's thought, and its relationship with autonomy. Negri sees his work as a project for autonomy and democracy to provide a basis for the critique of the state and all transcendental structures. In this sense, Spinoza is also his one of the stops. His aim in adapting Spinoza to the current political conjuncture, stems from Spinoza's immanent structure. Therefore, he reads Spinoza's philosophy from an autonomist perspective in the potestas / potentia equation. However, this study will not examine Negri and autonomy analysis in general, nor will it consist of theses that will reflect and prove the relationship between Negri and Spinoza. In order to gain a better understanding of the ideas they have developed in the Empire through a particularly remarkable analysis of power, we will examine the concepts (such as biopolitika etc.) we think deeply reflect Negri's political and philosophical views. Then, we will examine the interpretation of Spinoza which he developed in the book The Savage Anomoly and examine the present state of the potestas-potentia equation in the trilogy of Hardt and Negri (Empire-Multiplicity-Common wealth). Therefore, the main thesis of this study is that Negri's autonomist effect on his reading of Spinoza.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Antonio Negri, Yaban Kuraldışılık, Otonomi, İmparatorluk, Çokluk, Ortak Zenginlik, The Savage Anomaly, Autonomi, Empire, Multitudo, Commonwealth