Logistic management and the harmonization requirement from view of point Turkey's full membership to the EU
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Türkiye orta ve modern çaglarda altı yüzyıllık hakimiyeti boyunca farklı din ve dile sahip milletleri yönetmis onları kendi kültürlerini korumasına izin verip bünyesinde barındırmıs bir ülkedir.Türkiye tarihi ve kültürel degerlerine sahip Avrupa ,Karadeniz ve Asya arasında önemli baglantı noktasında bulunmaktadır.Ayrıca islami ve Hristiyan kesimler arasında kültürel ,sosyal ve politik uzlasma yaratmıstır. Uluslararası kontrole sokulan dünya ekonomisi sirketlerin sınırları geçme aktivitelerini arttırmıstır.Bundan dolayı , lojistik küresel sirketlerin basarısında stratejik silah olmustur. Lojistik deger zincirinde giderleri azaltarak ya da müsteriye farklı servisler sunarak rekabet üstünlügü saglayan ana kaynaktır. Firmaların uluslararası anlamda lojistik yapılarını belirlemesi ciddi bir noktadır. Bu ulusallararası yapıdaki tasarım ve kontrol kompleks yönetim sorunu olmaya baslamıstır. Globallesme ile birlikte artan rekabet unsuru da beraberinde bir takım yeni uygulamaları getirmistir. iste bunlardan oldukça kabul gören ve yaygın bir kullanım alanı bulan bir tanesi de ana is ve buna baglı olarak da dıs kaynaklardan yararlanmadır. Çogu küresel sirket için genel çözüm lojistik servisinin üçüncü parti lojistik (3PL) hizmet saglayıcısı tarafından verilen lojistikte dıs kaynak kullanımı tedarik zinciri içindeki temel lojistik faaliyetlerinden birkaçının (ardısık olarak en az üç farklı faaliyet örnegin depolama, nakliye ve stok yönetimi) konusunda uzman olan lojistik sirketleri tarafından üstlenilmesidir. Çok uluslu firmalar lojistikle ilgili en iyi sonuca ulasmak için arastırmayı bırakmıyorlar.Yeni akım is yerli dagıtım merkezlerinin sayısını azaltıp, depolarını ise daha merkezi konuma getirmektir.Bir bütün olarak ele alındıgında modernlesme süreci Turkiye'nin katılım perspektifi olmaksızın hızlandırılan kesin güç olmayacaktı.Lojistikteki modernlesme Avrupa Birligi assistanlıgında ve tam Avrupa Birligi üyesi olma çabalarında hızlandırılmıstır.
Turkey has the heritage of a State which maintained the most tolerant administration during the Middle and Modern Ages, which granted freedom of religion and languages for six centuries, and which managed to keep those nations together with their cultures and languages. Turkey establishes a very important link between Europe and the Black Sea, Central Asian countries. It also contributes to cultural, social and political rapprochement between the Islamic and Christian worlds. The internationalization of the world economy has substantially increased border-crossing activities between companies. Consequently, logistics has become a strategic weapon for the success of global firms. By minimizing the costs in the value chain or providing customers with differentiated services, logistics acts as a major source of competitive advantages. It is crucial for firms to design their logistics structure on the international basis. Design and control of these international structures has become a complex managerial issue. Common solution for many global companies is to outsource logistics services from third party service providers, through which companies could be more focused on their core business. The current trend in the market is to decrease the number of local distribution centers (DCs) while establishing more centralized warehouses. All in all, it is not certain whether the modernization process has already developed a momentum strong enough to push Turkey further along its current path also without the accession perspective. However, modernization in logistics is being significantly accelerated due to EU assistance and by the effort to become a full EU member.
Turkey has the heritage of a State which maintained the most tolerant administration during the Middle and Modern Ages, which granted freedom of religion and languages for six centuries, and which managed to keep those nations together with their cultures and languages. Turkey establishes a very important link between Europe and the Black Sea, Central Asian countries. It also contributes to cultural, social and political rapprochement between the Islamic and Christian worlds. The internationalization of the world economy has substantially increased border-crossing activities between companies. Consequently, logistics has become a strategic weapon for the success of global firms. By minimizing the costs in the value chain or providing customers with differentiated services, logistics acts as a major source of competitive advantages. It is crucial for firms to design their logistics structure on the international basis. Design and control of these international structures has become a complex managerial issue. Common solution for many global companies is to outsource logistics services from third party service providers, through which companies could be more focused on their core business. The current trend in the market is to decrease the number of local distribution centers (DCs) while establishing more centralized warehouses. All in all, it is not certain whether the modernization process has already developed a momentum strong enough to push Turkey further along its current path also without the accession perspective. However, modernization in logistics is being significantly accelerated due to EU assistance and by the effort to become a full EU member.