Dinsel ritüeller ve modern milliyetçilikte ritüel inşası Şehit cenazeleri okuması
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Şehitlik ve şehit cenazeleri kavram ve araştırma alanı olarak Türkiye'de üzerinde fazla durulmamış bir konudur. Özellikle içinde bulunduğumuz yıllarda bu kavramlar gündelik hayatta Kürt Sorunu üzerinden milliyetçi söylemden beslenmeye ve milliyetçilik ideolojisi ile birlikte algılama düzenlerini değiştirmeye başlamıştır. Başlangıçta şehitlere duyulan acı ve insanı boyut, sonra şehitlere neden olan terör eylemleri, PKK meselesinin Kürtlerle ilişkilendirilmesini beraberinde getirmiş ve Kürt sorunu etrafında biçimlenen çatışma ortamı bugün sayıları binleri aşan bir şehit kataloğu üretmiştir. Şehit cenazeleri ise Türkiye'nin özellikle 80'li yıllardan beri devlet düzeyinde gündelikleştirdiği bir çatışma ortamının fiili sonuçlarına gönderme yapar. Dini geleneğin başlattığı, dini kavramlara referansla bahşedilen şehitlik kavramı Kürtler ve Türkler üzerinden şekillenmiştir ve bu kavram milliyetçiliği beslemek için Türklük fiksiyonundan hareketle yeniden yorumlamıştır. Milliyetçilik ile yeniden yorumlanan şehitlik de gündelik hayatta ölümler üzerine bina edilen, belirli ritüelleri olan cenaze törenlerini farklılaştırmıştır. Son yıllarda yaşanılan sorunların bir sebep altında toplanmasında, kuşkusuz ilk olarak, PKK eylemleri ve bu eylemlere karşı verilen mücadelede yaşanan kayıplar ve Türkiye'nin neredeyse tüm bölge ve şehirlerine gelen şehit cenazeleri rol oynamaktadır. Bu cenazelerde Türklük ve Müslümanlığın iç içe geçişi, kendi homojenliğine rağmen bir heterojenlik de gösterilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Bugün şehit cenazeleri yeni bir ritüel biçimi olarak okunabilir. Hem devlet erkanı, hem ordu mensupları hem de milliyetçi tepki grupları özellikle şehit cenazelerinde siyasi bir duruş sergilemektedirler. Gelenekte daha çok sükûnet içinde gerçekleşen cenaze törenlerinin aksine şehit cenazeleri devletin, ordunun ve milliyetçi tepki gruplarının toplumda oluşmasını istedikleri siyasi beklentilerinin açığa çıktığı bir üslup kazanmaktadır.
Martyrdom and martyr funerals are subjects which have been seldom brought out if ever in Turkey both as a concept and a research topic. Foregoing concepts particularly recently have began to change the perceptional approachhes of people in daily life by being fed with chauvinistic discourse and chauvinistic ideology concerning the Kurdish Issue. The agony felt for martyrs and humanitarian dimesion of the occurance initially accompanied by the terrorist activities causing mrtyrization had brought along the conjuncture of associating the PKK problem with Kurdish originated people and the conflict that has been formed in relation with Kurdish Issue has created a list of martyrs number of which has reached thousand as of our very present day. Martyr funerals refer to de facto consequences of the conflict which has been turned to a quotidian subject at govermental level in Turkey, particularly since 80s. The concept of martyrdom initiated by religious tradition and granted thereby, referring to religious concepts, has been based on Turks and Kurds and aforecited concept has been reinterpreted by using the fiction of ?Turkishness? in order to feed chauvinism. And martyrdom reinterpreted with chauvinism has diversified the ordinary rituals due to deceases in daily life. PKK activities and the losses caused in fights against them and the funerals held in almost all regionsand cities of Turkey admittedly constitutes the trend of collecting all the problems experinced in recent years under one grounds. In these funerals the intertwining of Turkishness and Muslimism is intended to be shown as a heteregeneous structure despite their homogeneity. In our day martyr funerals can be regarded as a kind of new ritual form. Ministers and high state officials, army members and chauvenistic groups reflect a political attitude particularly in martyr funerals. No doubt the consciousness. In contradistinction to the ordinary funerals that are held solemny, the martyr funerals acquire a form where the desire of the state authorities, army and the chauvinist reaction groups manifest axplicity with regards to poltical expectatitons they anticipate to be created in the society.
Martyrdom and martyr funerals are subjects which have been seldom brought out if ever in Turkey both as a concept and a research topic. Foregoing concepts particularly recently have began to change the perceptional approachhes of people in daily life by being fed with chauvinistic discourse and chauvinistic ideology concerning the Kurdish Issue. The agony felt for martyrs and humanitarian dimesion of the occurance initially accompanied by the terrorist activities causing mrtyrization had brought along the conjuncture of associating the PKK problem with Kurdish originated people and the conflict that has been formed in relation with Kurdish Issue has created a list of martyrs number of which has reached thousand as of our very present day. Martyr funerals refer to de facto consequences of the conflict which has been turned to a quotidian subject at govermental level in Turkey, particularly since 80s. The concept of martyrdom initiated by religious tradition and granted thereby, referring to religious concepts, has been based on Turks and Kurds and aforecited concept has been reinterpreted by using the fiction of ?Turkishness? in order to feed chauvinism. And martyrdom reinterpreted with chauvinism has diversified the ordinary rituals due to deceases in daily life. PKK activities and the losses caused in fights against them and the funerals held in almost all regionsand cities of Turkey admittedly constitutes the trend of collecting all the problems experinced in recent years under one grounds. In these funerals the intertwining of Turkishness and Muslimism is intended to be shown as a heteregeneous structure despite their homogeneity. In our day martyr funerals can be regarded as a kind of new ritual form. Ministers and high state officials, army members and chauvenistic groups reflect a political attitude particularly in martyr funerals. No doubt the consciousness. In contradistinction to the ordinary funerals that are held solemny, the martyr funerals acquire a form where the desire of the state authorities, army and the chauvinist reaction groups manifest axplicity with regards to poltical expectatitons they anticipate to be created in the society.