Çocukluk çağı örselenme yaşantıları ile kanser arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Çocukluk çağındaki ruhsal travmalar çocuğun büyüme ve gelişimini olumsuz etkileyen, görülme sıklığı yüksek önemli sosyal çevre faktörlerinden biridir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, çocukluk çağı örselenmeleri ile kanser arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir. Kanser ve sebep olduğu ruhsal sıkıntılar yıllardır çalışılan bir konu olmakla birlikte, kanser ile çocukluk çağı örselenmeleri arasındaki ilişkiyi inceleyen çalışmalar sınırlı sayıdadır. Vaka-kontrol araştırma yöntemiyle yürütülen bu araştırmanın örneğini tedavi gören kanser hastaları ve aynı hastanede farklı sebeplerle tedavi görüp kanser tanısı almamış bireyler oluşturmaktadır. Vaka grubunu kanser geçmişi olan, öz bildirim ölçeği ile veri toplanacağı için okuma yazma bilen 18 yaş üzeri bireyler, kontrol grubunu ise kanser tanısı almamış, bildirimlerine dayalı birinci derece yakınlarında kanser tanısı olmayan, 18 yaş ve üzeri okuma yazma bilen sağlıklı bireyler oluşturmaktadır. Vaka grubunda bulunan bireylerin sayısı 63 kişidir. Kontrol grubunda yer alan bireyler ise geçmişte ya da hali hazırda kanser tanısı almamış toplam 89 kişiden oluşmaktadır. Veri toplamada, Sosyo-Demografik Bilgi Formu, Sağlık Bilgileri Formu, Kanser Tanısı İle İlgili Form, Çocukluk Dönemi Örselenme Yaşantıları Ölçeği Kısa Formu kullanılmıştır. Vaka grubunda yer alan katılımcıların %52,4'ü, kontrol grubunun %49,4’ü kadındır. Vaka ve kontrol grubunda yer alan bireylerin cinsiyet, öğrenim durumu ve ekonomik durumları benzerdir (P>0.05). Araştırmada duygusal istismar, duygusal ihmal ve fiziksel istismar kanser ile ilişkili olduğu (sırasıyla TRR= 2.48, 1.86, 3.42), belirtilen üç örselenme türünün kanser olma riskini artırdığı saptanmıştır. Kanser hastalarının psikolojik destek alma sıklığı ise %12,7’dir. Araştırma bulgularına dayalı olarak, çocukluk dönemi örselenmelerinin önlenmesi için birey odaklı ve topluma dayalı çalışmaların artırılmasına, ayrıca travmaya duyarlı tedavi yaklaşımının geliştirilmesine ihtiyaç olduğu düşünülmektedir.
ABSRACT: Childhood mental traumas are one of the most frequent and an important social environment factors that negatively affect the growth and development of the child. The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between childhood maltreatments and cancer. Although cancer and the mental distress it causes have been a subject that has been studied for years, there are limited number of studies examining the relationship between cancer and child meltreatments. The sample of this case-control study consisted of cancer patients and individuals who were treated for different reasons but not diagnosed with cancer in the same hospital. The case group consisted of individuals over the age of 18 who diagnosed cancer, who can read and write because data will be collected with a self-report scale, and the control group consisted of healthy individuals at the age of 18 years and above, who have not been diagnosed with cancer, have no diagnosis of cancer in their first degree relatives, and who can read and write. The number of individuals in the case group is 63 people. The individuals in the control group consisted of 89 people who have not been diagnosed with cancer in the past or present. Socio-Demographic Information Form, Health Information Form, Cancer Diagnosis Form, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire Short Form were used in data collection. 52.4% of the participants in the case group and 49.4% of the control group are women. Gender, educational level and economic status of the individuals in the case and control groups were similar (P>0.05). In this study, emotional abuse, emotional neglect, and physical neglect were associated with having cancer (respectively RRR= 2.48, 1.86, 3.42), all metioned maltreatment types were increased odds of having cancer. The rate of receiving psychological support was 12.7%. The results of the study showed that the importance of individual and community-based studies to prevent childhood maltreatment and the need for trauma-sensitive approaches in the treatment process.
ABSRACT: Childhood mental traumas are one of the most frequent and an important social environment factors that negatively affect the growth and development of the child. The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between childhood maltreatments and cancer. Although cancer and the mental distress it causes have been a subject that has been studied for years, there are limited number of studies examining the relationship between cancer and child meltreatments. The sample of this case-control study consisted of cancer patients and individuals who were treated for different reasons but not diagnosed with cancer in the same hospital. The case group consisted of individuals over the age of 18 who diagnosed cancer, who can read and write because data will be collected with a self-report scale, and the control group consisted of healthy individuals at the age of 18 years and above, who have not been diagnosed with cancer, have no diagnosis of cancer in their first degree relatives, and who can read and write. The number of individuals in the case group is 63 people. The individuals in the control group consisted of 89 people who have not been diagnosed with cancer in the past or present. Socio-Demographic Information Form, Health Information Form, Cancer Diagnosis Form, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire Short Form were used in data collection. 52.4% of the participants in the case group and 49.4% of the control group are women. Gender, educational level and economic status of the individuals in the case and control groups were similar (P>0.05). In this study, emotional abuse, emotional neglect, and physical neglect were associated with having cancer (respectively RRR= 2.48, 1.86, 3.42), all metioned maltreatment types were increased odds of having cancer. The rate of receiving psychological support was 12.7%. The results of the study showed that the importance of individual and community-based studies to prevent childhood maltreatment and the need for trauma-sensitive approaches in the treatment process.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çocukluk dönemi örselenmeleri, Kanser, Vaka-kontrol araştırması, İhmal, istismar, Childhood trauma, cancer, case-control research, abuse, neglect