The Long Ride of OK, a picture book in stories
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Coğu yabancı, bir dilde surup giden 20 yillik egitim yasamimda, Kameruna has bir babun turu olan Vishantulann ciftlesme torenlerinden Amerikanin Orta-Bat, eyaletlerindeki ciftci-soylu alt sinifin televizyon izleme bicjmlerine dek pek qok konuda derinlemesine bilgilendirildim. Ancak bu egitim sureci boyunca kendi yurduma, bugunku ve dunku yaşa ma bicimlerimize ilişkin edinebildigim bilgiler, birakin en yukandaki yanm soruyu yanitlamama, aklimi netlestirerek tarn ve besleyici bir soru cumlesi ha line getirmeme bile yardimc, olacak nitelikte degildi. Benligimi kurarken dayandigim kultur kokenimi fark etmememe, yoktan var oldugumu, en kucugunden en buyugune turn ozelik ve al,şkanl,kl anmin bana has old ugunu, ardimin, onculumun, basbayag, evimin olmadigin, zannetmeme yd aqan bu durum, hem kim lik hem de zaman ve devamlilik algimda boşuklar yaratti. Ve yurdumuzun bugununu belirleyen soru ve sorunlarla ilgilenmememe, yillar icinde onume serilmiş olan "resmi" ve "resmi gayn-resmi" hazir sonuq ve tespitleri oldugu gibi kaniksamama, bu am ve burayi sahiplenmememe neden oldu. icinde bulundugumuz hakim kulturel atmosfer, Turk oldugum gerqegini - bu kadar basit bir sekilde-dilegetirmemibileyasakl ar nitelikte. Bu şartlar altmda; "sayisal qogunluk - kulturel azmhk" olarak gecirdigim, kokenimi tanimama uzanan butun yolann, neredeyse sistematik olarak "aptahk, barbarhk, qagdişilik, faşistlik"le suclanmak gibi korku ve utanq unsurlanyla cevrildigi uzun yillardan sonra; bir sabah uyandim. Ve, pek qok hafifleyerek, ben Turk'um dedim. OKun Uzun Yolan - oykulu resim kitabi, uyanisim, ardindan gelen iz surme maceram, ve koken duygusunun kendisini bicimlendiren anlat, olgusuyla ilgilenen; katil imcilann bedenlerini goruntulerle birleşmeye davet eden etkileşimli bir video yerleştimesi. Ne dersiniz, belki de Turk olmakta "Kilian, kusagma baglayip namaz Man Alparslan"dan başka birşeyler vardir? Ve belki de, elma yemek icin elimi uzattigimda neden sessizce agaca teşekkur ettigimi bulabiliriz..
My MA Thesis Project, The Long Ride of OK, a picture book in stories, is an interactive video instalation project that takes on the concepts of heritage, and roots. This subject matter, very personally (and passionately) linked to my newfound interest in my cultural heritage, and the quest of identity it has nudged me to take- along with the more or less obscured shades of the Turkish heritage that I had not been exposed to previously- unraveled itself into this experiment in narration, and the concept of narrativity. A most important characteristic of this experiment, and the way it is embodied, is the inevitable degree of physicality the material somewhat demanded me to come up with; which is the primary reason to why this work is a physical installation to be experienced corporeally and individually, and not a film to be sat and watched through colectively. Details to my discourse can be found in the folowing pages.
My MA Thesis Project, The Long Ride of OK, a picture book in stories, is an interactive video instalation project that takes on the concepts of heritage, and roots. This subject matter, very personally (and passionately) linked to my newfound interest in my cultural heritage, and the quest of identity it has nudged me to take- along with the more or less obscured shades of the Turkish heritage that I had not been exposed to previously- unraveled itself into this experiment in narration, and the concept of narrativity. A most important characteristic of this experiment, and the way it is embodied, is the inevitable degree of physicality the material somewhat demanded me to come up with; which is the primary reason to why this work is a physical installation to be experienced corporeally and individually, and not a film to be sat and watched through colectively. Details to my discourse can be found in the folowing pages.