Sivil toplum kuruluşlarında toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: 1980’lerden itibaren artan neo-liberal politikalar sivil toplum kuruluşlarının ivme kazanmasına neden olmuştur ve akabinde toplum kuruluşları kurumsal örgüt yapısı olan bir istihdam alanı olarak üçüncü sektör adı ile anılmaya başlamıştır. Sivil toplum kuruluşları devlet ve özel sektör arasında bir ara mekanizma olarak özgürlükçü, katılımcı demokrasiye inanan, farklılıkları tanıyan örgütlenmeler olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Çağdaş yönetim biçimi olarak tanımlanan yönetişim kavramı, hem karar alma süreçlerinin hem de sorumluluk alanlarının yöneten ve yönetilen arasında yatay hiyerarşi ile dağıtıldığını ifade etmektedir ve bu yönüyle sivil toplum kuruluşlarının yönetim anlayışını belirleyen ana kavram olmuştur. Tarihin en eski çağlarından beri kadınların sosyal, siyasal ve ekonomik alanda erkeklerle eşit fırsat ve şartlara sahip olmadığı bilinmektedir. Tüm dünyada ivme kazanan özgürlükçü düşünme biçimleri feminizm akımını da aynı doğrultuda olumlu etkilemiştir. Toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinin etkisi azaltılmaya çalışılmakta ve gündelik hayatın her alanında eşitliği sağlamaya yönelik politikalar güçlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada “Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarında profesyonel olarak çalışan kadınlar toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğine maruz kalıyor mu?” sorusuna yanıt aranmıştır. STK’lar demokrasinin taşıyıcısı misyonu edinmekle beraber bir istihdam alanı olarak kurumsal kapasitelerini geliştirirken kadın-erkek eşitliğini ne ölçüde gözetmektedir, sivil toplum kuruluşlarının özel sektörden farkı nedir, STK’larda çalışan kadınlar profesyonel niteliklerinden dolayı mı bu kurumda çalışmaktadır, duygusal emek kavramı bu durumu doğrudan etkiler mi gibi soruların yanıtları aranmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda basit olmayan yöntemle seçilen STK’larda istihdam edilen kadın çalışanlar üzerinde nitel araştırma yapılmıştır. Çalışmada STK’larda çalışan kadınların emeğinin görünürlüğü değerlendirilmiş olup toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğinin özel sektörden daha iyi durumda olduğu gözlenmiş olup STK’ların duygusal emeğe duyduğu ihtiyaçtan dolayı da kadın çalışanlara daha çok fırsat tanıdığı gözlenmiştir.
ABSTRACT: Increasing neo-liberal policies since 1980s caused the non-governmental organizations to gain momentum, and subsequently, social organizations started to be called as the third sector as an employment area with a corporate organization structure. Nongovernmental organizations emerge as organizations that believe in libertarian, participatory democracy and recognize differences as an intermediary mechanism between the state and the private sector. The concept of governance, defined as the modern form of management, states that both decision-making processes and areas of responsibility are distributed among the managing and managed by a horizontal hierarchy, and in this respect, it has been the main concept that determines the management approach of non-governmental organizations. It is known that women have not had equal opportunities and conditions with men in the social, political and economic fields since the earliest times in history. Liberalist ways of thinking, which have gained momentum all over the world, have positively affected the trend of feminism. Efforts are being made to reduce the impact of gender roles and policies to ensure equality in every area of everyday life are strengthening. In this study, "Are women working professionally in Civil Society Organizations exposed to gender inequality?" The answer to the question was sought. While NGOs are the carriers of democracy, they develop the institutional capacities as an employment area, and to what extent do women and men maintain equality, what is the difference of non-governmental organizations from the private sector? Do women working in NGOs work in this institution due to their professional qualities, the concept of emotional labor directly Answers to questions such as whether it affects were searched. As a result of the study, qualitative research was conducted on female employees employed in NGOs selected by the non-simple method. In the study, the visibility of the labor of women working in NGOs was evaluated and it was observed that gender equality was better than the private sector, and it was observed that NGOs provided more opportunities to women employees due to the need for emotional labor.
ABSTRACT: Increasing neo-liberal policies since 1980s caused the non-governmental organizations to gain momentum, and subsequently, social organizations started to be called as the third sector as an employment area with a corporate organization structure. Nongovernmental organizations emerge as organizations that believe in libertarian, participatory democracy and recognize differences as an intermediary mechanism between the state and the private sector. The concept of governance, defined as the modern form of management, states that both decision-making processes and areas of responsibility are distributed among the managing and managed by a horizontal hierarchy, and in this respect, it has been the main concept that determines the management approach of non-governmental organizations. It is known that women have not had equal opportunities and conditions with men in the social, political and economic fields since the earliest times in history. Liberalist ways of thinking, which have gained momentum all over the world, have positively affected the trend of feminism. Efforts are being made to reduce the impact of gender roles and policies to ensure equality in every area of everyday life are strengthening. In this study, "Are women working professionally in Civil Society Organizations exposed to gender inequality?" The answer to the question was sought. While NGOs are the carriers of democracy, they develop the institutional capacities as an employment area, and to what extent do women and men maintain equality, what is the difference of non-governmental organizations from the private sector? Do women working in NGOs work in this institution due to their professional qualities, the concept of emotional labor directly Answers to questions such as whether it affects were searched. As a result of the study, qualitative research was conducted on female employees employed in NGOs selected by the non-simple method. In the study, the visibility of the labor of women working in NGOs was evaluated and it was observed that gender equality was better than the private sector, and it was observed that NGOs provided more opportunities to women employees due to the need for emotional labor.
Anahtar Kelimeler
toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği, kadın emeği, üçüncü sektör, sivil toplum kuruluşları, STK’lar, gender equality, women Employment, third sector, NGO’s, civil society organization