The return of the ethical: Human rights foundationalism in Rorty/Eagleton controversy
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İnsan hakları temelciliğinin gittikçe daha alâkasız bir çaba haline geldiği günümüz dünyasında kuramın bize ne faydası var Richard Rorty'nin sorduğu bu soruya Terry Eagleton çünkü, kuram insan için vazgeçilemez bir uğraştır, diye cevap veriyor. Bu iki birbirine ters yaklaşımın her ikisi de, kendi bünyesinde, günümüz dünyasının siyasal gündeminin en temel sorularının bir çoğuna karşı cevaplar barındırıyor. Bu iki düşünürü birbirleriyle kıyaslayarak, kültürel çeşitliliğe dair bir siyasal kuram geliştirmek için her biri son derece elzem olan, insan doğası, âhlâk felsefesi, nesnellik ve farklılık gibi konulara dair taze bir bakış açısı kazanabiliriz.
What use could we possibly have of theory in this world where human rights foundationalism gets growingly irrelevant This question of Richard Rortys is answered by Terry Eagleton as because, theory is an indispensible human endeavour. These two conflicting approaches highlight, in their own ways, many of the most significant questions of todays political agenda. By comparing and contrasting these two thinkers here, we are able to come up with a fresh outlook on topics like human nature, ethics, objectivity and difference, each of these being of utmost importance for designing a political theory of cultural diversity.
What use could we possibly have of theory in this world where human rights foundationalism gets growingly irrelevant This question of Richard Rortys is answered by Terry Eagleton as because, theory is an indispensible human endeavour. These two conflicting approaches highlight, in their own ways, many of the most significant questions of todays political agenda. By comparing and contrasting these two thinkers here, we are able to come up with a fresh outlook on topics like human nature, ethics, objectivity and difference, each of these being of utmost importance for designing a political theory of cultural diversity.