Erkek:Hicri Kadın: Mukaddes

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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States


Erkek: Hicri Kadin: Mukaddes, is a short film with no importance of the place that the film is passing, but desires to catch the "zeitgeist" in its own timing. It is shot on Dvcam and the 15 minutes of filmic time is quite equal to couple of hours experienced by the protogonists. The name of the film comes from a typical calendar for Muslims which has the dates with special sayings,the times for praying for each day with names for a boy and girl who was born on that day. In the specific page of the day the film is taking place, there is a name for a baby boy : Hicri, meaning a person who migrates- this name also used as a referance to Dante who migrated from the world of mortality to the other world to follow Beatrice his love and muse. On the other hand Mukaddes is a girl's name meaning "holy" which references also the meaning of Beatrice for Dante. The main character's name is Esin which means inspiration referencing again Beatrice, who will be the one leading and showing the pseudo right way to Kaan, the main male character of the film. The dialogues and the characters form the basis of the film. The two characters at almost their 30's who think they know all and find their level of awareness in the skill of language by making interpretations and determinations all the time, decide to to go out for the night. Kaan has a crash on for a girl for sometime whom he does not know the name and in order to learn her name he goes to the same bar that the girl always goes. But that night Esin has decided to take him somewhere else and with a totally surprising coincidence Kaan sees her again there. I really do not feel the need to try to tell the plot, there is none actually, because this attempt will be totally against what I antagonize - the conventional consumption of film and viewer's expectation of the plot itself. The so called plot of the film, the coincidence of Kaan and Ceyda(the girl he likes) is not a plot after all. If there is nothing to happen there is no end. In human relations which has many parametres all the efforts of trial and errors may not be able to bring us to a conclusion. In this film there is no direction, no aim and this is also the main attitude of the characters. The characters prefers to let go off all the possibilities and do not reconsider touching life at all. They, by being too acceptive, show their attitude towards the absurdity of life . The film as well does not agitate anything, provoke us, does not give us any voyeuristic pleasure and its disturbance lays behind this position that lacks of attitude.
Erkek: Hicri Kadin: Mukaddes (EHKM), nerede gectiginin hicbir onemi olmayan ancak zamane durumlara kendi zamam icinde tamk olmayi amaclayan bir kisa filmdir. Film, DVcam formatinda cekilmistir ve ilmin suresi olan ceyrek saat, yaklasik olarak ikilinin yasadigi birkac saate denk diiser. Filmin ismi, kulturiimuze has saatli maarif takvimlerinde olan o giine ait kiz-erkek isimlerinden almmistir. Erkek surekli arayista olan oldugu için Hicri; ki ilahi Komedya'da Beatrice'in pesine duserek olumluler dunyasindan oteki dunyaya hicret eden Dante'ye gonderme yapar; kadin ismi olarak gosterilen Mukaddes ise Beatrice ile kesisir ve "kutsal" olan anlamindadir. Beatrice Dante'nin hem mukaddes degerlerinin simgelesmis hali hem de onun yol gostericisi yani ilham perisidir. Esin; ilham eyleyen anlamindadir ve O, Kaan'a giiya dogru yolu gosteren karakter olacaktir. Filmin temelini karakterler ve diyaloglar olusturur. Farkindaliklanm yuksek zanneden ve bunu elestiri ve tespit yeteneklerinde aslen kendilerine has dil yetilerinde bulan iki cokbilmis, 30'lu yaslanna yaklasan gene bir gece bulusup disan cikarlar. Kaan uzunca zamandir bir kiza hayrandir ve bu kizin ismini ogrenebilmek için surekli aym bara gidip durmaktadir. Esin, Kaan artik bu takipten yorgun dusmusken O'nu baska bir bara goturmeye karar vermistir ve ne tesaduftur ki Kaan kizla bu barda da karsilasacaktir. Bu ilm, ilmde muhtemel bir olay olmasi gerektigi savim banndirmaz. Filmin guya olay orgusunu olusturabilecek Kaan-Ceyda karsilasmasi bile ashnda bir olay degildir. Dolayisiyla olmayan bir olayin sonucu da olmaz. Pek 90k parametreye bagh insan iliskilerinde turn deneme yamlma yontemleri bile bizi bazen hiçbir sonuca ulastiramayabilir. Filmde bir dogrultu, bir yon, bir hedef olmamasi karakterlerin de ortak niteligidir. Onlar, turn olasihklan kendi hallerinde birakarak hayata teget ge9meyi tercih ederler. Onlann herseyi fazla kabullenmişlikleri hayatin absurdlugune karşi durma yontemleri olur. Bu ilm, hiçbirşeyi kişkirtmaz, hiçbir duygumuza dokunmaz, bizi heyecanlandirmaz, bize hiçbir rontgenci haz vermez ve rahatsiz ediciligi tavirsiz duruşundadir.


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