Men celebrating masculinity Bears just as regular guys
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Mevcut çalısma Ayılara, kıllı , iri vücutlu, ve yüz kılı bulunduran (daha çok sakal) , kendi kimliklerini yalnızca bedenleri üzerinden değil ancak maskulen olmaktan duydukları memnuniyet, rahatlık ve huzur üzerinden tanımlayan erkek esçinseller üzerine odaklanmaktadır. Maskulenliğin Ayıların zihinlerinde çok önemli ve anahtar bir unsur olması nedeniyle bu proje ayıların, altlarını her fırsatta çizdikleri maskulenliğin tezahürlerini büyük bir özenle ele almaktadır. Ayrıca maskulenliğin bu insanların kimlik olusumlarında belirleyici bir unsur olması nedeniyle, maskulenlik analizinin değisik birçok maskulenlikler ve feminenlikler bağlamında ele alınmasına ve cinsiyet ve cinsellikle iliskilendirilmesine özel bir önem verilmektedir. Metodolojik araç olarak psikanalizi ve yapıbozumcu bir strateji olarak Queer teorisini kullanarak Ayılık kavramı narsisism, fetisizm, içsellestirilmis homofobi boyutlarında ve AIDS ve escinsel medyayla iliskili olarak sorgulanmıstır. Ayrıca Ayı maskulenliği efemine escinsel erkekleri dıslayıcı olarak görüldüğü için, Ayı alt kültürü içindeki efemine karsıtı davranıslar ele alınmıstır. Daha fazlası, çalısma boyunca, toplumsal cinsiyet iliskileri bağlamında ayı hareketinin önünü açabileceği ya da kapatacağı altüst edici, bozucu potansiyeller ve olabilirlikler üzerinde tartısılmıstır. Ayıların asırı-erkeksi stilleri egemen maskulenlikle karsılastırılmıs ve kıyaslandırılmıs ve Ayıların yeni altüst edici, bozucu unsurlar yaratmalarına rağmen, Ayı maskulenliğinin aksettiği iktidar iliskilerinin egemen toplumsal cinsiyet varsayımlarını yeniden olusturmakta yardımcı olduğu tartısılmıstır. Son olarak toplumsal cinsiyeti sabit anlamlarla dolu tek bir kimlikten öte kültürel ve kisisel olarak değisen bir anlamda ele alarak çalısma Türkiye'den ayılara değinmektedir. Türkiye'deki Ayı hareketinin baslangıcı ve gelismesi iki Ayı dergisinin incelenmesiyle`kisisel' hale getirilmis ve Türkiye bağlamındaki Ayı kimliği ve Ayı maskulenliği çalısmanın daha önceki bölümlerde ortaya koyduğu teorik sorular ve saptamalarla bir araya getirilmistir.
The present study focuses on Bears, who are gay men mostly with hairy, big bodies and facial hair (beards mostly), who define their identities not only through their bodies but through the content, the ease, the comfort they feel being masculine. Since masculinity is a very key and significant element in Bear peoples minds the project, concerns manifestations of Bear masculinity that they highlight so often, with a great care. Moreover, since the notion of masculinity is the most determining factor in their identity formation, a specific importance is given to the analyses of masculinity by taking into account many different masculinities and femininities and analyzing it with regard to sex and sexuality. Furthermore, using psychoanalysis as a methodological tool and Queer theory as a deconstructive strategy the notion of Bearness have been investigated in terms of narcissism, fetishism, internalized homophobia and with regard to AIDS and gay media. In addition, since Bear masculinity is regarded as excluding effeminate gay men, anti-effeminate behaviors among Bear subculture have been investigated. What is more, the subversive potentials and the possibilities that the movement can open up or close in terms of gender relations have been argued throughout the study. The hyper-masculine style of Bears compared and contrasted with the hegemonic masculinity and it has been argued that although Bears create new subversive elements, the power relations Bear masculinity reflected help reproducing the hegemonic gendered assumptions. Finally considering gender not as a single identity with fixed meanings but changing both culturally and personally, the study next focuses on Bears from Turkey. The origins and development of Bear movement in Turkey has been explained by making it `personal by exploring the two Bear magazines and Bear identity and Bear masculinity in Turkish context conjoint with the theoretical questions and ascertainments the work put forward in the previous chapters.
The present study focuses on Bears, who are gay men mostly with hairy, big bodies and facial hair (beards mostly), who define their identities not only through their bodies but through the content, the ease, the comfort they feel being masculine. Since masculinity is a very key and significant element in Bear peoples minds the project, concerns manifestations of Bear masculinity that they highlight so often, with a great care. Moreover, since the notion of masculinity is the most determining factor in their identity formation, a specific importance is given to the analyses of masculinity by taking into account many different masculinities and femininities and analyzing it with regard to sex and sexuality. Furthermore, using psychoanalysis as a methodological tool and Queer theory as a deconstructive strategy the notion of Bearness have been investigated in terms of narcissism, fetishism, internalized homophobia and with regard to AIDS and gay media. In addition, since Bear masculinity is regarded as excluding effeminate gay men, anti-effeminate behaviors among Bear subculture have been investigated. What is more, the subversive potentials and the possibilities that the movement can open up or close in terms of gender relations have been argued throughout the study. The hyper-masculine style of Bears compared and contrasted with the hegemonic masculinity and it has been argued that although Bears create new subversive elements, the power relations Bear masculinity reflected help reproducing the hegemonic gendered assumptions. Finally considering gender not as a single identity with fixed meanings but changing both culturally and personally, the study next focuses on Bears from Turkey. The origins and development of Bear movement in Turkey has been explained by making it `personal by exploring the two Bear magazines and Bear identity and Bear masculinity in Turkish context conjoint with the theoretical questions and ascertainments the work put forward in the previous chapters.