Marka üzerindeki hukuki işlemler
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Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Fikri ve sınai hakların zaman içerisinde gelişmesi neticesinde bunun bir parçası olan marka işletmeden bağımsız kimlik kazanmıştır. Marka işletmeden ayrı olarak devir, rehin haciz gibi 556 sayılı Kararnamede belirtilmiş hukuki işlemlere ayrıca Kararnamede belirtilmeyen başka hukuki işlemlere de konu olabilmektedir. Giriş bölümünde markaya ilişkin genel bilgiler verilmek sureti ile markaya özgü bir takım özelliklerden bahsedilmiştir. Birinci bölümde Markaların Korunması Hakkında Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamede ayrı olarak düzenlenmiş markanın konu olduğu hukuki işlemlerden devir, rehin ve haciz incelenmiştir. Tez çalışmamızda kararname ile düzenlenen hukuki işlemlerden olan markanın lisans sözleşmesine konu olması inceleme dışında bırakılmıştır. Çalışma yapılırken yeri geldikçe 40/94 sayılı Avrupa Birliği Marka Tüzüğü, Alman ve İsviçre Markalar Kanunu ile ilgili düzenlemelerden de yararlanılmış ve Yargıtay Kararlarına yer verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde kararnamede düzenlenmemiş hukuki işlemlerden olan marka üzerinde intifa hakkının tesisi ve markanın miras yolu ile intikali incelenmiştir.
As a result of intellectual and industrial property evolved within time, a part of this“Trademark” became independent identity. Trademark has been subject to legal processes,separate than enterprise, expressed by Decree-Law no. 556 and also not expressed by Decree-Law like assignment, pledge, seizure etc.In the instruction part of this thesis, on the prompting of giving general information abouttrademark we have mentioned some special properties of trademark.In first part of the thesis, our legal search is about legal processes like assignment, pledge andseizure that related legally to other legal sources than Decree-Law No. 556 Pertaining to theProtect of Trademarks. In our thesis we have not researched on trademark license agreementthat is regulated in Decree-Law. During our research, we will give information aboutEuropean Union trademark regulations no. 40/94, Germany and Switzerland trademark lawsand decisions of Court of Appeal.In second part, legal processes, settlement of usufruct rights and transfer of trademark byheritage that are not regulated by Decree-Law has been researched.
As a result of intellectual and industrial property evolved within time, a part of this“Trademark” became independent identity. Trademark has been subject to legal processes,separate than enterprise, expressed by Decree-Law no. 556 and also not expressed by Decree-Law like assignment, pledge, seizure etc.In the instruction part of this thesis, on the prompting of giving general information abouttrademark we have mentioned some special properties of trademark.In first part of the thesis, our legal search is about legal processes like assignment, pledge andseizure that related legally to other legal sources than Decree-Law No. 556 Pertaining to theProtect of Trademarks. In our thesis we have not researched on trademark license agreementthat is regulated in Decree-Law. During our research, we will give information aboutEuropean Union trademark regulations no. 40/94, Germany and Switzerland trademark lawsand decisions of Court of Appeal.In second part, legal processes, settlement of usufruct rights and transfer of trademark byheritage that are not regulated by Decree-Law has been researched.